
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  Macros to control the ON-TRAK (OT-302D) module 
#%CATEGORY% Positioning, Detection, BPM
#The is the OT302 display module for the ON-TRAK position sensig amplifiers.
#The later provide an X-Y (normalised) position and SUM output from
#different position detectors.
# The serial line cable is connected to the serial line interface card
# COMU 2000 (COMU 30), known as IBAM. A "device server" called SerialLine
# should be running in the VME crate, where the IBAM is. The configuration
# of the "server" can be found in a the resource file xxxSerilaLine.res,
# where xxx is the name of the crate (i.e. d291, id011 ...)
#The parameters of the  %B%RS232%B% serial line are:%BR%
#		- 8 bits%BR%
#		- no parity%BR%
# 		- 1 stop bit%BR%
#		- 9600 bauds
#$Log: ot302.mac,v $
#Revision 1.2  2008/08/12 15:27:02  rey
#documentation changes
#Revision 1.1  2003/07/25 12:33:17  beteva
#Initial revision
#define global variables and assign some values

#%MDESC% Activates the  OT-302D: executes the setup sequence
#(_ot_setup macro), adds the reading of the possition into the
#counters reading (ct) only if ot_x counter defined 
def ot_on '{
cdef ("","",OT_CMNEM[0],"delete")
cdef ("user_getcounts",";ot_read();",OT_CMNEM[0],0x22)

#%MDESC% removes all the macros and definitions for the OT-302D
def ot_off '{
cdef ("","",OT_CMNEM[0],"delete")

#%UU% <serial line number (i.e. 0), <unit number>>
#%MDESC% Establish the communication with the module. The input
#parameter is the ordinal number of the serial line device (starting from 0),
#as assigned in the %B%config%B% file and the unit number connected to the
#module. Default unit number is 1.

def ot_setup '{
local i

if ($#) {
  OT_LINE = $1
  OT_CMNEM[0] = "$2"
  OT_CMNEM[1] = "$3"
  OT_CMNEM[2] = "$4"
  OT_UNIT = $5
else {
  OT_LINE = getval("Serial line number (starting from 0):",OT_LINE)
  OT_CMNEM[0] = getval("X position pseudo counter mnemonic:",OT_CMNEM[0])
  OT_CMNEM[1] = getval("Y position pseudo counter mnemonic:",OT_CMNEM[1])
  OT_CMNEM[2] = getval("Sum pseudo counter mnemonic:",OT_CMNEM[2])
  OT_UNIT = getval("Unit number (1-255):",OT_UNIT)
_ot_setup(OT_LINE, OT_UNIT)

#%IU% (ser_line)
#%MDESC% Sets the Module in mm, no echo, fast averaging, default unit number
def _ot_setup(ser_line,unit) '{
local ot_put

ot_put = "m1\r"
if (ser_put(ser_line, ot_put) == -1)
  eprintf ("error setting mm\n")

ot_put = "e0\r"
if (ser_put(ser_line, ot_put) == -1)
  eprintf ("error setting no echo mode\n")

ot_put = "f1\r"
if (ser_put(ser_line, ot_put) == -1)
  eprintf ("error setting fast averaging\n")

ot_put = sprintf ("s%d\r", unit)
if (ser_put(ser_line, ot_put) == -1)
  eprintf ("error setting unit %d as default\n", unit)

#%MDESC% Read the position (X,Y) [mm] and the SUM gain calibration [V].
def ot_read() '{
 local i ot_data[]

 for (i=0; i<3; i++)
    S[cnt_num(OT_CMNEM[i])] = ot_data[i]

#%UI% (unit)
#%MDESC% Read the position (X,Y) [mm]. Return 0 if success, -1 if error
def _ot_read(unit, ot_data) '{
local ot_put ot_get
local abb ind1 ind2

ot_put = sprintf("r%d\r",unit)
if (ser_put(OT_LINE, ot_put) != -1) {
   ot_get = ser_get(OT_LINE,"!")
   if (ot_get != 0) {
      ot_data[0] = 1*(substr(abb[0],index(abb[0],"=")+1))
      ot_data[1] = 1*(substr(abb[1],index(abb[1],"=")+1))
      ind1 = index(abb[2],"=") + 1
      ind2 = index(abb[2],"V")
      ot_data[2] = 1*(substr(abb[2],ind1, ind2-ind1))
      return (0)
else {
   for (i=0; i<3; i++)
     ot_data[i] = 0
   return (-1)

#%AUTHOR% A.Beteva %BR%
#$Revision: 1.2 $, $Date: 2008/08/12 15:27:02 $