Serial Properties :

There is no class properties

Device Properties
Default Value
Serialline The path and name of the serial line device to be used. String /dev/ttyR1
Timeout The timout value im ms for for answers of requests send to the serial line.
This value should be lower than the Tango client server timout value.
short 100
Parity The parity used with the serial line protocol.
The possibilities are none, even or odd.
String none
Charlength The character length used with the serial line protocol.
The possibilities are 8, 7, 6 or 5 bits per character.
short 8
Stopbits The number of stop bits used with the serial line protocol.
The possibilities are 1 or 2 stop bits
short 1
Baudrate The communication speed in baud used with the serial line protocol. int 9600
Newline End of message Character used in particular by the DevSerReadLine command
Default = 13
short 13