
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Positioning Isg
    Macro motors for FlexDc controller from Nanomotion
    Configuring macro motors
    1) You must have an entry in "SERIAL" table for each controller
    - The "DEVICE" and "TYPE" fields depends on the SL used
    - The "BAUD" field must be set "38400"
    - The "MODE" field must be set "raw"
    2) You must have an entry in "MOTORS" table for each controller
    - The "DEVICE" field must be set to string "flexdc"
    - The "ADDR" must be set to the serial line entry in the SERIAL field in the config.
    - The "NUM" should be set to 2
    - The "TYPE" field must be set to "Macro Motors"
    3) For each axis you must define a motor with:
    - The "Controller" field set to "MAC_MOT"
    - The "Unit" field, numbered from 0, must be set to the MOTORS entry.
    - The "Chan" field, numbered from 0, must be set to the channel on the FLEXDC controller

    Usage: flexdc_show motor
    Print out all information from the controller concerning the specified motor

Internal Macros:
    Usage: flexdc_config(num, type, p1, p2, p3)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec after reading the config file

    Usage: flexdc_par(num, key, todo, p1)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec after reading the config file, after calling _config() and only if parameters are set in the config file for a motor.

    Usage: flexdc_cmd(num, key, p1, p2)
    MACRO MOTOR: Called by spec on motor operation.

    Usage: _flexdc_wr (dev, cmd)
    Returns string ".error." if no echo from controller Returns empty string otherwise

    Usage: _flexdc_query (dev, cmd)
    Returns string ".error." if no echo from controller Returns empty string if no answer from controller

Filename: flexdc.mac
Author: MP BLISS (Original 02/2010).
$Revision: 1.1 $ / $Date: 2012/08/10 11:57:44 $
Last mod.: 10/08/2012 13:57 by guilloud