
In the bottom part of both screen, mx users could notice a grey coloured bar. This bar has multiple functionnality such as a swiss army knife.




Hide or Show

These buttons could be used to hide the bar either on the right side or on the left side of the desktop. After hiding only the button remains seeable.



This button is used to run Dserver application.




This function is used to move in the virtual desktops



This button run a console in which serveral terminal could be opened



This button opens the firefox browser.



In the taskbar area all running graphical applications (tasks) are seeable. When lots of application are running simultaneously, tasks are group by type.

The left arrow allow to jump directly to the whished running program.



This small buttons are shortcut to vncviewer (vnc icon), snapshot maker (icon with a screen and a camera), remote access specific tools (red cross) web pager dedicated to help (rescue buoy).


Date and time

This area is dedicated to give information on the date and time. This area could be tune using the wheel of the mouse (time zone selection).


Lock and Logout button

The blue button is used to lock the screens. Then the opid or users password will be asked to unlock the screeens. The red button is used to end the X session. This will stop all graphical applications except servers.