
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  Macros for operating inclined analyser stages.
#%CATEGORY% Positioning
#   This macro set allows you to define pseudo motors on inclined (45 degrees) analyser chi th stages.
#   Since version 1.0 (Feb 2006) this macro file allows also to
#   define new style calculation macro motors on inclined stages.
#   To define new style macro motors you must define:
#   an inca controller in config (one controller will work on one or
#   more analyser stages):
#   MOTORS       DEVICE    ADDR   <>MODE      NUM               <>TYPE
#      YES       inca                           6         Macro Motors
#   motors in config referring to that controller. Channel assignment
#   will decide on the motor role as follow:
#   Channel
#     0   -   chi
#     1   -   theta 
#   Different pairs of inclined analyser stages can be defined by using 
#   additional module numbers in the motor unit/module/channel assignment.
#   Config file
#     The following motor parameters have to be associated in config
#     file to the channel 0 of the controller/module. 
#     Example:
#     MOT000 = MAXE:0/0 [...]   achip2
#     MOT001 = MAXE:0/1 [...]   athp2
#     MOT002 = MAXE:0/2 [...]   achip3
#     MOT003 = MAXE:0/3 [...]   athp3
#     MOT004 = MAXE:0/4 [...]   achip4
#     MOT005 = MAXE:0/5 [...]   athp4
#     MOT006 = MAC_MOT:0/0/0 [....]         achi2
#     MOTPAR:xmot = achip2
#     MOTPAR:ymot = athp2
#     MOT007 = MAC_MOT:0/0/1 [....]         ath2
#     MOT008 = MAC_MOT:0/0/0 [....]         achi3
#     MOTPAR:xmot = achip3
#     MOTPAR:ymot = athp3
#     MOT009 = MAC_MOT:0/0/1 [....]         ath3
#     MOT010 = MAC_MOT:0/0/0 [....]         achi4
#     MOTPAR:xmot = achip4
#     MOTPAR:ymot = athp4
#     MOT011 = MAC_MOT:0/0/1 [....]         ath4

def inca_config(mne,type,unit,module,chan) '{

   if (type == "ctrl") return

   master = motor_par(mne,"chan0")
   chan   = motor_par(mne,"channel")

   xmot = motor_par(master,"xmot")
   ymot = motor_par(master,"ymot")

   if ( motor_num(xmot) == -1 || motor_num(ymot) == -1) {  
      return ".error."

   if (chan == 0) {

      motor_par(mne,    "role",   "achi","add")
      motor_par(master, "achi", motor_mne(mne),  "add")
      motor_par(xmot, "chan0",  mne, "add")
      motor_par(ymot, "chan0",  mne, "add")

      motor_par(xmot, "role",  "xmot", "add")
      motor_par(ymot, "role",  "ymot", "add")

      print "Using Inca Analyser Stage: master",motor_mne(mne)

   } else if (chan == 1) {

      motor_par(mne,    "role",   "ath",       "add")
      motor_par(master, "ath", motor_mne(mne), "add")

   } else {

      print "Wrong channel assignment for inca motor. Only 0 or 1 accepted"
      return ".error."

   return sprintf("%s %s", xmot, ymot)

def inca_calc (mne, mode) '{

   local role master motnum
   local xmot ymot athmot achimot
   local xnum ynum athnum achinum

   motnum = motor_num(mne)

   if (mne == "..") return

   role   = motor_par(mne,"role")
   master = motor_par(mne,"chan0")

   if ( mode == 0) {

      xmot = motor_par(master, "xmot")
      ymot = motor_par(master, "ymot")
      xnum = motor_num(xmot)
      ynum = motor_num(ymot)

      if (role == "ath") {
        A[motnum] = A[ynum]/sqrt(2) + A[xnum]/sqrt(2)
      } else if ( role == "achi") {  
        A[motnum] = A[ynum]/sqrt(2) - A[xnum]/sqrt(2)

   } else {

      athmot = motor_par(master, "ath")
      achimot = motor_par(master, "achi")
      athnum  = motor_num(athmot)
      achinum  = motor_num(achimot)

      if (role == "xmot") {
         A[motnum] =  A[athnum]/sqrt(2) - A[achinum]/sqrt(2)
      } else if (role == "ymot") {  
         A[motnum] = A[athnum]/sqrt(2) + A[achinum]/sqrt(2)

def inca '{
   local mne master
   mne    = "$1"
   master = motor_par(mne,"chan0")

   print "ACHI    :"  motor_par(master,"achi")
   print "ATH :"  motor_par(master,"ath")
   print "Xmot :"  motor_par(master,"xmot")
   print "Ymot :"  motor_par(master,"ymot")

def incasetup '{

  global INCA_MOT

  local _motname _achip _athp _motx _moty

  if ($# != 5) {
      if (INCA_NO) {
	  printf("Current definitions\n")
	  for (i=0;i<INCA_NO;i++) {
	      _motname = INCA_NAMES[i]
	      printf("NAME = %s - MOTORS ->  %s %s %s %s\n ",_motname, \
		    INCA_MOT[_motname]["achip"], INCA_MOT[_motname]["athp"],\
		    INCA_MOT[_motname]["x"], INCA_MOT[_motname]["y"])
      _motname = getval("Analyser",INCA_NAMES[INCA_NO-1])
      _achip    = getval("   ACHI mnemonic", INCA_MOT[_motname]["achip"])
      _athp    = getval("   ATH mnemonic",    INCA_MOT[_motname]["athp"])
      _motx    = getval("   Real MOT 1 mnemonic",INCA_MOT[_motname]["x"])
      _moty    = getval("   Real MOT 2 mnemonic",INCA_MOT[_motname]["y"])
  } else {
      _motname  ="$1"
      _achip    ="$2"
      _athp     ="$3"
      _motx     ="$4" 
      _moty     ="$5"



def inca_add(name,achip,athp,motx,moty,radius) '{

     local found

     for (i=0;i<INCA_NO;i++) {
         if (name == INCA_NAMES[i]) {
	     found = 1

     if (!found) {
	 p "Adding ",name 
         INCA_NAMES[i] = name 
     INCA_MOT[name]["achip"] = achip 
     INCA_MOT[name]["athp"]  = athp
     INCA_MOT[name]["x"]     = motx
     INCA_MOT[name]["y"]     = moty


def inca_on '{
    INCA_ON = 1

    for ( i = 0;i<INCA_NO;i++) {
        name = INCA_NAMES[i]
        cdef("user_checkall",  sprintf("inca_move %s\n",name),name)
        cdef("user_getpangles",sprintf("inca_get  %s\n",name),name)


def inca_off '{

    INCA_ON = 0

    for ( i = 0;i<INCA_NO;i++) {
        name = INCA_NAMES[i]
        cdef("", "",name,"delete")

def inca_unsetup '{
    local name  tmpno tmpnames

    name = "$1"

    tmpno = 0
    for ( i = 0;i<INCA_NO;i++) {
        if ( name == INCA_NAMES[i] ) {
            cdef("", "",name,"delete")
        } else {
             tmpnames[tmpno] = INCA_NAMES[i]
    for (i=0;i<tmpno;i++) {
          INCA_NAMES[i] = tmpnames[i]
    INCA_NO = tmpno

def inca_move '{
     local achipnum athnum xnum ynum
     motname = "$1"
     achipnum = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["achip"])
     athnum = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["athp"])
     xnum   = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["x"])
     ynum   = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["y"])

     error = 0

     if (ynum == -1 || xnum == -1 || athnum == -1 || achipnum == -1 ) {
          error = 1

     if (!error) {

             _bad_lim = 0
            _chk_lim achipnum A[achipnum]
            _chk_lim athnum A[athnum]
            _chk_lim xnum   A[xnum]
            _chk_lim ynum   A[ynum]

            if (_bad_lim)  {
	      print "$1 ACHI/ATH -  Bad limit: resetting"
              A[xnum]   = INCA_OLD[motname]["x"]
              A[ynum]   = INCA_OLD[motname]["y"]
              A[athnum] = INCA_OLD[motname]["athp"]
              A[achipnum] = INCA_OLD[motname]["achip"]

     if (!error) {
         movex   = ( A[xnum]   != INCA_OLD[motname]["x"])
         movey   = ( A[ynum]   != INCA_OLD[motname]["y"])
         moveathp = ( A[athnum] != INCA_OLD[motname]["athp"])
         moveachip = ( A[achipnum] != INCA_OLD[motname]["achip"])

         if (!movex &&  !movey )  {
           if ( moveathp || moveachip ) {
             A[xnum]=   A[athnum]/sqrt(2)-A[achipnum]/sqrt(2) 
             A[ynum]=   A[athnum]/sqrt(2)+A[achipnum]/sqrt(2) 

def inca_get '{
     local achipnum athnum xnum ynum
     motname = "$1"

     achipnum = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["achip"])
     athnum   = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["athp"])
     xnum     = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["x"])
     ynum     = motor_num(INCA_MOT[motname]["y"])

     error = 0
     if (ynum == -1 || xnum == -1 || athnum == -1 || achipnum == -1 ) {
       error = 1

     if (!error) {

         A[achipnum] = A[ynum]/sqrt(2)-A[xnum]/sqrt(2)
         A[athnum] = A[ynum]/sqrt(2)+A[xnum]/sqrt(2)

         INCA_OLD[motname]["achip"] = A[achipnum] 
         INCA_OLD[motname]["athp"]    = A[athnum] 
         INCA_OLD[motname]["x"]      = A[xnum] 
         INCA_OLD[motname]["y"]      = A[ynum] 