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#%TITLE% simulmot
#$Revision: 1.7 $
# Versions >1.3 fix a bug in the macro simulon when started  with all arguments (simulon motor home lhwlimit hhwlimit)
# Versions >1.3 include 2 new commands %B%simul_enable_hwl%B% and %B%simul_disable_hwl%B% to enabble or disable
# the harware limit switches. These values are set by the command %B% simulon motor home_pos low_hw_limit high_hw_limit%B%
# If one forget to set theses values in the setup file when Spec is started from fresh it will be impossible to move a simulation motor raising the error:
# Both hard limits active on motor 0, unit 0, "motor_name"
# If you don't want to set these values using simulon you can put  the command  %B%simul_disable_hwl motor_name%B% in your setup file.
# Gilbert 04/11/2009

def simulglobals() '{
    global  SIMULMNE
    global  SIMULSTARTTIME[]
    global  SIMULTARGET[]
    global  SIMULMOVING[]
    global  SIMULSTARTPOS[]
    global  SIMULRGS[]
    global  SIMULRGT[]
    global  SIMULRGV[]
    global  SIMULRGA[]
    global  SIMULDIR[]
    global  SIMULHOMEPOS[]
    global  SIMULPLIMIT[]
    global  SIMULNLIMIT[]
    global  SIMULPOS[]
  global  SIMULNOHWL[]

def simulcglobals() '{
    global  SIMULCMNE
    global  SIMULCCOUNTING[]
    global  SIMULCTARGET[]
    global  SIMULCCOUNTS[]
    global  SIMULCMODE[]
    global  SIMULCFREQ[]

def simulon '{
    local   m, mnum, hpos, llim, ulim

  if ( $# != 4) {
      m = getval("Mnemonic for simulated motor controller",SIMULMNE)
      if ((mnum = motor_num(m)) == -1) {print "Unknown mnemonic ", m ; exit}
        hpos = getval("Home position",motor_par(mnum, "home_pos"))
      llim = getval("Lower hard limit",motor_par(mnum, "low_hard_limit"))
      ulim = getval("Upper hard limit",motor_par(mnum, "high_hard_limit"))
      motor_par(mnum, "home_pos", hpos)
      motor_par(mnum, "low_hard_limit", llim)
      motor_par(mnum, "high_hard_limit", ulim)
      SIMULPOS[m] = usertosteps(mnum, A[mnum])
      SIMULMOVING[m] = 0
      SIMULMNE = m

   m = "$1" ; hpos = $2 ; llim = $3; ulim = $4
     if (mnum == -1) {
    printf ("Simulon from the setup file: Unknown motor mnemonic %s ",m)
  motor_par(mnum, "home_pos", hpos)
    motor_par(mnum, "low_hard_limit", llim)
    motor_par(mnum, "high_hard_limit", ulim)
    SIMULPOS[m] = usertosteps(mnum, A[mnum])
    SIMULMOVING[m] = 0
    SIMULMNE = m


def simulcon '{
    local   c, cnum

    c = getval("Mnemonic for simulated counter", SIMULCMNE)

    cnum = cnt_num(c)

    if (mnum != -1) {
        SIMULCCOUNTING[c] = 0
        SIMULCFREQ[c] = 10000
        SIMULCMNE = c
    } else
        eprint "Unknown mnemonic ", c


#%IU%(mnum, vuser)
def usertosteps(mnum, vuser) '{
    return dial(mnum, vuser) * motor_par(mnum, "step_size")

#%IU%(mnum, steps)
def stepstouser(mnum, steps) '{
    return user(mnum, steps / motor_par(mnum, "step_size"))

#%IU%(mnum, vdial)
def dialtosteps(mnum, vdial) '{
    return vdial * motor_par(mnum, "step_size")

#%IU%(mnum, steps)
def stepstodial(mnum, steps) '{
    return steps / motor_par(mnum, "step_size")

# Use one of the following command codes
# base_rate
# slew_rate
# bvel_rate
# accel
# home_base_rate
# home_slew_rate
# home_accel
# backlash
# magnitude
# search
# get_status            must return bitfields 2/4/8
# position
# set_position
# diff_position
# prestart_all
# prestart_one
# start_one
# start_all
# abort_all
# abort_one
# flush_all
# flush_one
# step_size
# sign
# offset
# high_lim
# low_lim
# move_done
# high_lim_hit
# low_lim_hit
# encoder_step_size
# sync_calcheck
# unusable
# dial
# preread_all
# preread_one
# dc_dead_band
# dc_settle_time
# dc_proportional_gain
# dc_derivative_gain
# dc_integral_gain
# dc_integration_imit
# dc_following_error
# dc_sampling_interval
# step_mode
# slop
# read_mode
# deceleration
# torque
# misc_1
# misc_2
# misc_3
# misc_4
# misc_5
# misc_6

# For search the following values for p1 are given
# home_search
# home_plus
# home_minus
# plus_search
# minus_search
# home_p_suggest
# home_m_suggest
# mot_plus_limit
# mot_nega_limit

#%IU%(mne, what, p1, p2)
def simul_cmd(mne, what, p1, p2) '{
    local mnum, pos, status

    # ".." is for all, commands like preread_all or start_all ...
    # not supported here just return
    if (mne == "..") {return}

    mnum = motor_num(mne)
    if (what == "get_status") {
        pos = simul_getpos(mne)

        if (SIMULMOVING[mne])
            status = 2
            status = 0
        if (fabs(pos - SIMULPLIMIT[mne]) < 0.5)
            status |= 4
        if (fabs(pos - SIMULNLIMIT[mne]) < 0.5)
            status |= 8
        return status
    } else if (what == "position") {
        return stepstodial(mnum,simul_getpos(mne))
    } else if (what == "start_one") {
        simul_startmove(mne, p1)
    } else if (what == "abort_one") {
        SIMULPOS[mne] = simul_getpos(mne)
        SIMULMOVING[mne] = 0
        return 1
    } else if (what == "set_position") {
        relset = dialtosteps(mnum, p1) - SIMULPOS[mne]
        SIMULNLIMIT[mne]  += relset # Adapt the limits to the new pos
        SIMULPLIMIT[mne]  += relset
        SIMULHOMEPOS[mne] += relset
        SIMULPOS[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum, p1)
    } else if (what == "search") {
        if (substr(p1,0,4) == "home") {
            local   br, sr, acc_t_in_s

            SIMULSTARTPOS[mne] = SIMULPOS[mne]
            SIMULSTARTTIME[mne] = time()
            br = motor_par(mnum, "home_base_rate")
            if (br == 0) {
                br = motor_par(mnum, "base_rate")
                sr = br
            } else {
                sr = motor_par(mnum, "home_slew_rate")
                acc_t_in_s = motor_par(mnum, \
                          "home_acceleration") / 1000
                if (sr == 0)
                     sr == br
            simul_calcregions(mne, SIMULHOMEPOS[mne] \
                      - SIMULPOS[mne], br, sr, acc_t_in_s)
            SIMULMOVING[mne] = 1
        } else if (p1 == "lim+") {
            simul_startmove(mne, 1E10)
        } else if (p1 == "lim-") {
            simul_startmove(mne, -1E10)

#%IU%(mne, key, action, p1)
def simul_par(mne, key, action, p1) '{
    local mnum

    mnum = motor_num(mne)
    if (key == "low_hard_limit") {
        if (action == "set")
            SIMULNLIMIT[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum,p1)
        return stepstodial(mnum,SIMULNLIMIT [mne])
    } else if (key == "high_hard_limit") {
        if (action == "set")
            SIMULPLIMIT[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum,p1)
        return stepstodial(mnum,SIMULPLIMIT [mne])
    } else if (key == "home_pos") {
        if (action == "set")
            SIMULHOMEPOS[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum,p1)
        return stepstodial(mnum,SIMULHOMEPOS[mne])
    } else if (key == "?") {
        print "low_hard_limit", "high_hard_limit",  "home_pos"
    } else if (key == "dump") {
        print "low_hard_limit  :", stepstodial(mnum,SIMULNLIMIT [mne])
        print "high_hard_limit :", stepstodial(mnum,SIMULPLIMIT [mne])
        print "home_pos   :", stepstodial(mnum,SIMULHOMEPOS[mne])

#%IU%(mne, code, p1, p2)
# code is mot ctrl detach
def simul_config(mne, code, p1, p2) '{
        mnum = motor_num(mne)
    if (code == "mot") {
        SIMULMOVING[m] = 0
        if (SIMULPLIMIT[mne] == SIMULNLIMIT[mne]) {
            SIMULPLIMIT[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum,\
                         motor_par(mnum, "high_limit")*.99)
            SIMULNLIMIT[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum,\
                          motor_par(mnum, "low_limit")*.99)
                SIMULPOS[mne] = 0

#%IU%(mne, totalmove, baserate, slewrate, acctime)
# Calculate the different regions (acc/constant/decel) in pos and time
def simul_calcregions(mne, totalmove, baserate, slewrate, acctime) '{
    abstotal = fabs(totalmove)
    if (acctime < 0.001) {
        SIMULRGS[mne][1] = SIMULRGS[mne][0] = 0
        SIMULRGT[mne][1] = SIMULRGT[mne][0] = 0
        SIMULRGV[mne][1] = SIMULRGV[mne][0] = baserate
        SIMULRGA[mne][1] = SIMULRGA[mne][0] = 0
        SIMULRGS[mne][3] = SIMULRGS[mne][2] = abstotal
        SIMULRGT[mne][3] = SIMULRGT[mne][2] = abstotal / baserate
        SIMULRGV[mne][3] = SIMULRGV[mne][2] = baserate
        SIMULRGA[mne][3] = SIMULRGA[mne][2] = 0
    } else {
        acc = (slewrate - baserate) / acctime
        sacc = simul_calc_real_acc_s(totalmove, baserate, slewrate, acctime)
        SIMULRGS[mne][0] = 0
        SIMULRGT[mne][0] = 0
        SIMULRGV[mne][0] = baserate
        SIMULRGA[mne][0] = acc
        SIMULRGS[mne][1] = sacc
        SIMULRGT[mne][1] = sqrt(2 * sacc/acc + pow(baserate/acc,2)) - baserate/acc
        SIMULRGV[mne][1] = baserate + SIMULRGT[mne][1] * acc
        SIMULRGA[mne][1] = 0
        SIMULRGS[mne][2] = abstotal - sacc
        SIMULRGT[mne][2] = SIMULRGT[mne][1] + (abstotal-2*sacc) / SIMULRGV[mne][1]
        SIMULRGV[mne][2] = SIMULRGV[mne][1]
        SIMULRGA[mne][2] = acc
        SIMULRGS[mne][3] = abstotal
        SIMULRGT[mne][3] = SIMULRGT[mne][2] + SIMULRGT[mne][1]
        SIMULRGV[mne][3] = baserate
        SIMULRGA[mne][3] = 0
    if (fabs(totalmove)> 0.001)
        SIMULDIR[mne] = totalmove / fabs(totalmove)
        SIMULDIR[mne] = 1

#%IU%(s, baserate, slewrate, acctime)
# Calculate the real length of the acceleration phase
def simul_calc_real_acc_s(s, baserate, slewrate, acctime) '{
    sacc = (slewrate + baserate) * acctime / 2
    if (sacc > fabs(s)/2)
        sacc = fabs(s)/2
    return sacc

#%UU% motor_name
# Disable the hardware limits for a motor
def simul_disable_hwl '{
  local mne
  if($# !=1) { p " Usage: simul_disable_hwl motor_name"}
  mne = "$1"
  if(motor_num(mne) == -1) {
    printf("OOoops %s is not a motor defined in the config \n",mne)
  } else {


#%UU% motor_name
# Enable the hardware limits for a motor
def simul_enable_hwl '{
  local mne
  if($# !=1) { p " Usage: simul_enable_hwl motor_name"}
  mne = "$1"
  if(motor_num(mne) == -1) {
    printf("OOoops %s is not a motor defined in the config \n",mne)
  } else {


# Return the actual position (from global variables)
def simul_getpos(mne) '{
    if (SIMULMOVING[mne] == 1) {
        if (time() - SIMULSTARTTIME[mne] > SIMULRGT[mne][3]) {
            SIMULMOVING[mne] = 0
            SIMULPOS[mne] = SIMULTARGET[mne]
        } else {
            SIMULPOS[mne] = SIMULSTARTPOS[mne] + SIMULDIR[mne] * \
                simul_calcpos(mne, time() - SIMULSTARTTIME[mne])
        if ((SIMULNOHWL[mne] != 1) && (SIMULPOS[mne] > SIMULPLIMIT[mne])) {
            SIMULPOS[mne] = SIMULPLIMIT[mne]
            SIMULMOVING[mne] = 0
        if ((SIMULNOHWL[mne] != 1) && (SIMULPOS[mne] < SIMULNLIMIT[mne])) {
            SIMULPOS[mne] = SIMULNLIMIT[mne]
            SIMULMOVING[mne] = 0
    return SIMULPOS[mne]

#%IU%(mne, target)
def simul_startmove(mne, target) '{
    mnum = motor_num(mne)
    SIMULSTARTTIME[mne] = time()
    SIMULTARGET[mne] = dialtosteps(mnum, target)
    simul_calcregions(mne, dialtosteps(mnum, target) - SIMULPOS[mne], \
        motor_par(mnum, "base_rate"), \
        motor_par(mnum, "velocity"), \
        motor_par(mnum, "acceleration") / 1000)
    SIMULMOVING[mne] = 1

# Return the position when time is given
def simul_calcpos(mne, t) '{
    for (i=0; i<3; i++) {
        if (t < SIMULRGT[mne][i+1]) {
            dt = t - SIMULRGT[mne][i]
            pos = SIMULRGS[mne][i] + SIMULRGV[mne][i]*dt \
                  + SIMULRGA[mne][i] / 2 * dt * dt
            return pos
    return SIMULRGS[mne][3]

#%IU%(mne, what, p1, p2)
#ct_start_one time mode  (1 = monitor, 2 = time, 3 = continious)
#ct_counts should return the current counter values

# Simulated COUNTER
def simulc_cmd(mne, what, p1, p2) '{
  mnum = motor_num(mne)
  if (what == "start_one") {
    SIMULCTARGET[mne] = p1
    SIMULCCOUNTS[mne] = 0
    SIMULCMODE[mne] = p2
    SIMULCSTARTTIME[mne] = time()
    if (SIMULCFREQ[mne] == 0)
      SIMULCFREQ[mne] = 10000
  } else if (what == "get_status") {
    if (SIMULCMODE[mne] == 2) {
      if (time() - SIMULCSTARTTIME[mne] > SIMULCTARGET[mne]) {
        SIMULCCOUNTING[mne] = 0
    return 0
      } else
    return 1
    } else if (SIMULCMODE[mne] == 1) {
      if (SIMULCCOUNTS[mne] > SIMULCTARGET[mne]) {
        SIMULCCOUNTING[mne] = 0
      return SIMULCCOUNTING[mne]
    } else {
      return 0

  } else if (what == "counts") {
     c = cnt_num(mne)
     if (SIMULCMODE[mne] == 2) {
       if (SIMULCCOUNTING[mne]) {
         return (time() - SIMULCSTARTTIME[mne]) * counter_par(c, "scale")
       } else
         return SIMULCTARGET[mne] * counter_par(c, "scale")
     } else {
       if (SIMULCCOUNTING[mne]) {
     return SIMULCCOUNTS[mne]

#%IU%(mne, key, action, p1)
def simulc_par(mne, key, action, p1) '{
    if (key == "frequency") {
        if (action == "set")
            SIMULCFREQ[mne] = p1
        return SIMULCFREQ[mne]
    } else if (key == "?") {
        print "frequency "

#%IU%(mne, code, p1, p2)
def simulc_config(mne, code, p1, p2) '{
    if (SIMULCFREQ[mne] == 0  && code == "cnt") {
        SIMULCCOUNTING[mne] = 0
        SIMULCFREQ[mne] = 10000

def simulc_updatecounts(mne) '{
    delta_t  = time() - SIMULCSTARTTIME[mne]
    delta_c = SIMULCFREQ[mne] * delta_t * (1 + rand(-1000)/10000)
    SIMULCCOUNTS[mne] += delta_c
    SIMULCSTARTTIME[mne] = time()

#   real:  sl = neg blade
#          sr = pos blade
# pseudo:  sg = gap
#          so = offset
def ptest_config(mne, type, p1, p2) '{
    if (type == "mot")
        return "sl sr"

def ptest_calc(mne, mode, mne2) '{

# printf("ptest_calc(%s, %d%s%s)\n", mne,mode,mne2? ", ":"", mne2)

    if (mode == 0) {
        if (mne == "sg")
            A[sg] = A[sl] + A[sr]
        if (mne == "so")
            A[so] = (A[sr] - A[sl])/2
    } else {
        if (mne2 == "sl")
            A[sl] = -A[so] + A[sg]/2
        if (mne2 == "sr")
            A[sr] = A[so] + A[sg]/2
