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This command should generally, no longer be used, as the Fuji BAS format is automatically corrected on input. However, the command remains in the case that it may still be useful.

The FUJI LINEARISATION command allows Fuji image plate intensities from a BAS Image Plate scanner as read in from a binary file to be converted to a linear scale. At present the images are stored in a $\log$ form and must be converted to a linear scale. The conversion formula is:

PSL/mm^2 = 100 * (4000/S) * 10^{L(D_xy/2^b - 0.5)}
\end{displaymath} (2)

where $S$ is the sensitivity
      $L$ is the latitude
      $b$ number of bits
      $D_xy$ is the stored integer pixel value

These values are Fuji terms and are given in the .inf file.

The user is prompted for the values of the conversion parameters $S, L,$ and $b$.

NOTE: No error propagation is performed21.

Andrew Hammersley