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The SAXS/GISAXS Interface

This interface is similar to the POWDER DIFFRACTION (2-D) interface, but is being tailored for the needs of small angle scattering. It is still under development, so not all the commands have been implemented at present.

The main menu is shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43: The SAXS/GISAXS Main Menu

The SAXS/GISAXS Main Menu contains the following commands:

EXIT Exit menu.
BEAM CENTRE Determine beam centre by a choice of methods.
FULL View image of full data.
OUTPUT Save data in an output file.
? This help on the menu choices.
CAKE Versatile multiple 2-theta scans integration (see Section 11.6, Page [*]).
INPUT Input data from a file on disk.
NORMALISE Apply intensity normalisation corrections. (Not yet implemented.)
HELP Help text on this grphical menu.
PROJECTION Integrate rectangular region to 1-D scan. This uses the beam centre and a user input coordinate to define an integration line. A second user input coordinate defines the width of the integration region. Pixels within this region are effectively ``collapsed'' onto the integration line, and then re-binned to the required 1-D output scan. This type of integration is specifically for grazing incidence data.

INTEGRATE 2-D to 1-D 2-theta integration.
Z-SCALING Automatic or user control of intensity display range.
PRINT Output current graphics to PostScript file.
EXCHANGE Swap current data with the "memory".
MASK Defined masked-off regions of the image.
ZOOM IN Define smaller graphical display region.
DISPLAY Further graphical display possibilities.
OPTIONS Graphics display control menu.
1-D TRANSFORMS Choice of conversion of intensity and Q scales. Allows 1-D integrated scan data to be transformed by the general equation:

\begin{displaymath}[Log]I(q)^a * q^b versus [Log]q^c
\end{displaymath} (1)

The conversion of the intensity and Q scales to log is optional, and the values of $a, b,$ and $c$ are user controlled.

UN-ZOOM Zoom out to see more of the data.

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Andrew Hammersley