
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Other hardware
    Oxford PS120/PS180 Power Supply controllers macros.
    Those macros provide users with remote setup and control of Oxford PS power supplies; control and monitoring can be done through SPEC pseudo motor/counter feature or not.

    Setup menu. always run this first. One controller is set here as the current one, and the others macros generally apply to it.
    Changes current controller.
    Same as setup without parameter input.
    oxpsoff, oxpson
    Enabling-Disabling regarding pseudo motor/counter feature.
    Cleans up the communication line, (or bus).
    Prints out parameters of current device. (R firmware command)
    Prints out status of current device. (X firmware command)
    Sets maximum field software limit.
    Sets maximum sweep rate software limit.
    Changes field.
    Changes field setpoint.
    Changes field polarity.
    Switches heater on and off.
    Sets controller activity.
    Changes field sweep rate.

      Remote communication interfaces supported:
    • GPIB (IOtech, HPnet, NI, whatever supported by and configured into SPEC (config)).
    • Serial (Workstation, VME IBAM card, whatever supported by and configured into SPEC (config)).
      • 9600 Baud
      • 8 Data Bits
      • 2 Stop Bits
      • 1 Start Bit
      • No parity
    • Oxford ISOBUS

      Macros Setup:
    • oxpssetup: Either run the menu if you give no argument, or check in MACROS description how to do command line setup.

      - The file oxPS.mac has has to be read in; it needs: pseudo.mac and menu.mac.

    Usage: oxpssetup [number_of_devices] , OR [device_index] ["Serial"|"GPIB"|"ISOBUS"] [address1] [address2] [sleep_time] [motor_mnemonic] [mode]
    Sets both the macros and the controller up.
    When command line setup, that macro must be called first with the total number of devices as only argument, then it must be called once for each device with the following arguments:
    • [device_index]: starts from 0.
    • ["Serial"|"GPIB"|"ISOBUS"]: texto please.
    • [address1]: Serial Line number regarding config, or GPIB address.
    • [address2]: Isobus address.
    • [sleep_time]: between command and response.
    • [motor_mnemonic]: for field setpoint control as pseudo motor.
    • [mode]: switch heater fitted (=1), persistant mode (=2).
    That macro also sets the controller in remote and unlocked control mode, and prints out a message indicating the instrument type and firmware number when all is ok.
    A list of mnemonics is proposed as "parameters readout". if those mnemonics are simply put as counters in config, the corresponding parameter is automatically read at counting. The list of mnemonics is configurable through edition of the macro _oxps_Read_parameter_list. It is safe to copy that macro in a private file that you load after oxPS.mac. Note that you can eventually configure more mnemonics that the ones listed in the menu, as far as it is formatted that way "psn_d", where n corresponds to Rn command (see manual or _oxps_Read_parameter_text), and d is the device number started from 1 and assigned by oxpssetup.
    Pseudo motor/Field Setpoint control is also automatically installed as soon as a motor mnemonic (whatever it is) is specified here and put in config.

    Usage: _oxps_Read_parameter_list
    This macros helps customising your setup. Edit it and comment out the lines you don\'t want to appear in oxpssetup as parameter readout proposals.

    Usage: oxpsinit
    Same as oxpssetup without parameters input.

    Usage: oxpsmaxf [field_value]
    Sets absolute field upper limit. (software limit).

    Usage: oxpsmaxr [rate]
    Sets absolute sweep rate upper limit. (software limit).

    Usage: oxpsflush
    Get rid of all unwanted data remaining on the line or on the bus.

    Usage: oxpspar
    Prints out various controller parameters. Parameters selection and scaling is configurable through edition of _oxps_Read_parameter_scale and _oxps_Read_parameter_text macros. It is safe to copy those macros in a private file that you load after oxPS.mac.

    Usage: _oxps_Read_parameter_scale
    Edit that macro to set your own scaling on parameters readout. (oxpspar output, pseudo counters read out, pseudo motor, as well as any reference to those parameters (e.g. oxpsfield or oxpsrate...) is affected by that scaling). scale not specified is converted into 1. The number into brackets (array index) corresponds to the one of the R command. see the manual, or _oxps_Read_parameter_text macro.

    Usage: _oxps_Read_parameter_text
    This macros helps customising your oxpspar output. Edit it and comment out the lines of parameters you don\'t want to read. The number enclosed into brackets corresponds to the one of the R command.

    Usage: oxpsstat
    Prints out controller status.

    Usage: oxpsdev [device_num]
    Changes current device index. device_num from 1.

    Usage: oxpsfield [field_value]
    Sets field target absolute value.

    Usage: oxps_field <field_value>
    Sets field target polarised value.

    Usage: oxpspol [1|2|3]
    Sets field polarity. (Forward (1), or reverse (2), or toggles (3))

    Usage: oxpsdo [|1|2|3|4]
    Performs an action with the magnet (HOLD (1), go to SET POINT (2), go to ZERO (3), CLAMP (4))

    Usage: oxpsheater [1|0]
    Switches heater on (1) and off (0). Waits 10 seconds.

    Usage: oxpsrate [sweep_rate]
    Sets field sweep rate.

    Usage: oxpssetfield [Field_value]
    Changes field value. i.e., changes setpoint, switches, if fitted, heater, then go to setpoint and wait till it is reached.

    Usage: oxpssync
    Will force next "wa" to read position from devices, even if the field value was not "mved" beforehand. All devices set up are concerned.

    Usage: oxpsoff [device_num]
    Disables Oxford PS control. All devices set up are concerned, unless specified. device_num from 1.

    Usage: oxpson [device_num]
    Enables back Oxford PS control. All devices set up are concerned, unless specified. device_num from 1.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: oxpsunsetup
    Disables Oxford control. Used by "general setup" feature, what means it is called when you comment out oxpssetup lines in your setup file (setup command from SPEC). Goal is to get rid of ALL oxford power supply software.

    Usage: oxps_init
    Sets controller in remote and unlocked mode, then get the firmware message.

    Usage: oxps_pseudomotordef
    Installs field setpoint control as pseudo-motor. this is automatically done if a motor mnemonic is specified in oxpssetup, and configured.

    Usage: oxps_pseudocounterdef
    Installs various parameters readout as pseudo-counters. this is automatically done if the relevant mnemonics are configured as counters in config. see oxpssetup.
    Note that you can eventually configure more mnemonics that the ones listed in oxpssetup, as far as it is formatted that way "psn_d", where n corresponds to Rn command (see manual or _oxps_Read_parameter_text macro), and d is the device number, as assigned by oxpssetup, started from 1.

    Usage: oxpssetup_menu
    Setup menu display.

    Usage: _oxpsdeldev
    Deletes one controller from menu.

    Usage: oxps_iof (device_index , command , flag)
    Input/Output function.
    If flag is 1, the response is read back, but not checked. Responses are read up to a "\r". device_index from 0.

    Usage: oxps_put (interface_address , isobus_address , command)
    Sends command to the controller.

    Usage: oxps_get (interface_address , ending_character)
    Reads back response from the controller, up to the specified character (default is "\r").

    Usage: oxps_heater <1|0>
    Switches heater on (1) and off (0). Waits 10 seconds.

    Usage: _oxpspersistoff <device_index>
    Turns the magnet out of persistant mode. device_index from 0.

    Usage: _oxpspersiston <device_index>
    Turns the magnet into persistant mode. device_index from 0.

    Usage: oxps_stat (device_index , key_letter)
    Returns the value marked by the key letter in the response to the Oxford "X" command. device_index from 0.

    Usage: oxps_getfield <motor_mnemonic> <device_idx> <polarity_care (if 1)>
    Reads in as pseudo motor position the desired field value. (- Hooked to user_getpangles -). device_idx from 0.

    Usage: oxps_mvsetpt <motor_mnemonic> <device_idx> <polarity_care (if 1)>
    Sets field setpoint from standard SPEC motors commands. (- Hooked to user_checkall -). device_idx from 0.

    Usage: oxps_do <0|1|2|4> <device_idx>
    Performs an action with the magnet (HOLD (0), go to SET POINT (1), go to ZERO (2), CLAMP (4)). (command A). device_idx from 0.

    Usage: oxps_wait <mnemonic> <device_idx>
    Waits till setpoint is reached. (- Hooked to user_finished1 -). The setpoint is assumed to be reached when the PowerSupply output is constant and the desired polarity in accordance with the one commanded. device_idx from 0.

    Usage: _oxps_wait_mag_pol <device_idx> <polarity_sign>
    Waits till setpoint and desired polarity are reached. called by oxps_wait. device_idx from 0. polarity sign is the sign of the second argument.

    Usage: oxps_getpar <counter_mnemonic>
    Reads in the value returned by PS Rn command as a pseudo counter value. (- Hooked to user_getcounts -).

    Usage: _oxps_cleanup
    Cleanup macros. (- Hooked to user_cleanup2 -). Sets the magnet activity to HOLD.

    Usage: oxpsbody(mode)
    For blmenu (use blmenu.mac).

Filename: oxPS.mac
Author: OXPS.MAC - JBG - July 11 1995 - changed by MCL - January 1996, and May 96.
# DATE Thu Feb 19 09:15:59 MET 1998 REV 1.14;
Last mod.: 12/08/2008 17:27 by rey