
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%NAME% Macros for lookup scan
#$Revision: 1.6 $
# Those macros provide users a lookup scan posibility on n motors
# There is two external macro :%BR%%BR%
#%DT% ltinit : %DD%initilise global variable for each motor
#%DT% ltscan : %DD%start scan on motor
#%DT% ltinit mot1 mot2...motn
#%DD% It initialise global variable LT_START,LT_STOP,LT_LINE and
#     one array for each motors motname_ltscan_arr.
#%DL% Global variable description:
#%DD% is a long array which index line start position in the motors array
#%DD% is a long array which index line stop position in the motors array
#%DD% the number of line in the scan sizeof(LT_STOP|LT_START) or less
#%DT%  <motorname>_ltscan_arr
#%DD% is a motor float array position
#%DT% ltscan mot1 mot2...motn ctime
#%DD% start scan on motors : mot1 mot2... motn. Count time is given by
#     ctime,which if positive, specifies seconds and if negative,
#     specifies monitor counts.
#%DT% ltscan samy samz 0.5 with this global :
#   LT_START = [0,4]
#   LT_STOP  = [3,6]
#   LT_LINE  = 2
#   samy_lscan_arr  = [0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7]
#   samz_ltscan_arr = [7,6,5,4,3,2,1,0]
# this will scan 2 lines;
#      first  0..3 is [(0,7), (1,6), (2,5), (3,4)] and
#  the second 4..6 is [(4,3), (5,2), (6,1), (7,0)]

#%IU% <parma>
def _ltscan '{
        _n1 = 0
        local i
        for(i = 0 ; i < LT_LINE ; ++i)
            local nbPoint
            startpos = LT_START[i]
            stoppos  = LT_STOP[i]

            # ??
            if(stoppos < startpos)
                nbPoint = startpos - stoppos
                nbPoint = stoppos - startpos

            # Beuurk
            _n1 += nbPoint + 1


    HEADING = _nm>1? sprintf("lt%dscan ", _nm):"ltscan "

        local i
        for (i=0;i<_nm;i++) {
            HEADING=sprintf("%s%s", HEADING, sprintf(" %s ", motor_mne(_m[i])))

    HEADING=sprintf("%s %g %g", HEADING, _n1, _ctime)

    FPRNT = PPRNT = VPRNT = ""

    _cols = _nm + _hkl_col

        local i
        for (i=0;i<_nm;i++) {
            FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ",   FPRNT, motor_name(_m[i]))
            PPRNT=sprintf("%s%8.8s ", PPRNT, motor_name(_m[i]))
            VPRNT=sprintf("%s%9.9s ", VPRNT, motor_name(_m[i]))

    FPRNT=sprintf("%s%s  ", FPRNT, _hkl_sym1)
    PFMT=sprintf("%%s%%8.%df ", UP)
    VFMT=sprintf("%%s%%9.%df ", UP)

        local lineId
        local startIndex
        local stopIndex

        for (lineId = 0 ; lineId < LT_LINE ; ++lineId)
            global LTSCAN_INDEX
            LTSCAN_INDEX = LT_START[lineId]
            stopIndex = LT_STOP[lineId]

            if (startIndex >= stopIndex)
                for (;LTSCAN_INDEX >= stopIndex;--LTSCAN_INDEX)
                for (;LTSCAN_INDEX <= stopIndex;++LTSCAN_INDEX)

# init stub macro.
cdef("_ltscan_core", "", "")

#%IU% <parma>
#    Called in _ltscan via _ltscan_core
def _ltscanonepoint '{

    local i

    for (i=0 ; i<_nm ; i++)
        local mne_arr

        # Sets trarget value for i-th motor.
        mne_arr = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr",motor_mne(_m[i]))
        A[_m[i]] = @mne_arr[LTSCAN_INDEX]


    FPRNT = PPRNT = VPRNT = ""

    for (i=0;i<_nm;i++) {
        FPRNT=sprintf("%s%.8g ", FPRNT, A[_m[i]])
        PPRNT=sprintf(PFMT, PPRNT, A[_m[i]])
        VPRNT=sprintf(VFMT, VPRNT, A[_m[i]])

    FPRNT = sprintf("%s%s ", FPRNT, _hkl_val)
    scan_data(NPTS, A[_m[0]])

#%UU% <motor1> .. <motorn> <ctime>
def ltscan '{

    if ($# < 2)  {
        eprint "Usage : ltscan motor1... motorn ctime"

    local nb_motor
    local m_names
    local indMaxStart
    local indMaxStop
    local indMax

    # ??
    if(!(whatis("LT_START") & 0x80000004))
            eprint "There is no array LT_START"
            eprint "LT_START is not an array"


    if(!(whatis("LT_STOP") & 0x80000004)){
    if(!whatis("LT_STOP")) {
            eprint "There is no array LT_STOP"
            eprint "LT_STOP is not an array"


    # ??
    indMaxStart = array_op("max", LT_START)
    indMaxStop  = array_op("max", LT_STOP)
    print "indMaxStart=" indMaxStart "   indMaxStop="indMaxStop

    # beurk:
    # indMax is the max of the 2...
    if(indMaxStart > indMaxStop){
        indMax = indMaxStart
        indMax = indMaxStop
    print "indMax="indMax

    # time is the last param.
    nb_motor  = split("$*", m_names)
    nb_motor -= 1
    _ctime    = m_names[nb_motor]

    local i

    # ??
    # _m ??
    # _nm ??
    # long array _m[nb_motor] # do NOT declare _m here as it is already correctly
    # defined as associative array in standard.mac
    _nm = nb_motor

    for(i = 0; i < nb_motor; ++i) {
    local m_name
    m_name = m_names[i]

    if(m_name != motor_mne(@m_name)) {
            eprint sprintf("Invalide motor name : %s", m_name)

    local motorArray
    motorArray = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr", m_name)

    if(!(whatis(motorArray) & 0x80000004)) {
                eprint sprintf("There is no array (%s) motor position for %s motor", \
                               motorArray, m_name)
                eprint sprintf("%s is not an array", motorArray)

    local motorArraySize
    motorArraySize = array_op("cols", @motorArray)

    if(motorArraySize < indMax)
        eprint printf("position-array size of motor \"%s\" is smaller (%d) than the index max (%d) \n", \
                          m_name, motorArraySize, indMax)

        # ??
    _m[i] = @m_name

        local startsize
        local stopsize

        startsize = array_op("cols", LT_START)
        stopsize  = array_op("cols", LT_STOP)

        if(stopsize < LT_LINE || startsize < LT_LINE)
            eprint "array size < number of lines (LT_LINE)"
            print "startsize="startsize "   stopsize="stopsize



#%UU% <mot1> ... <motN>
def ltinit '{
    local _nb_param
    _nb_param = $#

    if (!_nb_param) {
        eprint "ltinit motor1 ... motorn"

    _ltinit(_nb_param, "$*")


#%IU% <parma>
def _ltinit(argc, argv) '{
    local m_names
    local nb_motor

    nb_motor = split(argv, m_names)

    for(i = 0;i < argc;++i) {
        local m_name
        m_name = m_names[i]

        if(m_name != motor_mne(@m_name)) {
            eprint sprintf("Invalid motor name : %s", m_name)

        local arr_name
        arr_name = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr", m_name)
        global double array @arr_name[1]

    global long array LT_START[1]
    global long array LT_STOP[1]
    global LT_LINE

    cdef("_ltscan_core", "_ltscanonepoint\n", "_ltscan")

#%IU% <parma>
def ltinit_datacol '{

    if($# < 6) {
       print "Usage: $0 phistart deltaphi nframes time nsweeps motor1 ... motorn"

    local nb_arg
    local arg_name
    nb_arg = split("$*", arg_name)

    local nb_motors

    nb_motors = nb_arg - 5

    local motor_list
    local i

    for(i=5 ; i < nb_arg ; ++i){
        motor_list = sprintf("%s %s", motor_list, arg_name[i])

    _ltinit(nb_motors, motor_list)

    cmd = sprintf("_ltDataCol %lf %lf %d %lf %d\n", \
                  arg_name[0], arg_name[1], arg_name[2], arg_name[3], arg_name[4])

    cdef("_ltscan_core", cmd, "_ltscan")


#%IU% <parma>
def _ltDataCol '{
    local i

    for (i=0 ; i<_nm ; i++) {
        local mne_arr
        mne_arr = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr", motor_mne(_m[i]))
        A[_m[i]] = @mne_arr[LTSCAN_INDEX]


    datacol $1 $2 $3 $4 $5


#%UU% <parma>
def ltscan_test '{
    local arr_name_mot1 arr_name_mot2

    local _mne_mot1 _mne_mot2

    _mne_mot1 = "jetx"
    _mne_mot2 = "jetz"

    ltinit jetx jetz
    _nb_points = 35

    # Number of line in the scan sizeof(LT_STOP|LT_START) or less
    LT_LINE  = 1

    # array which index line start position in the motors array
    LT_START[0] = 0

    # array which index line stop position in the motors array
    LT_STOP[0]  = _nb_points - 1

    # array containing points to scan.
    arr_name_mot1 = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr", _mne_mot1)
    arr_name_mot2 = sprintf("%s_ltscan_arr", _mne_mot2)

    print "arr_name_mot1 : " arr_name_mot1 "        arr_name_mot2 : " arr_name_mot2

    #double array @arr_name_mot1[_nb_points][1]
    # double array @arr_name_mot2[_nb_points][1]

    double array @arr_name_mot1[_nb_points]
    double array @arr_name_mot2[_nb_points]

    print "Fills LT arrays"

    for (ii=0 ; ii< _nb_points ; ii++){
        @arr_name_mot1[ii] = ii
        @arr_name_mot2[ii] = ii

        #@arr_name_mot1[ii][1] = ii
        #@arr_name_mot2[ii][1] = ii

    print "arrays:"
    print "arr_name_mot1 "
    print @arr_name_mot1
    print ""
    print "arr_name_mot2 "
    print @arr_name_mot2

    printf ("Scanning points %d to %d \n", LT_START[0], LT_STOP[0])
    print "---------------------------------------"

    ltscan jetx jetz 0.1
