
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  Macros to handle IcePAP trajectories.
#  These macros allow to create and download an IcePAP trajectory.
#  The aim is to move a set of IcePAP motors synchronously and
#  following a pre-loaded trajectory. The trajectory is a list of
#  positions for a given parameter value.
#  To move over the trajectory, a macro motor has to be configured
#  and it's position value will be the parameter value. Note that
#  the parameter value can be inbetween parameter values loaded
#  (the IcePAP DRIVER does interpolation).
#  The macro motor velocity/acctime of the config are used during
#  trajectory motion.
#%DT%Configuring macro motor:
#  %DL%
#  %DT% 1)
#       You must have an entry in "MOTORS" table:
#       %DL%
#         %DT% -
#         The "DEVICE" field must be set to string "icepap_traj"
#         %DT% -
#         The "ADDR" must be set to the MASTER network name.
#         (ex: "iceid033")
#         %DT% -
#         The "NUM" should be set to at least 1
#         %DT% -
#         The "TYPE" field must be set to "Macro Motors"
#       %XDL%
#  %DT% 2)
#       Declare on macro motor with:
#       %DL%
#         %DT% -
#         The "Controller" field set to "MAC_MOT"
#         %DT% -
#         The "Unit" field, numbered from 0,
#         must be set to the MOTORS entry.
#         %DT% -
#         The "Module"/"Chan" fields don't mind.
#         %DT% -
#         Add a Custom Parameter "axis_list" with the list of
#         IcePAP motors mnemonics that will be part of the trajectory
#         (ex: "del gam mu")
#       %XDL%
# %XDL%
#%DT%Extra motor_par() parameters:
# %DL%
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "sync")%DD%
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "sync", par_val)%DD%
#      Try to put the concerned motors on the trajectory
#      at the given parameter value if given. WARNING: the motors will move.
#      Always returns if all the motors are on the trajectory ("1") or not ("0")
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "power")%DD%
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "power", 1)%DD%
#      Try to enable the power on all the motors concerned by the trajectory.
#      Always returns if all the motors are powered ("1") or not ("0")
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "traj_infos")%DD%
#      Returns a string with "interpolation par_min par_max npoints"
#      corresponding to the current loaded trajectory. Note: if
#      trajectory is defined for several motors, the info returns is
#      the first one motor only.
# %DT%motor_par(motor, "slew_rate_max")%DD%
#      Returns the maximum parameter velocity for the trajectory
#      currenltly loaded.
# %XDL%
#%DT%Macro motor usage:
# icepap_traj_load mytraj parmot
# icepap_traj_sync parmot 0.0
# mv parmot 3.5
#%DT%Low level commands:
#  short array mypar[4]
#  short array mypos[4]
#  array_op("fill", mypar)
#  array_op("fill", mypos, 10)
#  icepap_traj_build  mytraj PARAMETER mypar 6
#  icepap_traj_build  mytraj POSITION  mypos 6
#  icepap_traj_info   mytraj
#  icepap_traj_load   mytraj iceid321 6
#  icepap_traj_delete mytraj
#  icepap_traj_build  mytraj2 PARAMETER mypar 255
#  icepap_traj_build  mytraj2 POSITION  mypos 6
#  icepap_traj_load   mytraj2 iceid321
#  icepap_traj_sync parmot 0.0
#  mv parmot 3.5

# Mandatory IcePAP data vector macros
need ice_vdata

#%UU% trajectory type array [addr]
# Update a trajectory with the content of the given
# data array. If the trajectory does not exist, it will be created,
# otherwise it will be enlarged with the new data.
# The type describe the kind of vector data which could be
# The address given is the destination DRIVER address.
# When giving the parameter, the address is not mandatory.
# Then the parameter will be used for all afterward DRIVERs.
# Example:
#   icepap_traj_build mytraj1 PARAMETER mypar
#   icepap_traj_build mytraj1 POSITION  mypos 6
def icepap_traj_build '{
  local addr

  if($# < 3) {
    p "Usage: $0 traj type array [addr]"
    p "   Ex: $0 mytraj1 POSITION posarray 7"

  addr = $4
  if(addr == 0) {
    if(icepap__toupper("$2") == "PARAMETER") {
      addr = 255
    } else {
      p "Missing destination DRIVER address"

  if(_icepap_traj_build("$1", "$2", $3, addr)) {

#%IU%(traj_name, type, array, addr, silent)
# Update an IcePAP trajectory, given by its name.
# Returns non null if an error occured.
def _icepap_traj_build(traj_name, trajt_str, data, addr, silent) '{
  local  verb

  verb = (silent)?0:ICEPAP_TRAJ_VERB

  if(verb & ICEPAP_TRAJ_VTRAJ) {
    printf("\tTrajectory     : %s\n", traj_name)

  return(_icepap_vdata_build(traj_name, trajt_str, data, addr, \

#%UU% trajectory
# Delete a trajectory.
# Example:
#   icepap_traj_delete mytraj1
def icepap_traj_delete '{

  if($# != 1) {
    p "Usage: $0 traj"
    p "   Ex: $0 mytraj1"

  if(_icepap_traj_delete("$1")) {

# Delete a trajectory.
def _icepap_traj_delete(traj_name) '{

  # remove any previous information

  # remove from memory
  #unglobal @traj_name
  short array @traj_name[1]


#%UU% trajectory
# Example:
#   icepap_traj_info mytraj1
def icepap_traj_info '{

  if($# != 1) {
    p "Usage: $0 traj"
    p "   Ex: $0 mytraj1"

  icepap_vdata_info $1

#%UU% trajectory { param_motor } | { hostname [address] }
# Download the given trajectroy into the specified IcePAP system.
# If an address is given, the trajectory will be sent
# directly to the concerned DRIVER.
# Example:
#   icepap_traj_load mytraj1 iceid321 6
#   icepap_traj_load mytraj1 m0
def icepap_traj_load '{
  local  addr

  if($# < 2) {
    p "Usage: $0 trajectory { param_motor } | { hostname [address] }"
    p "   Ex: $0 mytraj1 iceid321 6"
    p "   Ex: $0 mytraj1 m0"
  addr = $3

  if(_icepap_traj_load("$1", "$2", addr)) {

#%IU%(traj_name, hostname, addr, silent)
# Download a trajectroy, given by its name, into the specified IcePAP system.
# If the address is not 0, then the trajectory will be sent
# directly to a DRIVER.
# Returns non null if an error occured.
# TODO: -check that the trajectory contains only good addresses
# Example:
#   _icepap_traj_load("mytraj1", "iceid321", 6)
#   _icepap_traj_load("mytraj1", "iceid321")
#   _icepap_traj_load("mytraj1", "m0")
def _icepap_traj_load(traj_name, argin, addr, silent) '{
  local  verb
  local  addr addr_s
  local  ans i
  local  to_ms bin_sz
  local  tbeg tend
  local  mne num hostname
  local  p1

  # guess if a motor or an IcePAP hostname has been givent
  if((num = motor_num(argin)) != -1) {

    # minimum  checks here on motor type
    mne = argin
    if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "icepap_traj") {
      p "invalid motor \"" mne "\" not an IcePAP trajectory motor"

    hostname = motor_par(num, "address")
    silent   = addr
  } else {
    mne = ""
    hostname = argin

  verb = (silent)?0:ICEPAP_TRAJ_VERB

  # Warning: when transfering large amount of data
  # the timeouts have to be adjusted
  bin_sz = array_op("cols", @traj_name) * array_op("rows", @traj_name)
  to_ms  = (bin_sz * 4.0) / 100.0
  if(to_ms < ICEPAP_TIMEOUT*1000) {
    to_ms = ICEPAP_TIMEOUT*1000

  if(verb & ICEPAP_TRAJ_VTRAJ) {
    printf("\tTrajectory    : %s\n", traj_name)
    printf("\tDestination   : %s\n", hostname)
    printf("\tNew timeout   : %dmsec\n", to_ms)
    if(addr) {
      printf("\tSent to driver: %d\n", addr)

  # change timeouts
  _icepap_change_timeout(hostname, to_ms)

  # send the binary
  # TODO: remove address argin / convert to optional argin
  addr_s = (addr)?sprintf("#%d", addr) : "#"
  tbeg = time()
  ans  = _icepap_send_array(hostname, addr_s, "*PARDAT", @traj_name,\
  tend = time()
  if(verb & ICEPAP_TRAJ_VTRAJ) {
    printf("\tLoad duration : %dmsec\n", (tend-tbeg)*1000.0)

  # restore timeouts
  _icepap_change_timeout(hostname, ICEPAP_TIMEOUT*1000)

  # check for errors
  if(i = index(ans,"ERROR")) {
    print substr(ans, i+6)
  if(ans == "") {
    print "timeout waiting for acknowledge from:", hostname

  # mandatory initialization of parameter velocity/acctime after
  # each new trajectory load
  if(mne != "") {
    local vel_max

    # set slew_rate (p1=rate in Hz)
    p1 = motor_par(num, "slew_rate")

    # TODO: check for each real axis the param velocity boundaries
    # and check that they are compatible with parameter motor velocity
    vel_max = motor_par(num, "max_velocity")
    if(p1 > vel_max) {
      printf("invalid velocity (%.1f>%.1f) for motor: \"%s\"\n", \
        p1, vel_max, mne)

    # BUG of firmware 3.17:
    # the parameter velocity must be set to 0 first,
    # but only if the trajectory flat
    if(0) {
    # NOTO: fixed in firmware 3.187
    icepap_traj_cmd(num, "slew_rate", 0)
    icepap_traj_cmd(num, "slew_rate", p1)

    # set acceleration (p1=ms p2=steps/sec^2)
    p1 = motor_par(num, "acceleration")
    icepap_traj_cmd(num, "acceleration", p1)

    # keep a record a trajectory array
    motor_par(num, "traj_name", traj_name, "add")

  # normal end

#%IU%(hostname, timeout_ms)
# Change communication timeout
def _icepap_change_timeout(hn, to_ms) '{
  local dev

  dev = sprintf("%s%s", hn, index(hn,":")?"":":5000")
  sock_par(dev, "timeout", to_ms/1000.0)
  _icepap_wr(dev, "", sprintf("_FIFOTO %d", to_ms))

#%UU% motor parameter_value
# Put all concerned real motors on the trajectory at the positions
# corresponding to the given parameter value.
def icepap_traj_sync '{
  local num
  local mne
  local pos

  if($# != 2) {
    p "Usage: $0 motor parameter_value"
    p "   Ex: $0 param1 0.0"

  mne = "$1"
  pos =  $2
  num = motor_num(mne)
  if(num == -1) {
    p "invalid motor \"" mne "\""

  if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "icepap_traj") {
    p "invalid motor \"" mne "\" not an IcePAP trajectory motor"

  p "WARNING: all concerned physical motors will move"
  if(!yesno("Continue?", 0)) {

  _icepap_traj_sync(num, pos)

#%UU% motor parameter_value
# Put all concerned real motors on the trajectory at the positions
# corresponding to the given parameter value.
# Returns non null if an error occured.
def _icepap_traj_sync(num, pos, silent) '{

  # launch motions
  motor_par(num, "sync", pos)

  # retrieve information on read IcePAP axes
  local i n mnes[] nums[]
  local stat stats w
  n = split(motor_par(num, "axis_list"), mnes)
  if(!n) {
    p "wrong config for motor \"" mne "\""

  # wait for the end of the motions
  w = 10
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
     if(!silent) { printf("%*s ", w, mnes[i]) }
     nums[i] = motor_num(mnes[i])
  if(!silent) { printf("\n") }
  for(inloop=1;inloop; sleep(0.5)) {
     for(i=0, inloop=0;i<n;i++) {
        stat = icepap_cmd(nums[i], "get_status")
        if(!silent) {
          printf("%*s ", w, stat?"MOVING":"READY")
        inloop += stat
     if(!silent) { printf("\r") }
  if(!silent) { printf("\n") }

  # update SPEC positions after the motions that it is not aware

  # normal end

#%IU%(motor, silent)
# Check if the given parameter motor is ready to be moved.
# If silent is non null, no message will printed out.
# Returns 0 if not ready.
def _icepap_traj_check_ready(num, silent) '{
  local ret
  local dev
  local mne
  local ipol pmin pmax np
  local addr_list addrs[] addr n

  # not valid case
  ret = 0

  # check motor type
  mne = motor_mne(num)
  if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "icepap_traj") {
    if(!silent) {
      p "invalid motor \"" mne "\" not an IcePAP trajectory motor"

  # get the IcePAP system
  dev = motor_par(num, "address")

  # get the list of real motors to control
  if((addr_list = motor_par(num, "addr_list")) == 0) {
    if(!silent) {
      printf("missing \"addr_list\" parameter for motor: \"%s\"\n", mne)
  split(addr_list, addrs)

  # check if parametric trajectory is already downloaded and
  # then get parameter boundaries
  ipol = "UNKNOWN"
  pmin = -1
  pmax = -1
  np   = -1
  for(n in addrs) {
    addr = addrs[n]

    # answer should be "SPLINE param_beg param_end n_param"
    ans  = _icepap_query(dev, addr, "?PARDAT", silent)
    if(index(ans, "ERROR Uninitialised parametric table")) {
      if(!silent) {
        printf("Uninitialised parametric table for axis \"%s\"\n", \
          sprintf("%s:%d", dev, addr))
        printf("Hint: use \"icepap_traj_load\"\n")

    # get parameter boundaries
    if(sscanf(ans, "%s %f %f %d", ipol, pmin, pmax, np) != 4) {

    # has not to be the same for each axis but as no physical sense
    # therefore consider that all axes should have the same

  # check that each concerned real motor is powered
  if(motor_par(num, "power") != 1) {
    if(!silent) {
      printf("missing power on one of the motors used by trajectory\n")

  # TODO: change macro motor software limits or not??
if(0) {
  if((pmin != -1) && (pmax != -1)) {
    set_lim(num, pmin, pmax)

  # check that we are on the trajectory
  if(!motor_par(num, "sync")) {
    if(!silent) {
      printf("\"%s\" not on trajectory, missing \"icepap_traj_sync\"\n", mne)

  # normal end

#%IU%(array_name, hostname, address, npoints, silent)
# Fill in the given array with the trajectory read positions
# read from the given IcePAP DRIVER.
# Note: if the requested number of points is higher that the loaded
# one, then the DRIVER will interpolated.
def _icepap_traj_read(pos_arr, dev, addr, npoints, silent) '{
  local par par_ipol par_beg par_end npar par_delta
  local ans
  local m pos

  # get information on current loaded parametric table
  # answer should be "SPLINE|LINEAR par_beg par_end npar"
  ans = _icepap_query(dev, addr, "?PARDAT")
  if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
  if(sscanf(ans, "%s %f %f %d", par_ipol, par_beg, par_end, npar) != 4) {
    p "unable to get information on loaded parametric table"

  # parameter delta
  par_delta = (par_end - par_beg) / (npoints-1)

  float array @pos_arr[npoints]

  for(n=0;n<npoints;n++) {
    par = par_beg + (par_delta*n)
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, addr, sprintf("?PARVAL %f", par))
    if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
    sscanf(ans, "%f", pos)
    @pos_arr[n] = pos


#%IU% traj_motor npoints
# Bench the trajectory load time.
# The motor given has to be an "icepap_traj" one with its list
# of real IcePAP motors concerned by the trajectory.
# WARNING: the macro will generate a trajectory and load it into
# the given IcePAP DRIVERs overwriting any previous trajectory.
# Example:
#   _icepap_traj_bench m1 100
def _icepap_traj_bench '{
  local npts num mne
  local dev addrs[]
  local n i
  local tbeg tend

  if($#!=2) {
    p "Usage: $0 npoints traj_motor"
    p "   Ex: $0 m1 100"

  mne  = "$1"
  npts =  $2
  num  = motor_num(mne)
  if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "icepap_traj") {
    p "invalid motor \"" mne "\" not an IcePAP trajectory motor"

  n = split(motor_par(num, "addr_list"), addrs)

  float array myparam[npts]
  float array mypos[npts]
  array_op("fill", myparam, (2*PI)/(npts-1.0))
  mypos = sin(myparam)*100

  silent = 1

  _icepap_traj_build("mytraj", "parameter", myparam, 255, silent)
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
    _icepap_traj_build("mytraj", "position",  mypos,   addrs[i], silent)
  tbeg = time()-tbeg

  p ""
  printf("Details on the trajectory vdata:\n")
  icepap_traj_info mytraj

  p ""
  printf("Trajectory number of points : %d\n", npts)
  printf("Trajectory number of motors : %d\n", n)
  printf("Trajectory vdata total size : %.3fKb\n", \
  printf("Generate trajectory vdata in: %.2fms\n", tbeg*1000.0)

  _icepap_traj_load("mytraj", mne, silent)
  tbeg = time()-tbeg
  printf("Loading  trajectory vdata in: %.2fms\n", tbeg*1000.0)

#%IU% hostname address [traj_points_wr [traj_points_rd]]
# Check interpolation done by the IcePAP DRIVER on a loaded trajectory.
# Displays the absolute error between the interpolated trajectory
# and the theoritical one.
# WARNING: the macro will generate a trajectory and load it into
# the given IcePAP DRIVER overwriting any previous trajectory.
# The default number of points of the loaded trajectory is 100
# while the default number of points of the read one is 1000.
# Example:
#   _icepap_traj_test iceid321 6
#   _icepap_traj_test iceid321 6 100
#   _icepap_traj_test iceid321 6 100 1000
def _icepap_traj_test '{
  local dev addr
  local i n
  local silent
  local npts_rd npts_wr

  if($#<2) {
    p "Usage: $0 hostname addr [npts_wr [npts_rd]]"
    p "   Ex: $0 iceid321 6"

  dev  = "$1"
  addr =  $2
  npts_wr = ($#>=3)?$3:100.0
  npts_rd = ($#>=4)?$4:1000.0

  float array myparam100[npts_wr]
  float array myparam[npts_rd]
  float array myerr[npts_rd]

  float array mypos100[npts_wr]
  float array mypos[npts_rd]

  array_op("fill", myparam100, (2*PI)/(npts_wr-1.0))
  mypos100 = sin(myparam100)*100

  array_op("fill", myparam, (2*PI)/(npts_rd-1.0))
  mypos    = sin(myparam)*100

  silent = 1
  _icepap_traj_build("mytraj100", "position",  mypos100,   addr, silent)
  _icepap_traj_build("mytraj100", "parameter", myparam100, addr, silent)
  _icepap_traj_load("mytraj100", dev, 0, silent)

  _icepap_traj_read("myread", dev, addr, npts_rd, silent)

  myerr = mypos - myread

  plot_cntl(sprintf("title=Interpolated trajectory error"))
  plot_cntl("+dots -ebars +lines -xlog -ylog")
  plot_move(10, 2, sprintf("Trajectory points loaded: %d  read: %d", \
    npts_wr, npts_rd))
  plot_move(10, 1, sprintf("Tracjectory loaded: %s  interpolation: %s", \
    "100*sin(2*PI)", "SPLINE"))
  array_plot(myparam, myerr)


constant ICEPAP_TRAJ_VNONE    0x00
constant ICEPAP_TRAJ_VTRAJ    0x01
constant ICEPAP_TRAJ_VDUMP    0x02
constant ICEPAP_TRAJ_VMACMOT  0x04

#%UU% verbose_level
# Set the verbose level of trajectory macros, 0==none
def icepap_traj_debug '{

  if($# == 1) {
    if($1 < 0) {
      p "invalid verbose level, must be >0"

  printf("Current verbose level: 0x%x\n",     ICEPAP_TRAJ_VERB)
  printf("    0x%x    no messages\n",         ICEPAP_TRAJ_VNONE)
  printf("    0x%x    trajectory building\n", ICEPAP_TRAJ_VTRAJ)
  printf("    0x%x    dump of trajectory\n",  ICEPAP_TRAJ_VDUMP)
  printf("    0x%x    macro motor\n",         ICEPAP_TRAJ_VMACMOT)

#%IU%(num, type, p1, p2, p3)
# Called by spec after reading the config file
def icepap_traj_config(num, type, p1, p2, p3) '{
  global ICEPAP_TRAJ[]
  local  silent
  silent = 1

  # p1==controller index p2==number of motors supported
  if(type=="ctrl") {
    local  dev

    # remove any previous configuration
    if (p1 == 0) {
      for(i in ICEPAP_TRAJ) {
        delete ICEPAP_TRAJ[i]

    # get IcePAP system hostname
    dev = icepap_traj_ADDR
    if(dev == "") {
      printf("missing ADDR field\n")
      return ".error."

    # if the MASTER is switched off, disable all the associated motors
    silent = 1
    if(_icepap_query(dev, 0, "?ID", silent) == "") {
      return ".error."

    # normal end

  # p1==unit p2==module p3==channel
  if(type=="mot") {
    local mne
    local dev
    local ans
    local mnes[] n i
    local mne_ice mne_list
    local addr addr_list
    local silent

    # get the motor mnemonic string
    mne = motor_mne(num)
    dev = icepap_traj_ADDR

    # get the list of real motors to control
    if((mne_list = motor_par(num, "axis_list")) == 0) {
      printf("missing \"axis_list\" parameter for motor: \"%s\"\n", mne)
      return ".error."

    # for each concerned real motor
    silent = 1
    addr_list = ""
    n = split(mne_list, mnes)
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
      mne_ice = mnes[i]
      num_ice = motor_num(mne_ice)

      # check that each motor is an IcePAP one
      if(motor_par(num_ice, "device_id") != "icepap") {
        printf("invalid motor \"%s\" in \"axis_list\" for motor: \"%s\"\n", \
          mne_ice, mne)
        return ".error."

      # try to power on each concerned motor
      if(motor_par(num_ice, "power", 1) != 1) {
        printf("unable to power the following motor used by trajectory\n")
        # keep the motor usable
        # return ".error."

      # at this point we have a valide IcePAP motor
      addr  = motor_par(num_ice,"module")*10
      addr += motor_par(num_ice,"channel")
      addr_list = sprintf("%s%d ", addr_list, addr)

    # can not check if the trajectory is loaded, too early on the reconfig
    # normal end
    motor_par(num, "addr_list", addr_list, "add")

#%IU%(dev, addr)
# Returns the motor mne corresponding to the hardware address given.
# If not motor is found, the ".error." is returned.
def _icepap_addr2mne(hostname, addr) '{
  local dev
  local mne
  local num

  dev = index(hostname, ":")?hostname:sprintf("%s:5000",hostname)
  for(num=0;num<MOTORS;num++) {
    mne = motor_mne(num)

    if(ICEPAP[mne]["dev"] != dev) {

    if(ICEPAP[mne]["addr"] == addr) {

  return ".error."

#%IU%(num, key, todo, p1)
# Called by spec on motor parameters access.
def icepap_traj_par(num, key, todo, p1) '{
  local  mne
  local  dev
  local  cmd
  local  addr_list
  local  stpz

  # return new motor_par() argins handled
  if (key == "?" && todo == "get") {
    return("axis_list, sync, power, max_velocity, traj_infos")

  # get the motor mnemonic string
  mne = motor_mne(num)
  dev = motor_par(num, "address")
  addr_list = motor_par(num, "addr_list")
  stpz = motor_par(num, "step_size")

    local tt
    tt = (todo=="set")?sprintf("%f", p1):""
    icepap_traj_print sprintf("\"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" %s", mne, key, todo, tt)

  # power on axes of the paramtric trajectory
  if (key == "power") {
    local i n mnes[] nums[]
    n = split(motor_par(num, "axis_list"), mnes)

    # try to switch power on axes of the paramtric trajectory
    if(todo == "set") {
      for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
        if(motor_par(mnes[i], "power", 1) != 1) {

    # always return the current state
    for(i=0;i<n;i++) {
      if(motor_par(mnes[i], "power") != 1) {

  # put axes on the paramtric trajectory
  if (key == "sync") {

    # put the axes on the parametric trajectory
    if(todo == "set") {
      cmd = sprintf("MOVEP %f %s", p1, addr_list)
      ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#", cmd)
      if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
        return ".error."

      # TODO??: wait for the end of motions without using waitmove
      # because SPEC does not know the motors that are moving.
      # Currently the icepap_traj_sync macro does the job.

    # always return if we are on trajectory or not
    local n addrs[]
    local silent
    local ret

    ret = 1
    silent = 1
    split(addr_list, addrs)
    for(n in addrs) {
      addr = addrs[n]
      ans  = _icepap_query(dev, addr, sprintf("?PARPOS"), silent)
      if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
          local tt[]
          split(motor_par(num, "axis_list"), tt)
          icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tissue with  : \"%s\"", tt[n])
          #icepap_traj_print sprintf("ERROR: \"%s\"", ans)
        ret = 0
        # no sense to not return here but allows to get all motors not sync
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\t%s trajectory", (ret)?"ON":"OUT")


  # put axes on the paramtric trajectory
  if (key == "traj_infos") {

    if(todo == "set") {
       return ".error."

    local ans
    local pmin pmax ipol np
    local n addr addrs[]
    if((n = split(addr_list, addrs)) < 1) {
       return ".error."

    # check if parametric trajectory is already downloaded and
    # then get parameter boundaries for the first motor only
    # as we trust that the trajectory has been well loaded
    addr = addrs[0]

    # answer should be "SPLINE param_beg param_end n_param"
    ans  = _icepap_query(dev, addr, "?PARDAT", silent)
    if(index(ans, "ERROR Uninitialised parametric table")) {
      if(!silent) {
        printf("Uninitialised parametric table for axis \"%s\"\n", \
          sprintf("%s:%d", dev, addr))
        printf("Hint: use \"icepap_traj_load\"\n")
      return ".error."

    # get parameter boundaries
    if(sscanf(ans, "%s %f %f %d", ipol, pmin, pmax, np) != 4) {
      return ".error."

    ans = sprintf("Tranjectory associated to \"%s\:\n", mne)
    ans = sprintf("%s\tnb of points : %d\n", ans, np)
    ans = sprintf("%s\tparam max val: %f\n", ans, pmax)
    ans = sprintf("%s\tparam min val: %f\n", ans, pmin)
    ans = sprintf("%s\tparam max vel: %fHz\n", \
      ans, motor_par(num, "max_velocity"))
    ans = sprintf("%s\tparam cur vel: %fHz\n", \
      ans, motor_par(num, "slew_rate"))
    ans = sprintf("%s\treal motors  : %s\n", \
      ans, motor_par(num, "axis_list"))
    ans = sprintf("%s\ttraj array   : %s\n", \
      ans, motor_par(num, "traj_name"))


  # return max parameter velocity in Hz
  if((key == "max_velocity") && (todo == "get")) {
    local i n addrs[] addr mnes[] mn
    local vel_max vel
    local stpz

    # just in case the concerned motor has never been moved by SPEC before
    n = split(motor_par(num, "axis_list"), mnes)
      mn = motor_num(mnes[i])
      icepap_cmd(mn, "slew_rate",    motor_par(mn, "slew_rate"))
      icepap_cmd(mn, "acceleration", motor_par(mn, "acceleration"))

    stpz = motor_par(num, "step_size")
    n = split(addr_list, addrs)
    for(i=0, vel_max=1e50;i<n;i++){
      addr = addrs[i]
      ans = _icepap_query(dev, addr, "?PARVEL MAX")
      if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
      sscanf(ans, "%f", vel)
      vel = fabs(vel)
      if(vel < vel_max) {
        vel_max = vel
    vel_max *= stpz
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tvel   value : %fHz", vel_max)

  # default return for unknown key get request

# Print debug messages
def icepap_traj_print '{
  print "TRAJ MACMOT: " $*

#%IU%(num, key, p1, p2)
# Called by spec on motor operation.
def icepap_traj_cmd(num, key, p1, p2) '{
  local  mne
  local  dev
  local  cmd ans i
  local  silent
  local  addr_list

  # Handle actions at controller level
  if(num == "..") {

  # get the motor mnemonic string
  mne = motor_mne(num)
  dev = motor_par(num, "address")
    icepap_traj_print sprintf("\"%s\" \"%s\"", mne, key)

  # get the list of real motor addresses
  addr_list = motor_par(num, "addr_list")

  # return the current motor position in mm or deg
  if (key == "position") {
    local addrs[]
    local addr
    local param

    if(!motor_par(num, "sync")) {
      #printf("\"%s\" not on trajectory\n", mne)
      #return ".error."

    split(addr_list, addrs)
    addr = addrs[0]
    ans  = _icepap_query(dev, addr, sprintf("?PARPOS"))
    if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
      printf("\"%s\" position read error\n", mne)
      #return ".error."
    sscanf(ans, "%f", param)
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tparam value : %f", param)


  # start a motion (p1==abs pos, p2==rel pos, with pos in mm or deg)
  if (key == "start_one") {
    silent = 1
    # TODO: wait for GROUP parsing fix in DSP
    #cmd = sprintf("PMOVE GROUP %f %s", p1, addr_list)
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tparam value : %f", p1)
    cmd = sprintf("PMOVE %f %s", p1, addr_list)
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#", cmd, silent)
    if(i = index(ans, "ERROR")) {
      if(index(ans, "sync needed") || index(ans, "mode is not in sync")) {
        printf("\"%s\" not on trajectory\n", mne)
      } else {
        print substr(ans, i+6)

  # return the current motor status
  if (key == "get_status") {
    local stats[] sta n
    local ret

    # No summarized information where to know if the parametric
    # motion is finished or not.  Therefore all concerned physical
    # motors have to be checked
    cmd = sprintf("?FSTATUS %s", addr_list)
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "", cmd)
    if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
      printf("\"%s\" unable to update its status\n", mne)
      return ".error."

    ret = 0
    split(ans, stats)
    for(n in stats) {
      if(sscanf(stats[n], "%x", sta) != 1) {
        printf("unable to get status\n")
        return ".error."

      # see get_status in standard IcePAP macros for details
      if((sta & (1<<10)) || (sta & (1<<11))) ret |= 0x02;
      else if(!(sta & (1<<9)) && (sta & (1<<23))) ret |= 0x02;

      # no sense to test limitswitches, the parametric motor
      # has no hardware limits

      # if one motor is moving unable to test the others
      if(ret) {
          local tt[]
          split(motor_par(num, "axis_list"), tt)
          icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tstill moving: \"%s\"", tt[n])
        # no sense to not return here but allows to get all motors moving
        #return ret

    # TODO: avoid over calling this sync
    # NOTE: from "help motors": position discrepancies between spec and the
    # motor hardware will be silently resolved in favor of the hardware

    return ret

  # stop all concerned real motors
  if (key == "abort_one") {
    cmd = sprintf("STOP %s", addr_list)
    _icepap_query(dev, "", cmd)

  # set acceleration (p1=ms p2=steps/sec^2)
  if (key == "acceleration") {
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tacct  value : %f", p1/1000.0)
    cmd = sprintf("PARACCT %f %s", p1/1000.0, addr_list)
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#", cmd)

  # set slew_rate (p1=rate in Hz)
  if (key == "slew_rate") {

    # Do not set PARVEL if no trajectory has been loaded for each real axis
    # to avoid errors on PARVEL boundaries
    local stpz

    stpz = motor_par(num, "step_size")
      icepap_traj_print sprintf("\tvel   value : %f", p1/stpz)
    cmd = sprintf("PARVEL %f %s", p1/stpz, addr_list)
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#", cmd)
    if(index(ans, "ERROR Uninitialised parametric table")) {
    if(index(ans, "ERROR")) {
      return ".error."


#%AUTHOR% MP BLISS (Original 02/2015).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.6 $ / $Date: 2020/11/20 17:19:32 $