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Manage Servers ************** Creating a Tango server ======================= .. figure:: server_menu.jpg :align: left To Create a server , Open the server creation dialog within the **Edit** menu. |clearfloat| .. figure:: server_dialog.jpg :align: left - Enter the server name including its instance name:|br| Ex: Modbus/tra1 where Modbus is the name of the process (the executable name) and tra1 its instance name.Then you can run your server by launching "Modbus tra1". - Enter the class name - Enter all devices of this class - Click on Register server |clearfloat| Adding or Removing device to/from an existing server ==================================================== .. figure:: server_adddevice.jpg :align: left Select the class in the server you want to add a device, then right click on it and select "Add a device". This will ask you for a device name. Select "Delete" if you want to remove the device. Note that when you remove a device all its properties are also removed. |clearfloat| Adding or Removing class to/from an existing server ==================================================== .. figure:: server_addclass.jpg :align: left Select the server you want to add a class, then right click on it and select "Add class". This will show you the Create/Edit server window with the server name locked. Enter the class and devices name and click "Register Server". |clearfloat| Renaming a server ================= .. figure:: server_rename.jpg :align: left This is a global rename of a server (executable name), all instances are affected. |clearfloat| .. figure:: server_rename_inst.jpg :align: left This allows to rename the instance of one specific server. |clearfloat| .. figure:: server_move.jpg :align: left This allows to rename the server name and instance name of one specific server. |clearfloat|