
Beamline Instrument Software Support
SPEC Macro documentation: [ Macro Index | BCU Home ]

See other macros in category: Temperature Isg
    Macros to control and read OMU 408 temperature controler device.
    Configuring macro counters to read a single channel
    1) You must have a "SERIAL" entry with:
    - The "DEVICE" can be set for instance to "/dev/ttyS1"
    - The "BAUD" must be set to 9600
    - The "MODE" must be set to "raw"
    2) You must have a "SCALER" entry with:
    - The "DEVICE" must be set to the string "omu"
    - The "ADDR" must be set to the above config SERIAL entry to use
    - The "NUM" must be set to the value 9
    - The "TYPE" must be set to "Macro Counter"
    3) You must define a counter with "MAC_CNT" as "Device".
    - The "Unit" field must be set to the SCALER entry.
    - The "Chan" field must be set to the channel (from 1 to 8)

    Usage: omu_ch sl channel [type mode wire]
    Set or print the configuration of the specified channel. Channel are numbered from 1

    Usage: omu_display sl [channel]
    Select or return the channel displayed on the OMU device. Channel are numbered from 1

Internal Macros:
    Usage: omu_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    Macro counter: called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: omu_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    Macro counter: called by spec on counter operations

    Usage: _omu_configch (sl,ch,type,mode,wire)
    Activate and configure the specified channel. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns 0

    Usage: _omu_selectch (sl,ch)
    Select the specified channel that will be used for other commands. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns 0

    Usage: _omu_getchtype (sl)
    Read the type of the current select channel. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns the corresponding number.

    Usage: _omu_getchmode (sl)
    Read the mode of the current select channel. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns the corresponding number.

    Usage: _omu_getchwire (sl)
    Read the wire of the current select channel. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns the corresponding number.

    Usage: _omu_internals()
    Internal initialization of macros

    Usage: _omu_checksl
    Get a serial line from the 1st argument

    Usage: _omu_checkch
    Get a valid channel from the 2nd argument

    Usage: _omu_setdisplay (sl,ch)
    Set the displayed channel. Returns -1 if failed, otherwise returns 0

    Usage: _omu_getdisplay (sl)
    Return the current displayed channel as a number

    Usage: _omu_query (sl, cmd)
    Send over the specified serial line a command, waits for the answer and return a string. In case of error, a null string is returned.

    Usage: _omu_printdoc
    Documentation of OMU408 commands

    Usage: _omu_printdocch (expert)
    If expert is set, some extra values are printed out

Filename: omu408.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original 11/2009).
$Revision: 1.0 $ / $Date: 2009/11/24 15:16:18 $
Last mod.: 24/11/2009 16:16 by perez