
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% t2mh.MAC
#  Macros for operating tables with 2 independent legs.
#  Can be used for any 2 actuators device (ex : mirror)
#   This macro set allows you to define macros motors on tab2s.
#   Angles are considered smalls and in miliradians.
#   a tab2 controller in config (one controller will work on one
# pair of legs)
#   MOTORS       DEVICE    ADDR   <>MODE      NUM               <>TYPE
#      YES       tab2                           2         Macro Motors
#   motors in config referring to that controller. Channel assignment
#   will decide on the motor role as follow:
#   Channel
#     0   -   theta angle
#     1   -   offset
#   The reference point for rotation and offset is defined via the 'lup'
#   and 'ldown' properties.
#   Different pairs of tab2s can be defined by using additional
#   module numbers in the motor unit/module/channel assignment.
#   Config file
#     The following motor parameters have to be associated in config
#     file to the channel 0 of the controller/module.
#     Example:
#     MOT000 = MAXE:0/0 [...]   motup
#     MOT001 = MAXE:0/1 [...]   motdwn
#     MOT006 = MAC_MOT:0/0/0 [....]         tht
#     MOTPAR:legup = motup
#     MOTPAR:legdown = motdwn
#     MOTPAR: lup = 30
#     MOTPAR: ldown = 50
#     MOTPAR: back_opp = 1                  new new
#     MOT007 = MAC_MOT:0/0/1 [....]         offset
#    Note: requested by ID26: 3/5/17 on the microjacks
#    If back_opp is defined (with any value <>0), that means that
#    legdown will reverse its config backlash value when a motion on tht is required.
#    On all other motions, tht will keep its config backlash value

global tab2_DEBUG

############################               ###########################
############################  MACRO MOTOR  ###########################
############################               ###########################

#%IU% (<mot_num>, <type>, <unit>, <module>, <chan>)
#    calc macromotor: config
def tab2_config(mot_num, type, unit, module, chan) '{
    local master  mot_mne
    local leg_up  leg_down
    local lup  ldown
    local back_opp

    mot_mne = motor_mne(mot_num)

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: ", mot_num, type, unit, module, chan

    if (type == "ctrl"){

    master  = motor_par(mot_num, "chan0")
    leg_up   = motor_par(master,  "legup")
    leg_down = motor_par(master,  "legdown")
    lup     = motor_par(master,  "lup")
    ldown   = motor_par(master,  "ldown")
    back_opp = motor_par(master,  "back_opp")
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: master: ", master
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: legup: ",  leg_up
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: legdown:", leg_down
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: lup: ",    lup
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: ldown: ",  ldown
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: back_opp: ", back_opp

    if ( motor_num(leg_up) == -1 || motor_num(leg_down) == -1) {
        print "tab2: motor " leg_up " or motor " leg_down  " missing. exit"

    motor_par(mot_num, "master",  master, "add")

    if (chan == 0) {

        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: on chan: ", chan
        motor_par(mot_num, "role",  "theta",  "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "locked", 0,       "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "setp",   -999,    "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "oldpos", -999,    "add")
        motor_par(master,  "theta",  mot_mne, "add")
        motor_par(master,  "lup",    lup,     "add")
        motor_par(master,  "ldown",  ldown,   "add")

        motor_par(leg_up,   "master",  mot_num, "add")
        motor_par(leg_down, "master",  mot_num, "add")
        motor_par(leg_up,   "oldpos",  -999,    "add")
        motor_par(leg_down, "oldpos",  -999,    "add")

        motor_par(leg_up,   "role",  "legup",   "add")
        motor_par(leg_down, "role",  "legdown", "add")

    } else if (chan == 1) {
        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_config: on chan: " chan
        motor_par(mot_num, "role",   "tab2off", "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "locked",  0,        "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "setp",    -999,     "add")
        motor_par(mot_num, "oldpos",  -999,     "add")
        motor_par(master,  "tab2off", mot_mne,  "add")
    } else {
        print "Wrong channel assignment for tab2 motor. Only 0 or 1 accepted"

    cdef("user_checkall", sprintf("tab2_checkmove(%s);\n", master), motor_mne(master), 0x01)

    # Returns motor dependance list.
    return(sprintf("%s %s", leg_up, leg_down))

#%IU%(<mot_num>, <mode>, <master0>)
#%MDESC% calc macromotor: calc
def tab2_calc(mot_num, mode, master0) '{
    local role master
    local leg_up leg_down
    local tab2off theta lup ldown
    local leg_up_num leg_down_num
    local offnum thetanum thetapos
    local radval degval

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: ", mot_num, mode, master0

    if (mot_num == "..") {

    role   = motor_par(mot_num, "role")
    master = motor_par(mot_num, "master")

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: motor to calc: ", mot_num
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: on mode: ", mode
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: role: ", role

    if ( mode == 0) {
        # Calculates theta and offset.
        leg_up       = motor_par(master, "legup")
        leg_down     = motor_par(master, "legdown")
        lup          = motor_par(master, "lup")
        ldown        = motor_par(master, "ldown")
        leg_up_num   = motor_num(leg_up)
        leg_down_num = motor_num(leg_down)

        if  ((lup+ldown) < 1.0e-8) {
            print "bad tab2 lengths values. exit"
            print "Space between 2 leg too small"

        if (role == "tab2off") {
            A[mot_num] = (lup * (A[leg_down_num]-A[leg_up_num]) / (lup+ldown)) + A[leg_up_num]
        else if ( role == "theta") {
            # radval = atan( (A[leg_down_num] - A[leg_up_num])/(lup+ldown) )
            # degval = deg(radval)
            # A[mot_num] = degval
            # in fact, small angles and millirad
            A[mot_num] = (A[leg_down_num] - A[leg_up_num])/(lup+ldown) * 1000
    else {
        # Calculates leg1 and leg2.
        tab2off   = motor_par(master, "tab2off")
        theta     = motor_par(master, "theta")
        lup       = motor_par(master, "lup")
        ldown     = motor_par(master, "ldown")
        offnum    = motor_num(tab2off)
        thetanum  = motor_num(theta)

        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: role: ", role
        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: offnum: ", offnum
        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: thetanum: ", thetanum

        offpos   = A[offnum]
        thetapos = A[thetanum]
        #degval = A[thetanum]
        #radval = rad(degval)

        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: z theta: ", offpos, thetapos

        if ( motor_par(offnum, "locked") ) {
            offpos = motor_par(offnum, "setp")

        if ( motor_par(thetanum,"locked") ) {
            thetapos = motor_par(thetanum,"setp")

        # if (role == "legup") {
        #     A[mot_num] = offpos - lup*tan(radval)
        # } else if (role == "legdown") {
        #     A[mot_num] = offpos + ldown*tan(radval)
        # }

        # small angles and millirad, so..
        if (role == "legup") {
            A[mot_num] = offpos - lup*thetapos/1000
        } else if (role == "legdown") {
            A[mot_num] = offpos + ldown*thetapos/1000

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: returns: ", A[mot_num]
    #__tab2_debug ">>> tab2_calc: motor: ",mot_num, " set to ", A[mot_num]

    motor_par( mot_num,"oldpos", A[mot_num])

###############################         ##############################
###############################  MISC   ##############################
###############################         ##############################

# if macromotor is replaced by NONE, then some elements become -1
# but user_checkall remains, so .... need to protect the motor_par access
# ex: when theta becomes NONE
#>>> tab2_checkmove:  12
#>>> tab2_checkmove: theta: -1
#>>> tab2_checkmove: off:  -1
#>>> tab2_checkmove: legup:  9
#>>> tab2_checkmove: legdown:  8
#>>> tab2_checkmove: offnum:  -1
#>>> tab2_checkmove: thetanum:  -1
#>>> tab2_checkmove: now on legdown 8
#>>> tab2_checkmove: now on legup 9
#>>> tab2_checkmove: now on off -1
#>>> tab2_checkmove: now on theta -1

#    To lock positions for calc. Provide as parameter a tab2 master
#(the one at channel 0).
def tab2_checkmove(master) '{

    local tab2mots
    local diff mot mot_num

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: ",master

    tab2mots["theta"]   = motor_num( motor_par(master,"theta") )
    tab2mots["off"]     = motor_num( motor_par(master,"tab2off") )
    tab2mots["legup"]   = motor_num( motor_par(master,"legup") )
    tab2mots["legdown"] = motor_num( motor_par(master,"legdown") )

    offnum   = tab2mots["off"]
    thetanum = tab2mots["theta"]

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: theta:"    , tab2mots["theta"]
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: off: "     , tab2mots["off"]
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: legup: "   , tab2mots["legup"]
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: legdown: " , tab2mots["legdown"]
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: offnum: "  , offnum
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: thetanum: ", thetanum

    for ( mot in tab2mots )  {
        mot_num = tab2mots[mot]
        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: now on " mot " " mot_num

        if (mot_num != -1) {
            diff = fabs( A[mot_num] - motor_par(mot_num, "oldpos") )
            __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: for motion of " diff

            if ( diff > 1.0 / motor_par( mot_num, "step_size") ) {
                if ( mot == "legup" || mot == "legdown") {
                    if ((tab2mots["theta"] != -1) && (tab2mots["off"] != -1)) {
                        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: unlock theta and off"
                        motor_par( tab2mots["theta"], "locked", 0)
                        motor_par( tab2mots["off"], "locked", 0)
                    if (motor_par(master,"back_opp") != 0) {
                       motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"backlash",motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"config_backlash"))
                       __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: backlash legdown"
                } else {
                    if ( mot == "off" ) {  # offset - fix theta
                        if (thetanum != -1) {
                            __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: lock theta"
                            if ( motor_par(thetanum,"locked") == 0 ) {
                                motor_par(thetanum,"setp", A[thetanum])
                                motor_par(thetanum,"locked", 1)
                        if (motor_par(master,"back_opp") != 0) {
                           motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"backlash",motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"config_backlash"))
                           __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: backlash legdown"
                   } else {  #  theta - fix offset
                        __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: lock offset"
                        if (offnum != -1) {
                            if ( motor_par(offnum, "locked") == 0 ) {
                                motor_par(offnum, "setp", A[offnum])
                                motor_par(offnum, "locked", 1)
                        if (motor_par(master,"back_opp") != 0) {
                           motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"backlash",motor_par( tab2mots["legdown"],"config_backlash")*(-1))
                           __tab2_debug ">>> tab2_checkmove: backlash legdown * (-1)"

                    motor_par(mot_num, "locked", 0)

#%UU% <mne>
#    Ask for infos on a tab2 set.
# Provide as argument one of the calc motors.
def tab2 '{
    local mne master
    mne    = "$1"

    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2: ", mne
    master = motor_par(motor_num(mne), "chan0")
    __tab2_debug ">>> tab2: master: ", master

    print "theta    : "  motor_par(master, "theta")
    print "Offset   : "  motor_par(master, "tab2off")
    print "legup    : "  motor_par(master, "legup")
    print "legdown  : "  motor_par(master, "legdown")

#    Toggles the debug mode.
if (!(whatis("__tab2_debug")  & 2)) rdef __tab2_debug \'#$*\'

def tab2_debug '{
    if ((whatis("__tab2_debug")>>16) <= 3) { # macro length is 3 bytes: comment
        rdef __tab2_debug "eprint"
        print "tab2 macro debug mode is ON"
        tab2_DEBUG = 1
    else {
        rdef __tab2_debug \'#\$*\'
            print "tab2 macro debug mode is OFF"
        tab2_DEBUG = 0

#$Revision: 1.4 $
#$Log: t2mh.mac,v $
#Revision 1.4  2017/08/10 13:24:57  domingue
#add MOTPAR back_opp to be able to reverse backlash of legdown motor when moving legup and legdown in opposite direction
#Revision 1.3  2013/07/17 15:05:18  guilloud
#*cosmetic refactoring+doc
#Revision 1.1  2011/09/26 08:43:19  domingue
#Initial revision
#  mcd july 2011