Fig. 67: Resonant X-ray magnetic scattering intensity associated with Gallium K edge in the antiferromagnet UGa3. a) Data points are integrated intensity as a function of incident photon energy. The dashed curve superposed is the fluorescence. The tabulated value of the Ga K edge is 10.37 keV, the data were taken at a temperature of 10 K. b) Intensity at a photon energy of 10.365 keV for the antiferromagnetic Bragg reflection as a function of the longitudinal wavevector [7/27/27/2], where these are coordinates in reciprocal space. The peaks occur at exactly the same positions as those from the uranium moments, and their narrow width (in q-space) indicates long-range real-space correlations. The higher background in the channel arises from the specular charge truncation rod.

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