
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Positioning
    Macros to define Heidenhein encoders as pseudomotors. Control is done through serial line
      Macros to define and control Haidenhein encoders
      as pseudomotors
      These hdh are assumed to be controlled through
      a serial line
      Through an Hdh, we can access 2 values.
      Serial line protocol:
           ^B  to ask for a value
           The response of the serial line is :
           X=`sign'    <floating value> R <CR><LF>
           Y=`sign'    <floating value> R <CR><LF><LF><LF><LF><LF>
      March 1st 1994  MCD
      NOTE: For the following macros, the HDH_DEV_index
            represents the index 0..n in the list of 
            HDH devices defined by the user with hdhsetup
            If this parameter is omitted, as it is always
            the last parameter in the list of the macro,
            Spec will replace it by 0. So omitting it
            allows to work with the first HDH of the list.
      hdhsetup nb dev_name mne cha dev_name mne cha ...
         setup of the devices
      hdh_flush  HDH_DEV_index
         print what is on the serial line buffer for one device
      hdh_read n  HDH_DEV_index
          prints the position in channel `n' (1 or 2 or 0=both)
          of one device
      hdh_read3  mne  n  HDH_DEV_index 
          for pseudo motor mecanism, reads the value
          of one pseudo motor
          It puts also the result in HDH_VAL
      hdhsetup nb dev_name1 pseudo_mne1 ch1 dev_name2 ch22 pseudo_mne2 ...
               `nb          : nb of hdh pseudomotors defined
               Dev_name`i'  : Name of the MAXE device containing
                              the CC133 encoder for the `i'th pseudom.
               pseudo_mne`i': mnemonic associated to that pseudomotor
               ch`i'        : channel number (1 for X) or (2 for Y)
      when called without arguments, this macro asks interactively
      for the values

    Usage: hdhsetup

Internal Macros:
    Usage: hdh_flush

    Usage: hdh_read

    Usage: hdh_read3

Filename: heidenxy.mac
Author: G.Berruyer
Last mod.: 25/04/2008 10:22 by rey