
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    Macros for controlling VAT Adaptive Pressure Controller through a serial line. The current macros have been tested with model PM5 but should work with model PM3.
    - Configure the serial line connected to the controler. The default serial line configuration is 4800bauds/7bits/even
    - Configure a macro motor: The motor will control the valve in position or in pressure. The channel field is used to select the mode (1 for position, 2 for pressure) "device"field set to string "vat_pm5" "addr"field set to the serial line entry "num"field set to 4 "type"field set to "Macro Motors"
    - Configure a macro counter (optional): "device"field set to string "vat_pm5" "addr"field set to the serial line entry "num"field set to 4 "type"field set to "Macro Counter"
    - Some macros are also available
    global VAT_PM5_ERR[] VAT_PM5_ERR["000001"] = "Parity Error" VAT_PM5_ERR["000002"] = "CR or LF is missing" VAT_PM5_ERR["000003"] = "Semicolon is missing" VAT_PM5_ERR["000004"] = "Wrong letter code" VAT_PM5_ERR["000005"] = "Numerical value not given is 6 digits" VAT_PM5_ERR["000006"] = "Numerical value larger than 1000" VAT_PM5_ERR["000007"] = "Missing sensor, check connection" VAT_PM5_ERR["000008"] = "Instruction given in operating mode LOCAL" VAT_PM5_ERR["000101"] = "Error with LEARN command" VAT_PM5_ERR["000200"] = "Error with ZERO command" global VAT_PM5_DEV[]

    Usage: vatopen [controller]
    Open the valve

    Usage: vatclose [controller]
    Close the valve

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _vataction (action, [controller])
    Open (action == 1) or close (action == 2) the valve

    Usage: vat_pm5_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: vat_pm5_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    Called by spec on motor operations

    Usage: _vat_pm5_getpos (dev, cmd, silent)
    Returns current valve position/pressure setppint/current pressure or -1 if error.

    Usage: _vat_pm5_query (dev, cmd, silent)
    Send command to controler and returns its answer.

    Usage: _vat_pm5_err
    Cosmetics message

    Usage: _vat_pm5_warn
    Cosmetics message

Filename: vat_pm5.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original Jun/2015).
$Revision: 1.2 $ / $Date: 2016/07/21 05:51:52 $
Last mod.: 21/07/2016 07:51 by perez