
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  A simple macro package to pulse, open or close a shutter (ICV196)
#  A shutter (or any other relay) can be opened or closed. 
#%DT% shutopen 0 %DD% (opens shutter 0)
#%DT% shutclose %DD%  (closes shutter 0,  remembers last channel used)
#%DT% shutpuls 10 %DD% (opens the shutter 0 for 10 seconds)
#%DT% shutwait Close %DD% (wait until shutter is closed again)


#%UU%  [relay device name] [pulsed relay device name]
#   The name of the device servers are used in all the macros. Input the
#   first two parts of the device server name only (for ex. ID/ID112pulsed)
#   The last part will be the number of the channel.
def shutsetup '{
local devr devp
if ($# > 2) {
  print "Usage: shutsetup [relay device name] [pulsed relay device name]"

if ($# < 1) {
  devr = getval("How is your relay device called? ",devr)
else {
  devr = "$1"

if ($# < 2) {
  devp = getval("How is your pulsed relay device called? ", devp)
else {
  devp = "$2"
shutsetupf (devr, devp)

#%UU% (relay device name, pulsed relay device name)
#  Same as shutsetup, but defined as a function. If one of the relay types
# is not used, NULL has to be specified.
def shutsetupf (rel, pulsed) '{
global RELAY_NO
SHUT_DEVP = pulsed

#%UU%  [channel]
# Opens the shutter. If no channel is given the channel will be taken
# from the last shutter command.
def shutopen '{
if ($#)
  RELAY_NO = "$1"

#%UU%  [channel]

#   Like above. Closes the shutter
def shutclose '{
if ($#)
  RELAY_NO = "$1"

#%UU%  [channel]

#   Reads the current shutter state (Open or Closed)
def shutread '{
if ($#)
  RELAY_NO = "$1"
printf("Relay No %d state:%s\n",RELAY_NO,(esrf_io(sprintf("%s/%s",SHUT_DEVR,RELAY_NO),"DevReadValue")==3)?"Closed" : "Open")

#%UU%  <time in s> [channel]

#   Pulses (opens for a certain time) the shutter. The timing will be done on
#   OS9 level.
def shutpuls '{
if ($# == 0)
  print "Usage: shutpuls <time in s> [channel no]"
if ($# > 1 )
  RELAY_NO = "$2"

#%UU%  O[pen]|C[lose] [channel]

#   Waits until the given shutter is Open or Closed
def shutwait '{
local ans state

if ($# == 0)
  print "Usage: shutwait Open|Close  [channel no]"

ans = substr("$1",0,1)
state = 4
if ((ans == "O") || (ans == "o"))
  state = 4
else if ((ans == "C") || (ans == "c"))
  state = 3
  print "Usage: shutwait Open|Close  [channel no]"

if ($# > 1)
  RELAY_NO = "$2"
while (esrf_io(sprintf("%s/%s",SHUT_DEVP,RELAY_NO),"DevReadValue") != state) {}

#%LI% The device server %B%Relay%B% or(and) %B%Pulsed relay%B% has to run
#on the OS9 crate
#%LI% The %B%shut.mac%B% file has to be loaded         done by: startup script
#%LI% The device has to be setup : shutsetup           done by: startup script
#    (the device server for the pulsed relay and 
#     normal relay has to be different) 
#%AUTHOR%Jorg Klora
#$Revision: 2.3 $, $Date: 1999/07/30 10:14:45 $