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See other macros in category: Positioning Isg
    Macros to control ISG ICEPAP motor controller as a macro motor and to configure macro counters to read DRIVERs temperatures. Replacing the old "icepap.mac" set of macros.
    Configuring macro motors
    1) You must have an entry in "MOTORS" table for each icepap MASTER
    - The "DEVICE" field must be set to string "icepap"
    - The "ADDR" must be set to the MASTER network name. The communication port can optionaly be specified also (ex: "isgtmp5:5000")
    - The "NUM" should be set to 159
    - The "TYPE" field must be set to "Macro Motors"
    2) For each axis you must define a motor with:
    - The "Controller" field set to "MAC_MOT"
    - The "Unit" field, numbered from 0, must be set to the MOTORS entry.
    - The "Module" field, numbered from 0, must be set to the ICEPAP rack number (seen on the red 7 segments display of the left hand of each rack)
    - The "Chan" field, numbered from 1, must be set to the DRIVER address
    - Example: "0/1/2" refers to the first icepap controller declared, the rack having the number "1" on its display, the 2nd DRIVER of this rack
    Configuring macro counters to read a DRIVER ENCODER POSITION
    1) You must have a "SCALER" define with "icepapenc" as "DEVICE" and "Macro Counter" as "TYPE".
    2) You must define a counter with "MAC_CNT" as "Device".
    - The "Unit" field must be set to the SCALER entry.
    - The "Chan" field must be set to the DRIVER address (ex: 5 for the 5th DRIVER of crate 0 or ex: 23 for the 3rd DRIVER of crate 2)
    - The "encoder" parameter can be set to one of the following values. Typically this parameter is set in config "custom parameters" screen for a counter. Hint: type "p" to get in.
    - "abs" Read the SSI absolute encoder
    - "absuXX" Read the unsigned SSI XX bits absolute encoder
    - "inc" Read the incremental encoder (DEFAULT)
    - "inpos" Read the DRIVER front panel input
    - "motor" Read the motor phase position
    Configuring macro counters to read a single DRIVER TEMPERATURE
    1) You must have a "SCALER" define with "icepapcnt" as "DEVICE" and "Macro Counter" as "TYPE".
    2) You must define a counter with "MAC_CNT" as "Device".
    - The "Unit" field must be set to the SCALER entry.
    - The "Chan" field must be set to the DRIVER address (ex: 5 for the 5th DRIVER of crate 0 or ex: 23 for the 3rd DRIVER of crate 2)
    Configuring macro counters to read several DRIVERs TEMPERATUREs
    1) You must have a "SCALER" define with "icepapcalc" as "DEVICE" and "Macro Counter" as "TYPE"
    2) For each counter declared:
    - The "Device" field set to "MAC_CNT"
    - The "Unit" field must be set to the SCALER entry.
    - The "Chan" field is not used.
    - The "Misc 1" parameter (type "s" to access it) is the crate number (ex: 0)
    - The "Misc 2" parameter is the type of calculation done on the DRIVERs temperatures of the crate. Possible values are "max", "min", "avg"
    Configuring macro counters to read a single DRIVER internal parameter
    1) You must have an entry in "SCALER" table for each icepap MASTER
    - The "DEVICE" field must be set to string "icepapmeas"
    - The "ADDR" must be set to the MASTER network name. The communication port can optionaly be specified also (ex: "isgtmp5:5000")
    - The "NUM" should be set to 159
    - The "TYPE" field must be set to "Macro Counter"
    2) You must define a counter with "MAC_CNT" as "Device".
    - The "Unit" field must be set to the SCALER entry.
    - The "Chan" field must be set to the DRIVER address (ex: 5 for the 5th DRIVER of crate 0 or ex: 23 for the 3rd DRIVER of crate 2)
    - An extra parameter called "cmd" must be set to the command to be used to get the DRIVER internal parameter (ex: "meas vm" "meas i" etc)
    Extra motor_par() parameters
    Return "1" if the power is enabled on the speficied motor
    Try to enable the the power the speficied motor and return the result
    Returns the current speed if the motor is in never ending motion or returns "0" if it's stop or in normal operation mode.
    Sets the speed for the never ending motion. If the motor is already moving in this mode, its speed will be changed on the fly. If the new speed has not the same sign that the current one, the motor will first deccelerate until stopping and then starts rotating in the other direction with the new speed.
    Cancel a never ending motion.
    Returns nonzero if the closed loop is active
    Activate or desactivate the closed loop for the specified motor
    Returns nonzero if logical home signal is active
    Returns nonzero if positive limitswitch is active
    Returns nonzero if negative limitswitch is active
    Keep the motor usable even if power could not be switched on during reconfig. Typically this parameter is set in config "additional optional parameters" screen for a motor. Hint: type "p" to get in

    Usage: icepap_info [hostname|motor]
    Print out information on the specified ICEPAP system or on an ICEPAP motor configured in the current SPEC session.

    Usage: icepap_firmware_check [hostname|motor]
    Check the firmware version(s) of the specificied ICEPAP system or ICEPAP motor configured in the current SPEC session.

    Usage: icepap_reset [hostname[:port]]
    Reset all the racks of the specified ICEPAP MASTER

    Usage: icepapenc_read (<counter_mnemonic>)
    Returns value of encoder associated to macro-counter <encoder_mnemonic>. This function is similar to the previous one but provided to be user-callable by beeing more user-friendly.

    Usage: icepap_setenc counter position
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Force the value of an ICEPAP encoder configured as a SPEC counter

    Usage: icepap_all hostname cmd [args]
    Execute the specified command with its args on all ICEPAP modules (MASTER, SLAVES and DRIVERS) known by the hostname. Note that quotes must be used when cmd includes a hash for the acknowledge.

    Usage: upgrade_firmware_1_22 hostname
    Upgrade the specified icepap system from firmware 1.22 to 2.0 If called from SPEC wizard mode, the security of the mandatory same subnetwork is bypassed.

    Usage: icepap_alldis hostname
    Will try to guess if the DISDIS parameter is really needed on each DRIVER of the specified ICEPAP systerm. If not needed, the macro will remove it. WARNING: this macro is for temporary usage only.

    Usage: icepap [hostname[:port]]
    Console implementation to communicate to icepap MASTER

    Usage: icepap_rprog [hostname[:port] [file] [rack ... ]]
    Program a the ICEPAP specified list of racks using the rack back plane serial line.

    Usage: icepap_prog [hostname[:port] [file] [addr] [options]]
    Program a the ICEPAP module with the specified binary file

    Usage: icepap_history ()
    Print out the history of commands sent to ICEPAP systems

Internal Macros:
    Usage: icepapdebug [personal msg]
    Switch on or off the print of debug messages

    Usage: icepap_fiforst(dev)
    Reset socket communication and MASTER FIFOs

    Usage: icepap_cleanup(dev)
    Called on <Ctrl-C>

    Usage: icepapdebug_init
    Needed to initialize debug print out macro the first time the file is loaded.

    Usage: icepap__tocase (string, case)
    Convert to lower (case==1) or to upper (case==0) case the string passed

    Usage: icepap__tolower (string)
    Return the lower string of the string passed

    Usage: icepap__toupper (string)
    Return the upper string of the string passed

    Usage: icepap_trim (string)

    Usage: icepap_round (x)
    Return a well rounded integer as opposed to int() which always round down

    Usage: icepap_chkerr (ans)
    Check if the answer given contains an ERROR and if yes request the error message

    Usage: _icepaplib_check ()
    Check if the IcePAP library can be used through the dedicated TANGO DS. Returns non null if usable.

    Usage: _icepaplib_access
    Macro to get access to the TANGO DS using the IcePAP library

    Usage: _icepaplib_create_group (group_name)
    Creates a group with the specified name. If the group already exists, it will be emptied WARNING: this implies that groups can not be shared accross different SPEC sessions.

    Usage: _icepaplib_create_axis (mne, flags)
    Add a new axis to defaut group or to a given group if motor mne has a parameter "group" defined. Returns 0 if success otherwise -1

    Usage: _icepaplib_prestart_all ()

    Usage: _icepaplib_start_one (mne, pos_in_steps)

    Usage: _icepaplib_start_all ()

    Usage: _icepaplib_get_status (mne)
    Returns the move and limit status of a single motor (bit mask) or the string ".error.". If the library can not be used, returns -1

    Usage: _icepaplib_get_position (mne)
    Returns the position single motor or the string ".error.". If the library can not be used, returns ".error."

    Usage: _icepaplib_stop (mne)
    Stops a single motor or the string ".error.". If the library can not be used, returns -1

    Usage: _icepaplib_power_axis (mne, power)
    Change the power of the specified axis. The argument can be "ON" or "OFF". Returns 0 if success otherwise -1

    Usage: icepap_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: icepap_par(num,key,todo,p1)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec after reading the config file, after calling _config() and only if parameters are set in the config file for a motor.

    Usage: _icepap_prestart_all(dev)

    Usage: _icepap_start_all(dev)

    Usage: _icepap_start_one(dev, addr, pos)

    Usage: icepap_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec on motor operation.

    Usage: _icepap_print_info (dev,addr,mne)

    Usage: _icepap_print_info_driver (dev,addr)
    TODO: unify with icepap_info macro

    Usage: _icepap_print_tabbed(tab,str)

    Usage: _icepap_print_info_mot (motor)

    Usage: _icepap_print_info_system (hostname)

    Usage: _icepap_fw_check_mot (motor)

    Usage: _icepap_fw_check_system (hostname)

    Usage: _icepap_fw_compare (rev1, rev2)
    Compare deux revisions, given as strings, and returns: 0 if rev1 equal rev2 1 if rev1 > rev2 2 if rev1 < rev2 -1 if invalid revision numbers

    Usage: _icepap_fw_controller (hostname)
    Returns, for the specified system, the firmware version of the CONTROLLER

    Usage: _icepap_fw_driver (hostname, addr)
    Returns, for the specified system, the firmware version of the DRIVER specified by its address.

    Usage: _icepap_fw_saved (hostname)
    Returns, for the specified system, the firmware version saved in flash

    Usage: icepap_lock axis
    CONFIG LOCK: Add a lock on the specified axis (ex: 0/2)

    Usage: icepap_unlock axis
    CONFIG LOCK: Remove a lock on the specified axis (ex: 0/2)

    Usage: _icepap_islockfile()
    CONFIG LOCK: Check that lock file exist and create empty if not

    Usage: _icepap_lock (axis,lock)
    CONFIG LOCK: Add or remove (lock=1 or 0) a lock on the specified axis (ex: 0/2)

    Usage: _icepap_islock (axis)
    CONFIG LOCK: Return 1 if a lock exist for the specified axis (ex: 0/2) Return 0 if there is no lock. Return -1 in case of error.

    Usage: _icepapcnt_gettemp (hostname:port, address)
    MACRO COUNTER: Read the temperature on the specified address Returns 0 in case of error

    Usage: icepapcnt_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: icepapcnt_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    MACRO COUNTER: Called by spec on counter operation.

    Usage: _icepapenc_getpos (<counter_number>, <hostname:port>, <address>)
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Read the encoder position on the specified address Returns 0 in case of error

    Usage: _icepapenc_setpos (counter, hostname:port, address, pos)
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Set the encoder position on the specified address Returns 0 in case of error

    Usage: _icepap_setenc (counter_mne, position)
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Force the value of an ICEPAP encoder configured as a SPEC counter

    Usage: icepapenc_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: icepapenc_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    MACRO COUNTER: ENCODER Called by spec on counter operation.

    Usage: icepapcalc_config(num,typ,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: icepapcalc_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    MACRO COUNTER: Called by spec on counter operation.

    Usage: icepapmeas_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3)
    MACRO COUNTER: MEASURE Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: icepapmeas_cmd(num,key,p1,p2)
    MACRO COUNTER: MEASURE Called by spec on counter operation.

    Usage: _icepap_all (hostname,cmd)

    Usage: _icepap_get_addrs (hostname)
    Returns the addresses of all ICEPAP modules alive on the specficed hostname. The addresses are returned in a single string, blank separated.

    Usage: _is_package_installed (bliss_package_name)

    Usage: _is_same_subnetwork (icepap_hostname)

    Usage: _is_valid_version (firmwares_list)

    Usage: _is_alive (icepap_hostname)

    Usage: _emulate_alldis (dev, addr_list)
    Bypass external disable signal on the list of drivers given. (this was done with DISDIS command on old firmwares <2.0) Works only on firmware >=2.0

    Usage: _emulate_onedis (dev, addr)
    Bypass external disable signal on the driver given. (this was done with DISDIS command on old firmwares <2.0) Works only on firmware >=2.0

    Usage: _icepap_alldis(dev, silent)

    Usage: _icepap_getdev (string, n)
    Parse the string to get the ICEPAP device to talk to. Try to get as nth argument (starting from 1) in the string, if not prompt the user.

    Usage: _icepap_getfname (string, n)
    Parse the string to get the ICEPAP tocho file. Try to get as nth argument (starting from 1) in the string, if not prompt the user.

    Usage: _icepap_getaddr (string, n)
    Parse the string to get the addr for programming. Try to get as nth argument (starting from 1) in the string, if not prompt the user.

    Usage: _icepap_getopts (string, n)
    Parse the string to get the options for programming. Try to get as nth argument (starting from 1) in the string, if not prompt the user. Any remaining argument is also return as option.

    Usage: _icepap_getracks (string, n)
    Parse the string to get the rack addresses for programming. Try to get as nth argument (starting from 1) in the string, if not prompt the user. Any remaining argument is also return as option.

    Usage: _icepap_prog (dev,fname,addr,opt)
    Program a the ICEPAP module with the specified arguments. If no firmware file name is given, the programmatino will used the firmware saved in the controller flash.

    Usage: _icepap_wrbin (dev,fname)
    Send the contain of the file to the ICEPAP using the ISG binary transfer protocol.

    Usage: icepap_mdspreset [hostname:port]
    Reset the MASTER DSP

    Usage: icepap_ddsppgm_sl [hostname:port [driver]]
    Program one or all DRIVER DSP numbered from 1 to 8 using the backplane serial line and the DDSP programm taken from MDSP flash (no binary transferred)

    Usage: _icepap_check (hostname:port)
    Do not touch, needed by the "raleur"

    Usage: _icepap_close (hostname:port)

    Usage: _icepap_err

    Usage: _icepap_warn

    Usage: _icepap_stopcode (num, status)
    Decode stop reason for the driver status given. No action, print only for diagnostic

    Usage: _icepap_wr (dev,addr,cmd)

    Usage: _icepap_wrrd (dev,addr,cmd)

    Usage: _icepap_query (dev,addr,cmd,silent)

    Usage: _icepap_patch ()
    Temporary patch

    Usage: _icepap_patch_email ()
    Temporary email after patch

    Usage: _icepap_email (message)
    Send an email with the specificied patch

    Usage: _icepap_hist_init ()
    Init the ICEPAP history if needed

    Usage: _icepap_hist_add (dev,cmd)
    Add to the ICEPAP history an entry

    Usage: _icepap_hist_append (str)
    Append a string to the last line in the ICEPAP history

    Usage: _icepap_hist_dump ()
    Return a string with the history of commands sent to ICEPAP systems

    Usage: icepap_duplicate_conf (dev,src_addr,dst_addr)
    Will copy the source driver configuration to the destination one (bypass of icepapcms) ex: ("iceid207",11,25)

Filename: ice2_uselib.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original 9/07).
$Revision: 2.0 $ / $Date: 2013/10/01 13:18:09 $
Last mod.: 10/02/2014 16:11 by perez