
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: X-ray beam Accelerator
    Macros to access storage ring status information.
    This macro set allows you:
    • Include machine information in the data file.
    • Display machine information on the screen.
    • Use a counter to know the electron current of the Storage Ring.
    • Wait for the beam refill some seconds before the refill (michkon/off).
    The machine information consists of:
    • The electron current of the Storage Ring.
    • The status of the automatic mode: activated ('ON'), or not activated ('OFF'). And time left in automatic mode.
    • The state of the front end: 'OPEN', 'CLOSED' or 'ERROR'.
    • Readout of frontend interlocks and UHV valve (if present)
    • Time for next refill
    • The last message from the Control Room

    Once the misetup macro has been executed:
    • The above listed information is included in the headers of each scan.
    • It can be displayed on the screen by executing machinfo.
    • A counter named 'srcur' can be defined, which will display the storage ring current. If an error happens, the counter is loaded with -1.
    • A counter named 'sbcur' can be defined, which will display the single bunch current. If an error happens, the counter is loaded with -1.


    These lines will be included in your scan header:
      #UMI0 Current  AM  SH  U42_Gap  U42_Taper
      #UMI1  130.00  OFF  FE Open  29.99  0.02
      #UMI2  Refill in 7457 sec, Message: 17/10/2025-05:34 END OF RUN 25-8.
    The previous information is an example for an insertion device beamline and varies accordingly for a bending magnet beam
    Version: $Revision: 4.38 $

    Functions here might use functions from ID_tango.mac

    Usage: MI_debug
    toggle debug mode for the present macros.

    Usage: misetup
    No arguments!
    Initializes parameters to access the information from the machine.

    Usage: mistop
    After this command spec will not longer read the machine info and it will not be included in the scan header anymore. With mistart you can switch the reading on again.

    Usage: machinfo
    Display machine information on the SPEC screen

    Usage: miread <mode?>
    Reads information from machine FE tango DS (as of April 2012)

    Usage: michkon [<refill-time>] [<waittime>]
    Activates refill feature on chk_beam. <refill-time> is the time before a refill whithin scans will wait for refill if no parameter is given, a default of 15 seconds is set. Minimum value is 10 seconds. <waittime> is the time to wait once the beam is back. Allows to wait for the undulators to close, optic to heat up ...

    Usage: michkoff %MDESC Deactivates refill feature on chk_beam previously activated by michkon

    Usage: mi_set_automatic_mode %MDESC Enables the automatic mode : FE will automatically re-open after a refill.

    Usage: mi_SR_Current ()
    Returns the synchrotron ring current in mA.

    Usage: mi_SR_Current_fast ()
    Returns the synchrotron ring current in mA. (fast but less safe version)

    Usage: mi_festate ()
    Returns the front end state as a string

    Usage: mi_intlck_pss ()
    Returns non zero if PSS interlock is active

    Usage: mi_intlck_exp ()
    Returns non zero if EXP interlock is active

    Usage: mi_intlck_fe ()
    Returns non zero if FE interlock is active

    Usage: mi_intlck_hqps ()
    Returns non zero if HQPS interlock is active

    Usage: mi_automode ()
    Returns non zero if automatic front end mode is on

    Usage: mi_autotime ()
    Returns the remaining time for automatic front end mode

    Usage: mi_autotime_str ()
    Returns the remaining time for automatic front end mode

    Usage: waitforrefill [<check_time> [<wait_time>]]
    waitforreffill can be used directly without a parameter, behaviour will then depend on previous michkon / michkoff. With a parameter, on/off is ignored and the wait is done with the value in the first argument. An additional parameter can be used to wait for <wait_time> seconds after beam is back (Ex: to wait for heating or end of cleanup).

    Usage: wait_for_beam
    Waits machine not to be in Injection mode and frontend open.

    Usage: feopen
    Open the frontend shutter from SPEC

    Usage: feclose
    Close the frontend shutter from SPEC

    Usage: mioff
    Disable all storage ring counters.

    Usage: mion
    Enable all storage ring counters.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: minfounsetup

    Usage: mistart
    Adds machine info at the header of each scan

    Usage: mishow

    Usage: __mi_tango_catch_error

    Usage: __MI_error (mesg)
    Attempts to write indentical error message only once in a while

    Usage: mi_Fheader
    Macro that formats information for including it in the scan headers.

    Usage: _miIDshow
    Screen formatting for ID beamlines.

    Usage: _miIDpositions()
    Return positions as a formatted string. as demanded by ID1/2

    Usage: mibody(mode)
    macro to include start/stop on blmenu

    Usage: mi_refilltime ()
    Returns the remaining time to refill.

    Usage: mi_message ()
    Returns the operator message.

    Usage: mi_lifetime ()
    Returns the lifetime.

    Usage: mi_mode ()
    Returns the operation mode as text: No mode validated, Injection, Beam Delivery

    Usage: mi_srmode ()
    Returns the mode as text: USM, MDT etc.

    Usage: ___fe_filling_mode (<flag>)
    Check if the accelerator filling mode.

    Usage: mi_chkbeam %MDESC chk_beam stuff

    Usage: mi_measure0
    mi_measure0 replaces mi_chkbeam. It loops until refill is finished. This is done without counting which avoids to trig counting cards and detectors.

    Usage: ___feopen
    Open the frontend shutter from SPEC

    Usage: idopen

    Usage: idclose

    Usage: ___fe_state ()

    Usage: ___fe_pollfe (<what>)
    Some complementary info:
    Attribute FE_State can deliver the following answers:
    "FE open", "FE closed", "FE fault", "FE disabled", "FE unknown"

    Usage: id_pollfe (<what>)
    <what> : state in {"close"; "open"}
    macro to replace possibly needed macro from the old id.mac

    Usage: ___fe_check (<flag>)
    Check if the front end is open. Open it if flag set.

    Usage: _check_fe (<flag>)
    VINTAGE function to check if the front end is open. Open it if flag set.
    Only this old version is being used in other macros and they expect a numeric value to be returned according to the old taco DS.
    Old state values of the frontend were: 0 (unknown), 3 (close), 4(open), 17 (automatic), 23 (fault), 46 (disabled) or -1 iferror.

    Usage: SRCUR_config (cnum, type, unit, mod, chan)

    Declare a counter controller:

    SCALERS   DEVICE   ADDR       <>MODE  NUM            <>TYPE
        YES    SRCUR                        2     Macro Counter
    No address is necessary, as it will be taken from misetup.

    Then create macro counters in a similar manner:

    Unit is index num of controller, channel 0 is for the storage ring current, 1 for single bunch current.
    Number   Name  Mnemonic   Device  Unit  Chan   <>Use As  Scale Factor      3  srcur     srcur  MAC_CNT     2     0    counter             1      4  sbcur     sbcur  MAC_CNT     2     1    counter             1
    Called by spec
    Note: the internal variable SRCUR_addr will not be used. Please use misetup.

    Usage: SRCUR_cmd (cnum, attr, p1, p2, p3)
    Channel 0 will return the SR current and channel 1 the single bunch current.
    Called by spec
    Note: the internal variable SRCUR_addr will not be used. Please use misetup.

    Usage: _miidread
    Reading insertion devices from the old taco servers.

    Usage: _miidwrite
    scan header output with the old taco servers.

    Usage: _miidshow
    Screen formatting for the old taco servers.

    Usage: id_state ()
    Get state of all undulators
    function which copies behaviour of the old id_state() from the old id.mac
    Return the state of the frontend -> 0 (unknown), 3 (close), 4(open), 17 (automatic), 23 (fault), 46 (disabled) or -1 iferror.

    Usage: mi_get_mode()

    Usage: mi_mode_is_USM()

Filename: machinfo.mac
Author: MACHINFO.MAC - HW, Jan 2012
Last mod.: 29/08/2023 09:54 by guilloud