
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: MX
    Finds beam center (MX beamlines)

    safshut.mac id.mac mxcollect.mac

    Usage: centrebeam_setup

    Usage: centrebeam
    Find the centre of the beam as function of the transmition factor. Start with 100 percent and divide by two until only one beam found. Take the backlight out and choose average zoom factor.

    Usage: _init_zoom (zoomHo, cameraHo)
    Get the zoomMne average zoom factor, the X and Y pixel/mm values, the frame grabber device and the image width and height.

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _centrebeam (trans)
    Find the centre of the beam as function of the transmition factor. Divide the factor by two until only one beam found.

    Usage: _cb_xml_read (ho, path)
    Read the parameters from the hardware object XML fileho, found in directory path. Return 0 if OK, -1 if error.

    Usage: _get_zoom ()
    Read the zoomfactor and calculate the X and Y pixel/mm values. Return 0 if OK , -1 if error.

    Usage: _set_zoom (zoomfactor)
    Move the zoom to the zoomfactor position. Read the Y and Z pixel/mm values.

    Usage: _get_tab_slits (slitboxHo,exptableHo)
    Get the slitbox vertical and horizontal motor names, as well as the experimental table translation and height motors.

    Usage: _mv_tab_slits (dy,dz)
    Move the slitbox vertical motors and the exptable height by dz mm. Move the slitbox horizontal motors and the exptable translation motor by dy mm.

    Usage: centrebeam_savstat () %MDES% Save the initial state.

    Usage: centrebeam_prepare ()
    Actions taken at the begining of the centrebeam procedure.

    Usage: centrebeam_cleanup ()
    Actions taken if ^C pressed.

    Usage: centrebeam_accept ()
    Resets the zoom and transmission, closes the safety shutter. Count if needed to get the i0 counts after the centring, before resizing the beam (useful if other procedures use centrebeam).

    Usage: isdigit (val)
    Check if val is a digit. Return 0 if yes, -1 if not.

    Usage: dummy_defs ()
    Define dummy macros to avoid error in spec if microdiff not used.

Filename: centrebeam.mac
Author: M.Guijarro/A.Beteva $Revision: 1.38 $$Date: 2016/12/02 12:06:43 $
Last mod.: 02/12/2016 13:06 by guilloud