Instructions for use of SHARP at the ESRF and EMBL

For general instructions on how to use SHARP see :

There are three independent SHARP installations:

ESRF users:

Your account is automatically created on the SHARP server sharp:8080 with your user login (e.g. mx22) and no password. If you plan to use SHARP please follow these instructions:

  • Login on NICE (e.g. and run the following script:

    /users/sharp/sharp-2.8/bin/useSHARP <username> (e.g. /users/sharp/sharp-2.8/bin/useSHARP mx22)

    Give the following answers to the questions that the useSHARP script will ask you:

    Permissions [g]roup/[a]ll? > g
    Continue with configuration ? [y]es/[n]o > y
    Full path to a local "logfiles" directory for machine gorilla1 : [...] > <return>
    Do you want to transfer these files ? [y]es/[n]o > y
    Helper script : <return>
  • Login on the SHARP server sharp:8080 (no password) and change your password. You can now start to use SHARP.

If you run into problems using SHARP please send an email to the pxsoft team
Sharp Administrator: Olof Svensson

ESRF staff:

The SHARP servers for ESRF staff is running on sharp:8080. In order to have an account on this server please contact the SHARP administrator Olof Svensson



Please contact the EMBL software group.