To run the whole volume reconstruction

On GANYMEDES PC workstation:

Open an other xterm window (right button click and click on 'Xterm')

ganymedes:~ % ssh -X mdxxx@cronus1 (if cronus1 is down, use cronus2...)

cronus1% cd id19/sample_dir

cronus1% ls *.rec


Execute this file



For series of scans (in situ experiment for example):

cronus1% mqueue common_prefix*


To know what is in the queue:

cronus1% MONITOR_queue



Your reconstructed volume can be huge.

A 2048x2048x2048 volume in float (4 bytes) format gives 8 files of 4 Gb each!!!


We so usually propose to reduce it in 1 byte (256 grey levels): mrecad procedure
