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See other macros in category: Tools
    General menu handling macros.
    Provides macros developpers with a set of functions useful to create and handle a menu.

    calls the user menu.
    menuoptskip - menuoptval - menuoptbutton - menuoptlist
    define an option.
    define several options formated in a particular way.
    menuvargetv - menuvaryeno - menuvartogg - menuvarbitw - menuvarlist - menuvardynl menuvar2lis
    define the way last defined option is to be assigned.
    associates an action to the last defined option.
    could be an action that would print a message after menu execution.
    menuprint menuprb menuprr menupru
    simply prints information in the menu body without considering it as an option.
    menuitemchk - menuexecchk
    help in debugging.

    This menuexample macro is in that file. You can execute it.
    def menuexample 
      menu("\n  EXAMPLE","menu_example_display")
    def menu_example_display 
     global MENU_EX
     menuoptval  (0,"\n","ARBITRARY VALUE",MENU_EX[0])
     	menuvargetv ("MENU_EX[0]")
     menuoptval(0,"\n","TOGGLE 1/0",MENU_EX[1]?"NO":"YES")
     	menuvartogg ("MENU_EX[1]",25829) 
     menuoptval(0,"\n","TOGGLE bit no 2",MENU_EX[2]&4?"YES":"NO")
     	menuvarbitw ("MENU_EX[2]",4)
     menuoptval(0,"\n","LIST SELECTION",MENU_EX[3])
     	menuvarlist("MENU_EX[3]","CANNES  GRENOBLE  VALENCE",MENU_EX[3]) 
     print MENU_SEP
     	menuaction ("print \"Going ...\";sleep(3)")

      - The file menu.mac has to be read in 

    Usage: menuoptskip (no_of_option_to_skip)
    Allows to define temporarily unused options.

    Usage: menuoptval (format,end,"text",value,"key")
    Defines an option which display is a description text and the corresponding value.
    format is the field-width for printf("%s") function. end is printed after the value, while text is printed before. key is eventually the highlighted letter (or string) to type, taken or not from text, for selecting that option. If there is no key specified, the option number is used instead.

    Usage: menuoptbutton (format,end,"text","key",flag,arg1,arg2)
    Defines an option which is displayed as a button.
    format is the field-width for printf("%s",text) function. end is printed after the text. key is eventually the highlighted letter (or string) to type, taken or not from text, for activating that button. If there is no key specified, the option number is used instead.
    flag, arg2 and arg2 are not used at the moment. The idea is the Highlight the button under certain conditions defined through those 3 inputs.

    Usage: menuoptlist (format, end, "text", array, size, key, flag)
    Defines an option which displays a description text and the content of a single row array as value.
    format is the field-width for printf("%s") function. end is printed after the array content, while text is printed before. size is of the size of the array. key is eventually the highlighted letter (or string) to type, taken or not from text, for selecting that option. If there is no key specified, the option number is used instead. flag is 0 or 1, distinguishes between 2 flavours of display.

    Usage: menuoptgroupselect1 (format,end,"text",list,current,size,"variablename",flag)
    Defines as option each element of the list, held in an \"old fashion array\", and display them all, with the current selected one printed first, just after the text. Neither assignement nor actions can be associated with such option, because it is fixed internally. The action beyond it is the selection of one current item. This is usually the header of a menu that is common to several devices... format is the field-width for printf("%s",text) function. end is printed after each listed item, except 1st one. size is the size of the array containing the list. variablenam is the name of the global that holds current index value. flag distinguishes between various display flavours (0,1,2,4).

    Usage: menuaction ("action")
    Associates the action to the last option defined. It is to be executed after the option has been selected and eventually assigned a new value by the user.

    Usage: menuerror ("message")
    Stores a message in the error buffer that is flushed after each option execution. Could be inserted in any menu action.

    Usage: menuwarning ("message")
    Stores a message in the warning buffer that is flushed after each option execution. Could be inserted in any menu action.

    Usage: menuvargetv ("varname","question")
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global varname through getval() function. question is eventually the text displayed when prompting for the new value. Otherwise, the option description text is used.

    Usage: menuvaryeno ("varname","question")
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global varname through yesno() function. question is eventually the text displayed when prompting the user. Otherwise, the option description text is used.

    Usage: menuvartogg ("varname",val1,val2)
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global varname by toggling itself. val1 and val2 are eventually the 2 value that the global can take. If none are specified, there are assumed to be 1 and 0.

    Usage: menuvarbitw ("varname",bitmask)
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global varname by bitwise toggling itself. bitmask is the mask used in the bitwise operation.

    Usage: menuvarlist ("varname","stringlist")
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global varname by one of the elements of stringlist, 2 spaces-separated.

    Usage: menuvardynl ("currindex_name","list_arrayname","arraysize_varname","delmacro","addmacro")
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the global currindex_name to the selected item index through list_arrayname. This array-list is dynamic, what means it is also possible to change its content. The macros delmacro and addmacro are called respectively, after the delete request has been done, passed the index and size as arguments (prior to deletion, starting from 0), and after the addition request has been done, passed the new index as argument).

    Usage: menuvar2lis ("arrayname","arraysizename","refarrayname","refarraysizename")
    Associates to the last defined option the assignement of the globals arrayname and arraysizename of the selected items out of the refarrayname reference array which size is also given as refarraysizename.

    Usage: menutabdef (globalvar,lineoffset,linenum,columnoffset,columnnum,arg0,arg1,arg2)
    Records the information in a way that menutable display command understands.
    What consists of assigning the array globalvar suitably with the information held in arg0, arg1 and arg2 parameters, and at the position defined via lineoffset, linenum, columnoffset and columnnum parameters.
    arg0 can be :
    then, the globalvar array specified area would be filled with arg1+linenum+colnum, eventually multiplied by arg2.
    a non zero valued symbol
    then, arg1 and arg2 must not be specified and the globalvar area is filled with that non zero value.
    an array symbol name
    then, arg1 and arg2 are the line offset, and eventually the column offset of that array.
    initialiases globalvar as an array gv[0]=0 even if content is unknown, think to reserve some place by calling it.

    Usage: menuprint (format,end,"text",value)
    Prints text and value, like menuoptval, but without considering it as an option.

    Usage: menuprb ("text")
    Simply prints text in bold characters.

    Usage: menuprr ("text")
    Simply prints text in reversed video.

    Usage: menupru ("text")
    Simply prints text in underligned characters.

    Usage: menuprbu ("text")
    Simply prints text in bold and underligned characters.

    Usage: menusep
    Prints 1 line through the screen.

    Usage: menutable (globalvar,lines,cols,separator,flag)
    Displays the information held in globalvar array in a table format.
    The globalvar must be indexed by a string of the following form :"line@@col", or "col@@line".( This is what menutabdef macro does automatically ). lines and cols simply gives the whole table size. separator is a string printed between columns. flag distinguishes between several formats described here:
    • flag 0 : first line is the header separated by a line from the rest
    • flag&1 : twists lines and cols.
    • flag&2 : expands the table to use all the screen columns (80).
    • flag&4 : left justifies data.
    • flag&8 : no header. separates all lines by a line

    Usage: menuchb
    Turns bold character attribute on.

    Usage: menuchi
    Turns all special character attributes off.

    Usage: menuchr
    Turns reverse-video character attribute on.

    Usage: menuchu
    Turns underligned character attribute on.

    Usage: menuchsq
    Prints ascii \374. (1 square).

    Usage: menu ("menutitle","displaymacro","updatemacro","exitmacro")
    Calls the menu.
    displaymacro is the name of the macro where the menu has been defined using this set of macros. updatemacro is the name of the macro that eventually reads in global settings to be displayed in the menu; it is run before the displaymacro. exitmacro is executed when exiting the menu loop. Put all what you want to do after the menu has been executed here. The menu must be the only command on its expansion level.

    Usage: menuitems [option_number]
    FOR DEBUGGING: Describes last run menu regarding internal registers.

    Usage: menuitemchk [option_number]
    FOR DEBUGGING: Dumps last run menu related internal registers.

    Usage: menuexecchk
    FOR DEBUGGING: Toggles a mode where menu registers are dumped at option selection, prior to execution.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: menuexample

    Usage: menu_example_display

    Usage: menu_initoption (no_of_option_fields_to_prepare)
    Increments option index and resets the related information.

    Usage: menuprintlist(fmt, end, text, selarr, size)

    Usage: menu_pr_button (fmt,end,key,text,flag,arg1,arg2)
    Prints button style option.

    Usage: menu_pr_opt (fmt,end,opt,text,value)
    Prints basic style option, or any information.

    Usage: menu_pr_key (fmt,end,key,text,value)
    Prints basic style option, but with a key.

    Usage: menusetup
    Sets some characters processing up. (Bold,Underlined,...)

    Usage: menu_doit (title)
    The menu manager !

    Usage: menu_err_print
    Flushes error buffer.

    Usage: menu_war_print
    Flushes warnings buffer.

    Usage: menu_exec (hkey)
    Sorts out what to do out of the selected option.

    Usage: menu_dynlist (elem,nelem,init)
    Manages value selection through a dynamic list of values. Returns the selected element as the corresponding index to the array elem.

    Usage: menu_list (list,init)
    Manages selection through a fixed list of values. Returns the value selected.

    Usage: menu_2lists (list,sz,list0,sz0)
    Manages the selection of certain elements held in an array, to be held in another array. Returns the size (sz) of the second array.

Filename: menu.mac
Author: MENU.MAC - Marie-Claire LAGIER - 96/04/29
Last mod.: 11/09/2015 13:57 by domingue