
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Temperature
    Implement VAISALA PTU300 meteo controller readout through macro counters. WARNING: the controller accepts only one socket connection at a time
    Configure a "Macro Counter" scaler type with device field set to "ptu300" and the address field to the hostname of the VAISALA controller. Configure 3 counters with channel field set to:
    1 for pression values
    2 for temperature values
    3 for relative humidity values
    global PTU300_CNT[] global PTU300_IDX[] PTU300_IDX[1] = "P 10 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[2] = "P 90 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[3] = "P 12 min intervals" PTU300_IDX[4] = "P 2 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[5] = "P 12 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[6] = "P 3 d intervals" PTU300_IDX[7] = "T 10 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[8] = "T 90 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[9] = "T 12 min intervals" PTU300_IDX[10] = "T 2 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[11] = "T 12 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[12] = "T 3 d intervals" PTU300_IDX[13] = "RH 10 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[14] = "RH 90 s intervals" PTU300_IDX[15] = "RH 12 min intervals" PTU300_IDX[16] = "RH 2 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[17] = "RH 12 h intervals" PTU300_IDX[18] = "RH 3 d intervals"

    Usage: ptu300_dump [hostname [index [filename]]]
    Interactive macro to upload from the controller a recorded bunch of data and store it into a five file.

    Usage: ptu300_dumpall [hostname [directory]]
    Interactive macro to upload from the controller all recorded bunch of data and store them into files.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _ptu800_fname (idx, directory)
    Returns a useful file name from given index of the embedded record. The directory is optional.

    Usage: _ptu300_dump (dev, idx, file)
    Upload from the controller a recorded bunch of data and store it into a five file. Returns non null if an error occured.

    Usage: _ptu300_sp2us(str)
    Returns the given string with all spaces replaced by underscores

    Usage: ptu300_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: ptu300_cmd(num,key,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: readout of the controller

    Usage: _ptu300_updatevalues (dev, cmd, silent)

    Usage: _ptu300_query (dev, cmd, silent)

    Usage: _ptu300_err

Filename: ptu300.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original 4/2014).
$Revision: 1.0 $ / $Date: 2014/04/14 13:39:08 $
Last mod.: 14/04/2014 15:39 by perez