
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Detection Multimeter
    Extra functionalities for keithley 6514 on top of multim.mac
    This macro set adds specific functionnalities to the general multim macro set to operate the electrometer k6514. The k6514 in an electrometer that can measure current, voltage, resistance or charge.

    It is particulary useful in case of GPIB timeout according to his auto delay settings which can be greater than the spec timeout. For avoiding GPIB timeout, a current measurement used with a normalizing photodiode with a keithley 6514 in autorange must have a minimum autorange lower limit set to 2nA.

    #k6514_init counter=c6514 function=amps range=auto llim=2e-9
    This maco configure the counter c6514 in current, enables autorange and selects autorange lower limit to 2nA.



    This macro is an add-on to multim. multimsetup must be used before any k6514 functions.

    Usage: k6514_init initialisation parameters k6514_init counter=<counter_name> function=<function_name> range=<value> [llim=<value>] [hlim=<value>]
    Depending on the mode you can issue the following commands:
    • k6514_init counter=counter_name function=amps range=200e-6
    • k6514_init counter=counter_name function=amps range=auto
    • k6514_init counter=counter_name function=amps range=auto llim=2e-9
    • k6514_init counter=counter_name function=amps range=auto hlim=2e-3
    • k6514_init counter=counter_name function=amps range=auto llim=2e-9 hlim=2e-3

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _k6514_setfunction (arg) Select a measurement function.
    arg must be "amps" or "volts" or "ohms" or "coulombs".

    Usage: _check_argument (arg1,arg2,arg3,arg4,arg5) Check the setings arguments.
    " counter" must not be empty. "function" must be "amps" or "volts" or "ohms" or "coulombs". "range" must be auto or not empty. If llim and hlim are defined, hlim must be greater than llim.

    Usage: _k6514_init(args)

Filename: k6514.mac
Author: A. Mauro - G. Pepellin
Last mod.: 31/07/2008 08:53 by rey