
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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# Here is a list of error codes from GCS standard.
# GCS is : General Command Set from PI.
# Theses error codes should be common to all devices.
# (ex: pi e-712 pi e-517 pi e-753)
# Mcaros can either use  pi_gcs_get_error either use directly the PIGCS array.

#%IU% (<err_nb>)
#    Returns the error message corresponding to error number <err_nb>.
def pi_gcs_get_error(err_nb) '{
    return __PIGCS["error"][err_nb]

global __PIGCS[]

__PIGCS[0]="No error"
__PIGCS[1]="Parameter syntax error"
__PIGCS[2]="Unknown command"
__PIGCS[3]="Command length out of limits or command buffer overrun"
__PIGCS[4]="Error while scanning"
__PIGCS[5]="Unallowable move attempted on unreferenced axis,\nor move attempted with servo off"
__PIGCS[6]="Parameter for SGA not valid"
__PIGCS[7]="Position out of limits"
__PIGCS[8]="Velocity out of limits"
__PIGCS[9]="Attempt to set pivot point while U,V and W not all 0"
__PIGCS[10]="Controller was stopped by command"
__PIGCS[11]="Parameter for SST or for one of the embedded scan algorithms out of range"
__PIGCS[12]="Invalid axis combination for fast scan"
__PIGCS[13]="Parameter for NAV out of range"
__PIGCS[14]="Invalid analog channel"
__PIGCS[15]="Invalid axis identifier"
__PIGCS[16]="Unknown stage name"
__PIGCS[17]="Parameter out of range"
__PIGCS[18]="Invalid macro name"
__PIGCS[19]="Error while recording macro"
__PIGCS[20]="Macro not found"
__PIGCS[21]="Axis has no brake"
__PIGCS[22]="Axis identifier specified more than once"
__PIGCS[23]="Illegal axis"
__PIGCS[24]="Incorrect number of parameters"
__PIGCS[25]="Invalid floating point number"
__PIGCS[26]="Parameter missing"
__PIGCS[27]="Soft limit out of range"
__PIGCS[28]="No manual pad found"
__PIGCS[29]="No more step-response values"
__PIGCS[30]="No step-response values recorded"
__PIGCS[31]="Axis has no reference sensor"
__PIGCS[32]="Axis has no limit switch"
__PIGCS[33]="No relay card installed"
__PIGCS[34]="Command not allowed for selected stage(s)"
__PIGCS[35]="No digital input installed"
__PIGCS[36]="No digital output configured"
__PIGCS[37]="No more MCM responses"
__PIGCS[38]="No MCM values recorded"
__PIGCS[39]="Controller number invalid"
__PIGCS[40]="No joystick configured"
__PIGCS[41]="Invalid axis for electronic gearing, axis can not be slave"
__PIGCS[42]="Position of slave axis is out of range"
__PIGCS[43]="Slave axis cannot be commanded directly when electronic gearing is enabled"
__PIGCS[44]="Calibration of joystick failed"
__PIGCS[45]="Referencing failed"
__PIGCS[46]="OPM (Optical Power Meter) missing"
__PIGCS[47]="OPM (Optical Power Meter) not initialized or cannot be initialized"
__PIGCS[48]="OPM (Optical Power Meter) Communication Error"
__PIGCS[49]="Move to limit switch failed"
__PIGCS[50]="Attempt to reference axis with referencing disabled"
__PIGCS[51]="Selected axis is controlled by joystick"
__PIGCS[52]="Controller detected communication error"
__PIGCS[53]="MOV! motion still in progress"
__PIGCS[54]="Unknown parameter"
__PIGCS[55]="No commands were recorded with REP"
__PIGCS[56]="Password invalid"
__PIGCS[57]="Data Record Table does not exist"
__PIGCS[58]="Source does not exist; number too low or too high"
__PIGCS[59]="Source Record Table number too low or too high"
__PIGCS[60]="Protected Param: current Command Level (CCL) too low"
__PIGCS[61]="Command execution not possible while Autozero is running"
__PIGCS[62]="Autozero requires at least one linear axis"
__PIGCS[63]="Initialization still in progress"
__PIGCS[64]="Parameter is read-only"
__PIGCS[65]="Parameter not found in non-volatile memory"
__PIGCS[66]="Voltage out of limits"
__PIGCS[67]="Not enough memory available for requested wave curve"
__PIGCS[68]="Not enough memory available for DDL table; DDL can not be started"
__PIGCS[69]="Time delay larger than DDL table; DDL can not be started"
__PIGCS[70]="The requested arrays have different lengths; query them separately"
__PIGCS[71]="Attempt to restart the generator while it is running in single step mode"
__PIGCS[72]="Motion commands and wave generator activation are not \nallowed when analog target is active"
__PIGCS[73]="Motion commands are not allowed when wave generator is active"
__PIGCS[74]="No sensor channel or no piezo channel connected to \nselected axis (sensor and piezo matrix)"
__PIGCS[75]="Generator started (WGO) without having selected a wave table (WSL)."
__PIGCS[76]="Interface buffer did overrun and command couldn't be received correctly"
__PIGCS[77]="Data Record Table does not hold enough recorded data"
__PIGCS[78]="Data Record Table is not configured for recording"
__PIGCS[79]="Open-loop commands (SVA, SVR) are not allowed when servo is on"
__PIGCS[80]="Hardware error affecting RAM"
__PIGCS[81]="Not macro command"
__PIGCS[82]="Macro counter out of range"
__PIGCS[83]="Joystick is active"
__PIGCS[84]="Motor is off"
__PIGCS[85]="Macro-only command"
__PIGCS[86]="Invalid joystick axis"
__PIGCS[87]="Joystick unknown"
__PIGCS[88]="Move without referenced stage"
__PIGCS[89]="Command not allowed in current motion mode"
__PIGCS[90]="No tracing possible while digital IOs are used on \nthis HW revision. Reconnect to switch operation mode."
__PIGCS[91]="Move not possible, would cause collision"
__PIGCS[92]="Stage is not capable of following the master. Check the gear ratio(SRA)."
__PIGCS[93]="This command is not allowed while the affected axis \nor its master is in motion."
__PIGCS[94]="Servo cannot be switched on when open-loop joystick control is enabled."
__PIGCS[95]="This parameter cannot be changed in current servo mode."
__PIGCS[96]="Unknown stage name"
__PIGCS[100]="PI LabVIEW driver reports error. See source control for details."
__PIGCS[200]="No stage connected to axis"
__PIGCS[201]="File with axis parameters not found"
__PIGCS[202]="Invalid axis parameter file"
__PIGCS[203]="Backup file with axis parameters not found"
__PIGCS[204]="PI internal error code 204"
__PIGCS[205]="SMO with servo on"
__PIGCS[206]="uudecode: incomplete header"
__PIGCS[207]="uudecode: nothing to decode"
__PIGCS[208]="uudecode: illegal UUE format"
__PIGCS[209]="CRC32 error"
__PIGCS[210]="Illegal file name (must be 8-0 format)"
__PIGCS[211]="File not found on controller"
__PIGCS[212]="Error writing file on controller"
__PIGCS[213]="VEL command not allowed in DTR Command Mode"
__PIGCS[214]="Position calculations failed"
__PIGCS[215]="The connection between controller and stage may be broken"
__PIGCS[216]="The connected stage has driven into a limit switch,\ncall CLR to resume operation"
__PIGCS[217]="Strut test command failed because of an unexpected strut stop"
__PIGCS[218]="While MOV! is running position can only be estimated!"
__PIGCS[219]="Position was calculated during MOV motion"
__PIGCS[230]="Invalid handle"
__PIGCS[231]="No bios found"
__PIGCS[232]="Save system configuration failed"
__PIGCS[233]="Load system configuration failed"
__PIGCS[301]="Send buffer overflow"
__PIGCS[302]="Voltage out of limits"
__PIGCS[303]="Open-loop motion attempted when servo ON"
__PIGCS[304]="Received command is too long"
__PIGCS[305]="Error while reading/writing EEPROM"
__PIGCS[306]="Error on I2C bus"
__PIGCS[307]="Timeout while receiving command"
__PIGCS[308]="A lengthy operation has not finished in the expected time"
__PIGCS[309]="Insufficient space to store macro"
__PIGCS[310]="Configuration data has old version number"
__PIGCS[311]="Invalid configuration data"
__PIGCS[333]="Internal hardware error"
__PIGCS[400]="Wave generator index error"
__PIGCS[401]="Wave table not defined"
__PIGCS[402]="Wave type not supported"
__PIGCS[403]="Wave length exceeds limit"
__PIGCS[404]="Wave parameter number error"
__PIGCS[405]="Wave parameter out of range"
__PIGCS[406]="WGO command bit not supported"
__PIGCS[500]="The \"red knob\" is still set and disables system"
__PIGCS[501]="The \"red knob\" was activated and still disables system - reanimation required"
__PIGCS[502]="Position consistency check failed"
__PIGCS[503]="Hardware collision sensor(s) are activated"
__PIGCS[504]="Strut following error occurred, e.g. caused by overload or encoder failure"
__PIGCS[555]="BasMac: unknown controller error"
__PIGCS[601]="not enough memory"
__PIGCS[602]="hardware voltage error"
__PIGCS[603]="hardware temperature out of range"
__PIGCS[1000]="Too many nested macros"
__PIGCS[1001]="Macro already defined"
__PIGCS[1002]="Macro recording not activated"
__PIGCS[1003]="Invalid parameter for MAC"
__PIGCS[1004]="PI internal error code 1004"
__PIGCS[1005]="Controller is busy with some lengthy operation\n(e.g. reference move, fast scan algorithm)"
__PIGCS[1006]="Invalid identifier (invalid special characters, ...)"
__PIGCS[1007]="Variable or argument not defined"
__PIGCS[1008]="Controller is (already) running a macro"
__PIGCS[1009]="Invalid or missing operator for condition.\nCheck necessary spaces around operator."
__PIGCS[1063]="User Profile Mode: Command is not allowed, \ncheck for required preparatory commands"
__PIGCS[1064]="User Profile Mode: First target position in User Profile\nis too far from current position"
__PIGCS[1065]="Controller is (already) in User Profile Mode"
__PIGCS[1066]="User Profile Mode: Block or Data Set index out of allowed range"
__PIGCS[1071]="User Profile Mode: Out of memory"
__PIGCS[1072]="User Profile Mode: Cluster is not assigned to this axis"
__PIGCS[1073]="Unknown cluster identifier"
__PIGCS[2000]="Controller already has a serial number"
__PIGCS[4000]="Sector erase failed"
__PIGCS[4001]="Flash program failed"
__PIGCS[4002]="Flash read failed"
__PIGCS[4003]="HW match code missing/invalid"
__PIGCS[4004]="FW match code missing/invalid"
__PIGCS[4005]="HW version missing/invalid"
__PIGCS[4006]="FW version missing/invalid"
__PIGCS[4007]="FW update failed"
__PIGCS[4008]="FW Parameter CRC wrong"
__PIGCS[4009]="FW CRC wrong"
__PIGCS[5000]="PicoCompensation scan data is not valid"
__PIGCS[5001]="PicoCompensation is running, some actions can not be \nexecuted during scanning/recording"
__PIGCS[5002]="Given axis can not be defined as PPC axis"
__PIGCS[5003]="Defined scan area is larger than the travel range"
__PIGCS[5004]="Given PicoCompensation type is not defined"
__PIGCS[5005]="PicoCompensation parameter error"
__PIGCS[5006]="PicoCompensation table is larger than maximum table length"
__PIGCS[5100]="Common error in Nexline firmware module"
__PIGCS[5101]="Output channel for Nexline can not be redefined for other usage"
__PIGCS[5102]="Memory for Nexline signals is too small"
__PIGCS[5103]="RNP can not be executed if axis is in closed loop"
__PIGCS[5104]="relax procedure (RNP) needed"
__PIGCS[5200]="Axis must be configured for this action"
__PIGCS[-1]="Error during com operation (could not be specified)"
__PIGCS[-2]="Error while sending data"
__PIGCS[-3]="Error while receiving data"
__PIGCS[-4]="Not connected (no port with given ID open)"
__PIGCS[-5]="Buffer overflow"
__PIGCS[-6]="Error while opening port"
__PIGCS[-7]="Timeout error"
__PIGCS[-8]="There are more lines waiting in buffer"
__PIGCS[-9]="There is no interface or DLL handle with the given ID"
__PIGCS[-10]="Event/message for notification could not be opened"
__PIGCS[-11]="Function not supported by this interface type"
__PIGCS[-12]="Error while sending "echoed" data"
__PIGCS[-13]="IEEE488: System error"
__PIGCS[-14]="IEEE488: Function requires GPIB board to be CIC"
__PIGCS[-15]="IEEE488: Write function detected no listeners"
__PIGCS[-16]="IEEE488: Interface board not addressed correctly"
__PIGCS[-17]="IEEE488: Invalid argument to function call"
__PIGCS[-18]="IEEE488: Function requires GPIB board to be SAC"
__PIGCS[-19]="IEEE488: I/O operation aborted"
__PIGCS[-20]="IEEE488: Interface board not found"
__PIGCS[-21]="IEEE488: Error performing DMA"
__PIGCS[-22]="IEEE488: I/O operation started before previous operation completed"
__PIGCS[-23]="IEEE488: No capability for intended operation"
__PIGCS[-24]="IEEE488: File system operation error"
__PIGCS[-25]="IEEE488: Command error during device call"
__PIGCS[-26]="IEEE488: Serial poll-status byte lost"
__PIGCS[-27]="IEEE488: SRQ remains asserted"
__PIGCS[-28]="IEEE488: Return buffer full"
__PIGCS[-29]="IEEE488: Address or board locked"
__PIGCS[-30]="RS-232: 5 data bits with 2 stop bits is an invalid \ncombination, as is 6, 7, or 8 data bits with 1.5 stop bits"
__PIGCS[-31]="RS-232: Error configuring the COM port"
__PIGCS[-32]="Error dealing with internal system resources (events, threads, ...)"
__PIGCS[-33]="A DLL or one of the required functions could not be loaded"
__PIGCS[-34]="FTDIUSB: invalid handle"
__PIGCS[-35]="FTDIUSB: device not found"
__PIGCS[-36]="FTDIUSB: device not opened"
__PIGCS[-37]="FTDIUSB: IO error"
__PIGCS[-38]="FTDIUSB: insufficient resources"
__PIGCS[-39]="FTDIUSB: invalid parameter"
__PIGCS[-40]="FTDIUSB: invalid baud rate"
__PIGCS[-41]="FTDIUSB: device not opened for erase"
__PIGCS[-42]="FTDIUSB: device not opened for write"
__PIGCS[-43]="FTDIUSB: failed to write device"
__PIGCS[-44]="FTDIUSB: EEPROM read failed"
__PIGCS[-45]="FTDIUSB: EEPROM write failed"
__PIGCS[-46]="FTDIUSB: EEPROM erase failed"
__PIGCS[-47]="FTDIUSB: EEPROM not present"
__PIGCS[-48]="FTDIUSB: EEPROM not programmed"
__PIGCS[-49]="FTDIUSB: invalid arguments"
__PIGCS[-50]="FTDIUSB: not supported"
__PIGCS[-51]="FTDIUSB: other error"
__PIGCS[-52]="Error while opening the COM port: was already open"
__PIGCS[-53]="Checksum error in received data from COM port"
__PIGCS[-54]="Socket not ready, you should call the function again"
__PIGCS[-55]="Port is used by another socket"
__PIGCS[-56]="Socket not connected (or not valid)"
__PIGCS[-57]="Connection terminated (by peer)"
__PIGCS[-58]="Can't connect to peer"
__PIGCS[-59]="Operation was interrupted by a nonblocked signal"
__PIGCS[-60]="No device with this ID is present"
__PIGCS[-61]="Driver could not be opened (on Vista: run as administrator!)"
__PIGCS[-1001]="Unknown axis identifier"
__PIGCS[-1002]="Number for NAV out of range--must be in [1,10000]"
__PIGCS[-1003]="Invalid value for SGA--must be one of 1, 10, 100, 1000"
__PIGCS[-1004]="Controller sent unexpected response"
__PIGCS[-1005]="No manual control pad installed, calls to SMA and \nrelated commands are not allowed"
__PIGCS[-1006]="Invalid number for manual control pad knob"
__PIGCS[-1007]="Axis not currently controlled by a manual control pad"
__PIGCS[-1008]="Controller is busy with some lengthy operation (e.g. reference move, fast scan algorithm)"
__PIGCS[-1009]="Internal error--could not start thread"
__PIGCS[-1010]="Controller is (already) in macro mode--command not valid in macro mode"
__PIGCS[-1011]="Controller not in macro mode--command not valid unless macro mode active"
__PIGCS[-1012]="Could not open file to write or read macro"
__PIGCS[-1013]="No macro with given name on controller, or macro is empty"
__PIGCS[-1014]="Internal error in macro editor"
__PIGCS[-1015]="One or more arguments given to function is invalid \n(empty string, index out of range, ...)"
__PIGCS[-1016]="Axis identifier is already in use by a connected stage"
__PIGCS[-1017]="Invalid axis identifier"
__PIGCS[-1018]="Could not access array data in COM server"
__PIGCS[-1019]="Range of array does not fit the number of parameters"
__PIGCS[-1020]="Invalid parameter ID given to SPA or SPA?"
__PIGCS[-1021]="Number for AVG out of range--must be >0"
__PIGCS[-1022]="Incorrect number of samples given to WAV"
__PIGCS[-1023]="Generation of wave failed"
__PIGCS[-1024]="Motion error while axis in motion, call CLR to resume operation"
__PIGCS[-1025]="Controller is (already) running a macro"
__PIGCS[-1026]="Configuration of PZT stage or amplifier failed"
__PIGCS[-1027]="Current settings are not valid for desired configuration"
__PIGCS[-1028]="Unknown channel identifier"
__PIGCS[-1029]="Error while reading/writing wave generator parameter file"
__PIGCS[-1030]="Could not find description of wave form. Maybe WG.INI is missing?"
__PIGCS[-1031]="The WGWaveEditor DLL function was not found at startup"
__PIGCS[-1032]="The user cancelled a dialog"
__PIGCS[-1033]="Error from C-844 Controller"
__PIGCS[-1034]="DLL necessary to call function not loaded, or function not found in DLL"
__PIGCS[-1035]="The open parameter file is protected and cannot be edited"
__PIGCS[-1036]="There is no parameter file open"
__PIGCS[-1037]="Selected stage does not exist"
__PIGCS[-1038]="There is already a parameter file open. Close it before opening a new file"
__PIGCS[-1039]="Could not open parameter file"
__PIGCS[-1040]="The version of the connected controller is invalid"
__PIGCS[-1041]="Parameter could not be set with SPA--parameter not defined for this controller!"
__PIGCS[-1042]="The maximum number of wave definitions has been exceeded"
__PIGCS[-1043]="The maximum number of wave generators has been exceeded"
__PIGCS[-1044]="No wave defined for specified axis"
__PIGCS[-1045]="Wave output to axis already stopped/started"
__PIGCS[-1046]="Not all axes could be referenced"
__PIGCS[-1047]="Could not find parameter set required by frequency relation"
__PIGCS[-1048]="Command ID given to SPP or SPP? is not valid"
__PIGCS[-1049]="A stage name given to CST is not unique"
__PIGCS[-1050]="A uuencoded file transferred did not start with "begin"\nfollowed by the proper filename"
__PIGCS[-1051]="Could not create/read file on host PC"
__PIGCS[-1052]="Checksum error when transferring a file to/from the controller"
__PIGCS[-1053]="The PiStages.dat database could not be found.\nThis file is required to connect a stage with the CST command"
__PIGCS[-1054]="No wave being output to specified axis"
__PIGCS[-1055]="Invalid password"
__PIGCS[-1056]="Error during communication with OPM (Optical Power Meter),\nmaybe no OPM connected"
__PIGCS[-1057]="WaveEditor: Error during wave creation, incorrect number of parameters"
__PIGCS[-1058]="WaveEditor: Frequency out of range"
__PIGCS[-1059]="WaveEditor: Error during wave creation, incorrect index for integer parameter"
__PIGCS[-1060]="WaveEditor: Error during wave creation, incorrect index \nfor floating point parameter"
__PIGCS[-1061]="WaveEditor: Error during wave creation, could not calculate value"
__PIGCS[-1062]="WaveEditor: Graph display component not installed"
__PIGCS[-1063]="User Profile Mode: Command is not allowed, check for \nrequired preparatory commands"
__PIGCS[-1064]="User Profile Mode: First target position in User Profile\nis too far from current position"
__PIGCS[-1065]="Controller is (already) in User Profile Mode"
__PIGCS[-1066]="User Profile Mode: Block or Data Set index out of allowed range"
__PIGCS[-1067]="ProfileGenerator: No profile has been created yet"
__PIGCS[-1068]="ProfileGenerator: Generated profile exceeds limits of one or both axes"
__PIGCS[-1069]="ProfileGenerator: Unknown parameter ID in Set/Get Parameter command"
__PIGCS[-1070]="ProfileGenerator: Parameter out of allowed range"
__PIGCS[-1071]="User Profile Mode: Out of memory"
__PIGCS[-1072]="User Profile Mode: Cluster is not assigned to this axis"
__PIGCS[-1073]="Unknown cluster identifier"
__PIGCS[-1074]="The installed device driver doesn't match the required version.\nPlease see the documentation to determine the required device driver version."
__PIGCS[-1075]="The library used doesn't match the required version.\nPlease see the documentation to determine the required library version."
__PIGCS[-1076]="The interface is currently locked by another function.\nPlease try again later."
__PIGCS[-1077]="Version of parameter DAT file does not match the required version.\nCurrent files are available at"
__PIGCS[-1078]="Cannot write to parameter DAT file to store user defined stage type."
__PIGCS[-1079]="Cannot create parameter DAT file to store user defined stage type."
__PIGCS[-1080]="Parameter DAT file does not have correct revision."
__PIGCS[-1081]="User stages DAT file does not have correct revision."