
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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See other macros in category: Other hardware
    Access to C111 Card Linux Taco device server
    These macros implement access to C111 Linux TACO device server controlling one C111/P111 C111 card designed by Christian Herve. They work with the version V1.4 of C111 device server [which in turn uses version v.0.4.8 of the C111 device driver library]. These macro set does not cover all possible C111 configurations but is written for the specific configuration which is using C111 for GFD detector equipped with 1 delay line connected to X1,X2 C111 inputs. Anode as usually is connected to COM C111 input.
    Normally one would always program C111 in Normal mode. The test mode is selected only to make delay line length estimation. When set in test mode, where the choice of the resolution (half/full) is ignored and the C111 behaves as being set in half-resolution mode, the digitized channel where is the data peak (sum ~ DelayLine) must be multiplied by .3 ns (300ps) to obtain the estimation of the delay line length (in fact the number obtained is: DelayLine + (Anode-to-X1 delay) + (Anode-to-X2 delay), but since the 2 A-K delays are normally much shorter than the delay line, this gives a good estimate of the DL.

    c111setup <device> <RPC timeout>
    (connect to C111 device and powers up ASIC if necessary)
    (show the version of these macros)
    c111 (menu to access all functionnalities)


    (state of C111 - idle/running)
    (Print C111 status)
    (shows most essential config/status fields)

    (interactive menu to display/change C111 hardware config)
    (reconfigure with default values from database)
    (full interactive configuration)
    (tune main parameters of the C111 hardware)

    (switch on C111 acq. in ct and scan; beware that when statistics counters are used in ct and scan, the minimum time period is 1 seconds and must be an integer number of seconds)
    (switch off C111 acq. in ct and scan)
    c111acq <n> [<donotclearflag>]
    (make finite-time acquisition for n seconds; if second argument is passed, then the memory is not cleared and data from the new acquisition are cumulated with the data from the previous acq.)
    c111statacq <n> <any>
    (make acq. in order to get statistics info; stat timer duration = n secs; acq. stops quickly after stat.timer expiration; if second argument is passed, then both X and Y pileups are disabled)

    (Menu to access all saving options)
    (Set saving options)
    (Specify private directory, file prefix, run number)
    (Specify spectrum range to be saved)
    c111save <file>
    (save data to file <file> or the one defined during config if no argument passed -> to be used outside counting and scans or at the end of ct)

    (show the ROI(s) definitions)
    c111roi <mnemonic> <chan_min> <chan_max>
    (add or modify an ROI)
    (interactively add/remove/modify an ROI)
    (clear ROI counters)

    c111splotrange <xmin> <xmax>
    (define the limit C111 digitized channels for plotting; if no parameters passed, the C111_PLOTMIN = 0 and C111_PLOTMAX = C111_NBCOLS-1)
    (plots the data from channel C111_PLOTMIN to channel C111_PLOTMAX)
    (changes Y-scale to linear/to logarithmic)

      - The file disable.mac from STD ESRF spec macro set must be loaded, 
        if want to mark counters to be enabled/disabled with function:
        disable_counter(ctn_mne(i), s), where if s = 0 counter is enabled and
                                              if s = 1 counter is disabled.
        Alternative to using the macros from file disable.mac is the following:
        Counter can be disabled also by:
        and can be enabled by:
        The enable/disable state can be examined with:
            p counter_par(ctn_mne(i), "disabled")
        or with:
            p is_using_counter(ctn_mne(i))
        Macros from this macro set (= this file) do not use anywhere calls to
        macro functions from disable.mac.
      - The file saveload.mac from STD ESRF spec macro set must be loaded
        BEFORE this macro file, because certain nb of macro functions are used 
        from it like savefileheader() etc.
        Instead of macro functions savecntheader() and savecounters() from
        saveload.mac we use macro functions savecntheader1() and savecounters1()
        from this macro file.
        The reason for doing it is that in macros from saveload.mac test:
        is used instead of: 
             is_using_counter(cnt_mne(i)) == 1
        The test cnt_name()!="unused" is unfortunately not distinguishing 
        between enabled/disabled counters!!!  
      - The file ID01mca.mac does not need any more to be loaded, since 
        its savecntheader is now replaced by savecntheader1() from this 
        macro file and which uses is_using_counter() == 1 in tests and which
        for ID01 (SPECBL == "ID01") writes Filter info in file.

    Usage: c111version
    Prints out the version of this software

    Usage: c111setup <device_name> <rpc_timeout>
    This macro should normally be invoked at spec session start after C111 macro set was loaded. Connects to C111 device and sets RPC timeout.

    Usage: c111unsetup
    Deletes c111 part in cleanup_always

    Usage: c111
    Display a menu to access all C111 config/options

    Usage: c111status
    Gives full status information for C111. For brevity did not name this macro c111getstatus but c111status

    Usage: c111show
    Show main C111 config/status parameters

    Usage: c111newfile [<data-directory> <file-prefix> [<run-number>]]
    Choose a new directory, file prefix and run/series number for data files when data are saved outside counting and scanning. If the run number is not passed as argument or if the file prefix is changed, the run number is reset to 0. This macro can be used at any moment to change data directory

    Usage: c111config
    Display a menu to access all possible config
    Allow to reconfigure using:
    - values from database
    - full interactive reconfig
    - partial interactive reconfig

    Usage: c111reconfig
    ReConfigure C111 with values FROM the DATABASE.

    Usage: c111setconfig
    ReConfigure C111 with values entered interactively

    Usage: c111tuneconfig
    Tune + ReConfigure C111 C111 with few new values; i.e. does not cover all parameters but only few which usually need tunning. The following parameters can be changed: - timeout : Timeout in ns - skip : Skip flag = ignored for GFD and MHIP - extinhfc : External inhibit(0) or Fast Clear Flag(1) - offset_x : X offset in ns - offset_y : Y offset in ns - half_res : Half resolution flag - fp_monitor: external signal on front pannel for monitoring - mux_sel : subselection for ASCI monitor

    Usage: c111stattimer
    Allows to disable or enable statistics timer with certain duration. Statistcs timer disabling/enabling+defining its duration is done among other things in the c111config (= setting config), but this macro can be convenient. It could also use DevC111SetConfig() D.S. command. Usage: c111stattimer <enable_disable> <duration>

    Usage: c111readreg
    Read a register (usefull for debugging) Input: - base adddress reg. index: 0 = AMCC, 1/2 = 1st/2dn group of C111 regs - offs : offset to base

    Usage: c111writereg
    Write a register (usefull for debugging) Input: - base adddress reg. index: 0 = AMCC, 1/2 = 1st/2dn group of C111 regs - offs : offset to base - value : register value

    Usage: c111pupon
    Enable X pileup

    Usage: c111pupoff
    Disable both X and Y pileups

    Usage: c111setacqbank
    Select bank to be used for acquisition. Acq. bank is already selected with c111config, but can be modified with this macro. Usage: c111setacqbank <bank_id>

    Usage: c111swapbanks
    Swap banks

    Usage: c111initbank
    Init bank that is currently selected for acquisition (= bank on port M). Usage: c111initbank <start_value> <increment_flag>

    Usage: c111initbanks_long
    Init BOTH banks (start with the one which is already on port M = selected for acquisition, then swap them and clear the other) Usage: c111initbanks_long <start_value> <increment_flag>

    Usage: c111initbanks
    Init BOTH banks. Similar to macro above, but this time more "compact" command ["DevC111InitBothBanks"] is used to make macro short. Usage: c111initbanks <start_value> <increment_flag>

    Usage: c111readbank
    Read data from ONE bank. The limits for reading out are 0 and C111_NBCOLS-1

    Usage: c111readbanks
    Read data from BOTH banks. The limits for reading out are 0 and C111_NBCOLS-1

    Usage: c111sum1b
    Get sum of hits in a histogram(s) from the bank that is not selected for acquisition. Although this set of macros is for GFD use here general macro (good both for GFD and MHIT).

    Usage: c111sum2b
    Get sum of hits in a histogram(s) from both banks. Although this set of macros is for GFD use here general macro (good both for GFD and MHIT).

    Usage: c111data
    Useful macro for X-check with c111sum1b/2b. This macro is summing up contents in C111_DATAn(n=0->3) for MHIT and C111_DATA for GFD. Although this set of macros is for MHIT use here general macro (good both for GFD and MHIT). Since ROI selected for display and readout can be smaller than whole 2D image area (2K*2K pixels for half-resolution 4K*4K pixels for full-resolution) the sum obtained with this macro can be smaller than sum obtained with c111sum1b/2b. Added in this macro = getting max value and col/row at max value.

    Usage: c111poweron
    Powers ASIC C111 up

    Usage: c111poweroff
    Powers ASIC C111 down

    Usage: c111start
    Starts the C111 if it is not running

    Usage: c111stop
    Stops the C111 if it is running.

    Usage: c111poll
    Poll to see when acq. over (only for time limited acq.) Usage: c111poll <refresh_period> <read_data_for_display>

    Usage: c111acq
    Make a finite-time acquisition. If pass only 1 parameter (= acq. time) then the C111 memory is always cleared before the acquisition, while if in addition the second parameter is passed the C111 memory is not cleared. Always (= independent of acq. time) both banks are used. If automatic file-saving was selected in c111config (C111_SAVE) the spectrum is saved in MCA-like file with the name: C111_FILE_PREFIX_C111_RUN_NUMBER. If saving in both MCA-like and file for PADI/JADI was selected in c111config(C111_SAVE_PADI), then in addition to MCA-like file the file for PADI/JADI is written. Its name is: C111_FILE_PREFIX_padi_C111_RUN_NUMBER. If data-saving selected what is pout in MCA-like file are ROI counter values (and not statistics = anode,x1,x2,rej.ev,ALU ovf) and other counters defined in config have no meaning, since they do not count during c111acq!!!. Usage: c111acq <acquisition_time> [<donotclearflag>]

    Usage: c111statacq
    Make a finite-time acquisition to look at statistics Set statistics timer duration shorter than counting time. This time should be nonzero. If second argument is passed, then the both X+Y pileups are disabled (Y Pup is anyway all the time disabled in GFD 1D mode). Usage: c111statacq <statistics_timer_duration> <disablePileUps>

    Usage: c111savemenu
    Display a short menu with all saving options

    Usage: c111savesetup <save_in_scan> <save_in_ct> <save_in_private> [<save_in_padi>]
    Set saving options (for filename/directory use c111newfile) All options can be set to 0 (=no) or 1 (=yes)

    Usage: c111saverange < [chmin] [chmax] >
    Set spectrum range which will be saved

    Usage: c111save
    To save data when acquire outside counting and scanning(= when do c111acq dT) or when want to save data after counting (= after ct dT). Writes a header and data in a format that looks like in scan to be able to read file with standard tools. If the full filename is given as input parameter, then it is used, otherwise the filename is composed from C111_DATA_DIR, C111_FILE_PREFIX and C111_RUN_NUMBER. Since this macro is only called at the end of c111acq or after counting outside scan (in _c111_handlecounts) the test if (NPTS == _n1) was removed around the block defining HEADING. Usage: c111save <filename>

    Usage: c111save_padi
    Save data in a simple ASCII file (when acquire outside scan) Format in the file is such that the data can be then plotted with padi or jadi. If the full filename is given as input parameter, then it is used, otherwise the filename is composed from C111_DATA_DIR, C111_FILE_PREFIX and C111_RUN_NUMBER. Usage: c111save_padi <filename>

    Usage: c111on
    Switch on C111 acq. during ct + scan By modifying user_prepcount + user_getcount rather than measure0 and measure1 the code below is good both for counting AND scanning. If would modify measure0/1 than c111on would swich on C111 acq. only during scan and not during normal counting.

    Usage: c111off
    Switch off C111 acq. during ct + scan

    Usage: c111staton
    Enable statistics counters

    Usage: c111statoff
    Disable statistics counters

    Usage: c111roishow
    Macro to Show the ROI definitions.

    Usage: c111roi
    Macro to Add/Remove/Modify ROIs used to get integral count for each of them. ROI index goes from 1 to 8.

    Usage: c111roimenu
    Macro to Interactively Add/Remove/Modify ROI(s) to get integral of counts for channels within ROI.

    Usage: c111roiclear
    Macro to Clear the ROI counters.

    Usage: c111plot
    Macro that wraps _c111splotlin and which is to be used without parameters i.e. it creates a plot covering channels between C111_PLOTMIN and C111_PLOTMAX. So by default the plot is done with linear Y scale.

    Usage: c111tolin
    Macro to set plot in linear Y-scale.

    Usage: c111tolog
    Macro to set plot in logarithmic Y-scale.

    Usage: c111plotrange
    Macro that allows to change limit channels for plotting if new limits are passed as input parameters. c111splotrange <xmin> <xmax> If no parameters passed then C111_PLOTMIN = 0 and C111_PLOTMAX = C111_NBCOLS-1

Internal Macros:
    Usage: _c111varinit()
    Internal macro to declare global variables and initialise some. cdef("c111_user_presave","\n{}\n","c111") cdef("c111_user_postsave","\n{}\n","c111") cdef("c111_user_prescan_loop","\n{}\n","c111") cdef("c111_user_postscan_loop","\n{}\n","c111")

    Usage: _c111_cleanup
    Macro executed at cleanup(CTRL-C) N.B. On the request of P.Boesecke this macro is modified to avoid error: Cant import ID01/C111/01 when C111 is not used. Note that this is not a 100 percent protection since one can still have C111_ON left set to 1 and C111 not used.

    Usage: c111menu

    Usage: c111state
    Get and show the state of C111 device For brevity did not name this macro c111getstate but c111state

    Usage: _c111_getconfig
    Get C111 configuration parameters (less than full status)

    Usage: _c111_getstatus ()
    Read C111 status and update all global variables
    Return 1 on success, 0 otherwise

    Usage: c111range

    Usage: _c111_checkrange

    Usage: c111arrays
    Creates C111 data arrays (C111_DATA, C111_XDATA)

    Usage: _c111_show()

    Usage: _c111_checkconfig ()
    Checks that the configuration corresponds to GFD 1D case (normal or test mode)

    Usage: _c111_resolchange (old_resolution, new_resolution)
    Scale properly the C111_PLOTMIN/MAX and min/max channels of any ROI pseudo-counters that might be defined since the resolution changed from half to full or vice-versa. Change min/max channels of any ROI pseudo-counters. This can happen in the following 3 macros: _c111_reconfig ... reconfiguring from database _c111_setconfig ... reconfiguring interactively _c111_tuneconfig ... reconfiguring interactively, but limited set

    Usage: _c111_reconfig

    Usage: _c111_setconfig

    Usage: _c111_tuneconfig

    Usage: _c111statistics
    Gives statistics information for C111

    Usage: c111regs
    Read value of some C111 registers (usefull for debugging)

    Usage: _c111_power(onoff)

    Usage: c111save_jadi

    Usage: c111statclear
    Clear all statistics counters (reset to 0)

    Usage: _c111_prepcount
    Done at each scan point before counting

    Usage: _c111_pollcounts
    Done during counting when polling for end of counting with polling interval COUNTERSPOLLTIME (0.01sec) We DO NOT USE it

    Usage: _c111_getcounts
    Done at each scan point, after counting (i.e. chk_count = 0) and in scan also during counting if selected by setscans. C111 is stopped only when the counting is over (i.e. when chk_count = 0).

    Usage: _c111_handlecounts
    Save data after counting. Since called only after counting and NOT after counting in scan test if (NPTS == _n1) was removed since makes no sense.

    Usage: _c111_scan_loop
    Adds C111 data to scan file

    Usage: _c111_savemcaroi (filename)
    Save C111 ROI header in specfile

    Usage: _c111_savehead
    Adds info on nb of channels read and elapsed time in scan header Since in C111 server(driver) do not measure the acq. time take the scan time per scan point. TODO: See if instead of COUNT_TIME could also use _ctime

    Usage: _c111_updaterois
    Update counters with roi values

    Usage: _c111roiset(cmne,cmin,cmax)
    Internal macro function to Setup(= Add or Modify) an ROI.

    Usage: _c111roishow ()
    Internal macro function to show ROI(s) definitions.

    Usage: c111plotunit

    Usage: _c111splot
    Internal macro to create plot and display 1D C111 spectrum using standard SPEC plotting with linear/log Y scale. - abscissa array = coloumns array = C111_XDATA - ordinate array = 1D C111 data = C111_DATA The range of C111 channels to be plotted is between minimum and maximum which are passed as parameters along with macro name: _c111splot <xmin> <xmax>

    Usage: c111splotrange

    Usage: c111plotmenu

    Usage: c111forever

    Usage: c111getbank

    Usage: c111invest

    Usage: savecntheader1(file)

    Usage: savecounters1(file)

    Usage: _mo_loop1

    Usage: savestdheader1(file,flag,lastindex)

Filename: c111_gfd1d.mac
Last mod.: 07/01/2009 08:59 by papillon