B2E is a software dedicated to the simulation of the radiation produced by a relativistic single electron traveling through an arbitrary magnetic field. The magnetic field is either created by the user using macros or can be read from a file. Magnetic field data series containing from a few to more than 100 000 points are easily processed and graphed. The result essentially consists in the angular spectral flux computed over a range of photon energy in a direction and polarization selected by the user. It has been used every day at the ESRF Insertion Devices Laboratory for more than 5 years. The code is menu driven with self explained dialog boxes and/or command line interface.

The main areas of use of B2E are :

  • The processing of the magnetic field measured on an Undulator/Wiggler
  • The simulation of field errors on the spectral performances of Undulators/Wiggler

Author : P. Elleaume

First Release : July 1991, Current Version : 3.3

Examples of Computations

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