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Calculates the frequency histogram of the pixel values within the current ROI.

First the range of pixel values is calculated and displayed, and the user is asked to specify the minimum and maximum values over which the range of values for the frequency histogram is to be defined. Then the number of histogram bins is defined. This can be at most the number of pixels in the first array dimension. These values together define the size of each histogram bin.

Here is an example which defines each histogram bin width to be one intensity unit.

Main menu: ENTER COMMAND [Z-SCALE]:histogram
INFO: Active data region minimum value =   .0000000E+00
      Active data region maximum value =   .2820523E+04
HISTOGRAM MINIMUM VALUE (Range: 0.0 to 2.820523E+04) [0.0]:
HISTOGRAM MAXIMUM VALUE (Range: 0.0 to 2.820523E+04)
NUMBER OF HISTOGRAM BINS (Range: 1 to 1000) [1000]:

The frequency histogram is output in the ``memory''.

Andrew Hammersley