
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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    Macro for the hutch trigger for the framework. Hutch Trigger Operation for MX beamlines
    The procedures are designed to prepare the experimental hutch for when the user is inside and to restore the state ready for data collection afterwards. The macro can be triggered manually or automatically depending on the safety shutter status. If the user enters the hutch: 1. The fluorescence detector is taken out (if exists) 2. The zoom is brought to its minimum value. 3. The light is set to the value for the minimum zoom. 4. The detector is moved back if less than non-encomberant distance from the sample 5. The beamstop is moved to the down position. If the user leaves the hutch: 1. The light is brought down. 2. The light intensity is set to 0 to increase bulb life. 3. The detector is moved back to the original position if it was closer than than the user defined non-encomberant distance from the sample. 4. The backstop is moved up into the position for data collection. Moves are done in parallel where possible to save time. If there is no detector distance motor given the default is xtod. The other motor names are standard and therefore there is no setup for them. Beamstop is bstopz This procedures depends on standard commands: fldetout - moves the fluorescence detector out. lightout - moves the illumination column out of the way. BACKS_POS - an associative array containing the in/out back stop positions.

    Usage: hutchtrigger
    Called from the hutchtrigger brick with one argument (0 or 1): 0 = The hutch has been interlocked and the sample environment should be made ready for data collection. 1 = The interlock is cleared and the user is entering the hutch to change the sample(s).

Internal Macros:
    Usage: hutchtriggersetup
    For setting up the hutchtrigger. Allows different detector distance names and different distances which depend on the beamline setup.

    Usage: hutchtrigger_cleanup
    If the macro is aborted a message is sent to the GUI A sleep of 1 second is included to give the user time to see the message. No motor positions are restored.

    Usage: ismacro (keyword)
    Return 1 if the macro named keyword exist, 0 otherwise.

    Usage: _hutchtrigger (inout)
    The hutch has been interlocked and the sample environment should be made ready for data collection - inout = 0
    The interlock is cleared and the user is entering the hutch to change the sample(s) - inout = 1.

Filename: hutchtrigger.mac
Author: BLISS
$Revision: 1.19 $ $Date: 2011/04/04 14:59:10 $
Last mod.: 04/04/2011 16:59 by guijarro