
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% K6221.MAC 
# Macros motors to control KEITHLEY current source K6221 through GPIB
# Configure first a macro motor controller with DEVICE field set to
# string "k6221" and ADDR field set to the full GPIB address where
# the controller can be reached (ex: "0:12"). Therefore there 
# must be ONE macro motor controller per K6221%BR%
# Then configure a motor using the previous controller, the "channel" 
# is used to select what to control. 0 for "output current" and 1 for
# "compliance voltage"%BR% 
# The unit of "current" motor will be amps and the unit
# of "voltage" motor will be volts.

# Called by spec after reading the config file
def k6221_config(num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{
  local addr
  local ans

  # p1==controller index p2==number of motors supported
  if(type == "ctrl") {
    addr = k6221_ADDR

    # minimum check on controller
    ans  = ""
    ans  = _k6221_cmd(addr, "*IDN?") 
    if(length(ans) == 0) {
      printf("K6221 ERROR: missing K6221 at address \"%s\"\n", addr)
      return ".error."

    if(!index(ans, "KEITHLEY") || !index(ans, "6221")) {
      printf("K6221 ERROR: not a K6221 at address \"%s\"\n", addr)
      return ".error."

    printf("Using KEITHLEY 6221 at address \"%s\"\n", addr)

    print "K6221: setting output current range to \"auto\""
    _k6221_cmd(addr, "SOURCE1:CURRENT:RANGE:AUTO ON")

# Called by spec on motor operation.
def k6221_cmd(num, key, p1, p2) '{
  local mne
  local addr
  local cmd
  local ans
  local isu

  # Handle actions at controller level
  if(num == "..") { 

  # Handle actions at motor level
  mne  = motor_mne(num)
  addr = motor_par(num, "address")
  isu  = motor_par(num, "channel")

  # return the current motor position in mm or deg
  if (key == "position") {
    local pos 
    local cmd

    cmd = sprintf("SOURCE1:CURRENT:%s", isu?"COMPLIANCE?":"LEVEL?")
    ans = _k6221_cmd(addr, cmd)
    if(sscanf(ans, "%f", pos) != 1) {
      print "K6221 ERROR: unable to get ",isu?"voltage":"current"," level"
      return ".error."
    return pos

  # start a motion (p1==abs pos, p2==rel pos, with pos in mm or deg)
  if (key == "start_one") {
    local cmd

    cmd = sprintf("SOURCE1:CURRENT:%s", isu?"COMPLIANCE":"LEVEL:IMM:AMPL")
    _k6221_cmd(addr, sprintf("%s %f", cmd, p1))
    _k6221_error_print(addr, "unable to set current level")


# Clear any previous error
def _k6221_error_clear(addr) '{
    _k6221_cmd(addr, "SYSTEM:CLEAR")

#%IU%(addr, msg, silent)
# Retrieve current error and print it out with the optional given
# message except if silent has be requiered.
# Returns non null if there was an error pending.
def _k6221_error_print(addr, msg, silent) '{
  local ans
  local ret

  ret = 0
  ans = _k6221_cmd(addr, "SYSTEM:ERROR?")
  if(index(ans, "No error")) {
    return ret

  ret = 1
  if(!silent) {
    local lines[]

    if(msg) {
      print "K6221 ERROR", msg
    if(split(ans, lines, ",") != 2) {
      print "Unable to parse error"
    } else {
      print lines[1]
  return ret

#%UU% motor command
# Send the given command to the controller associate to the
# given motor and print out the answer if there is one.
#%BR%Ex: k6221cmd m0 *IDN?
def k6221cmd '{
  local mne
  local cmd
  local num
  local addr

  if($# != 2) {
    print "Usage: $0 motor command"

  mne = "$1"
  cmd = "$2"
  if((num = motor_num(mne)) == -1) {
    print "K6221 ERROR: invalid motor name"

  if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "k6221") {
    print "K6221 ERROR: invalid motor, not a \"k6221\" macro motor"

  addr = motor_par(num, "address")

  print _k6221_cmd(addr, cmd)

#%UU% motor 
# Switch on output of the controller associate with given motor.
def k6221on '{
  if($# != 1) {
    print "Usage: $0 motor"
  _k6221_onoff("$1", 1)

#%UU% motor 
# Switch off output of the controller associate with given motor.
def k6221off '{
  if($# != 1) {
    print "Usage: $0 motor"
  _k6221_onoff("$1", 0)

#%IU%(mne, state)
# Control controller output for the given motor.
def _k6221_onoff(mne, state) '{
  local cmd
  local num
  local addr

  cmd = "$2"
  if((num = motor_num(mne)) == -1) {
    print "K6221 ERROR: invalid motor name"

  if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "k6221") {
    print "K6221 ERROR: invalid motor, not a \"k6221\" macro motor"

  addr = motor_par(num, "address")
  cmd  = state?"ON":"OFF"
  _k6221_cmd(addr, sprintf("OUTPUT1:STATE %s", cmd))
  _k6221_error_print(addr, sprintf("unable to switch output %s", cmd))

#%IU%(addr, command)
# Send the given command to the controller given by its address and returns
# the answer if there is one. Otherwise returns an empty string.
def _k6221_cmd(addr, cmd) '{
  local ans

  ans = ""
  gpib_put(addr, cmd)

  # lazy way to guess if the command is a query
  if(index(cmd, "?")) {
    ans = gpib_get(addr, "\n")


#%AUTHOR% MP BLISS (Original 9/2015).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.0 $ / $Date: 2015/09/18 06:17:06 $