############################################################################### # $Id: workstation.cfg,v 1.11 2005/10/25 08:24:50 petri Exp $ # Project: ESRF/Linux # Description: Workstation (default) KickStart answer file. # # Generated originally by Kickstart Configurator # - Edited by hand # - do _not_ use KickStart Configurator anymore on this file! # - If needed use KickStart Configurator to generate # model lines that you need, copy them back to this file # # Author(s): Bernard Regad, Staffan Ohlsson, Petri Makijarvi # European Synchrotron Radiation Facility, # Grenoble, France # # Original: August 2005 # # License: n/a, requires licenced product from Red Hat Inc. ############################################################################### # # Platform=x86, AMD64, or Intel EM64T # # System language # lang en_US # # Language modules to install # langsupport en_US # # System keyboard # keyboard us # # System mouse # mouse # # System timezone # timezone --utc Europe/Paris # # Root password # rootpw --iscrypted $1$jhrLwnTg$FGHUI4SjtC3OOOAAtgSSW. # # Reboot after installation # reboot # # Install OS instead of upgrade # install # # Use Web installation # url --url # ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ # change the server, check the version! # # System bootloader configuration # bootloader --location=mbr # # Clear the Master Boot Record # zerombr yes # # Partition clearing information # clearpart --all --initlabel # # Disk partitioning information # part / --fstype ext3 --size 15000 --asprimary part swap --size 4000 --asprimary part /users --fstype ext3 --size 4000 --asprimary part /buffer/locdata --fstype ext3 --size 1 --grow --asprimary # # System authorization infomation # auth --useshadow --enablemd5 # # Network information # network --bootproto=dhcp --device=eth0 # # Firewall configuration # firewall --disabled # # XWindows configuration information # xconfig --depth=24 --resolution=1024x768 --defaultdesktop=GNOME --startxonboot # # Package install information # %packages --resolvedeps @ base-x @ gnome-desktop @ kde-desktop @ editors @ engineering-and-scientific @ graphical-internet @ text-internet @ office @ sound-and-video @ authoring-and-publishing @ graphics @ legacy-network-server @ development-tools @ x-software-development @ gnome-software-development @ kde-software-development @ admin-tools @ system-tools @ printing # make sure we can use snmpget net-snmp-utils # to allow access via rlogin and telnet rsh-server telnet-server # allow changes to sendmail.cf sendmail-cf # make sure we can use ethereal ethereal-gnome # On some systems sar and iostat utilities are needed, they are here sysstat # To be able to make an NFS-root file system image of installed system busybox-anaconda # Tango control system may require a local MySQL database server @ mysql # need messenger thunderbird # ---------------------- end of KickStart configuration ------------------ # KickStart post-install operations # %post # # Set up the SNMPD database # /sbin/chkconfig snmpd on # change syslocation cat /etc/sysconfig/autofs | sed s'/^DISABLE_DIRECT=1/DISABLE_DIRECT=0/' > /tmp/autofs cp /tmp/autofs /etc/sysconfig/autofs mv /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf.orig cat - < /etc/snmp/snmpd.conf # for all ESRF installed systems syslocation ESRF/Linux 1 0 2 k y workstation syscontact Sysadmin (root@localhost) # let everyone read rocommunity public EOF # # Make sure /csadmin/common is mounted # echo /mntdirect /etc/auto_direct >> /etc/auto.master mkdir /csadmin mkdir -p /mntdirect/_csadmin_common ln -s /mntdirect/_csadmin_common /csadmin/common echo _csadmin_common -ro,soft,noacl myserver.mydomain.com:/csadmin/common > /etc/auto_direct # # MySQL server is installed by default but we do not want it to run everywhere # /sbin/chkconfig mysqld off # # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- # end of workstation.cfg