
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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# Macros to implement helical scan using IcePAP motors.
# Configure a list of IcePAP motors to track the incoming encoder
# signals, currently connected to the IcePAP MASTER SYNCHRO DB9
# connector.
# The axes have to be already configured in SPEC session used.
# The axes could be located on different IcePAP systems as long
# as they all receive the encoder signals.

# Mandatory standard IcePAP macros
need ice

# Simulate helical scan parameters from MxCUBE
def ice_helical_init '{
  global HELICAL_PARS[]

  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["kappa"] = "0"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["kappa_phi"] = "0"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["phi"] = "-88.998828125"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["phix"] = "-0.49995555556"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["phiy"] = "22.3563666667"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["phiz"] = "1.44695556011"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["sampx"] = "-0.16850773336"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["sampy"] = "-0.304450170003"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"]["zoom"] = "0"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["kappa"] = "0"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["kappa_phi"] = "0"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["phi"] = "-88.998671875"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["phix"] = "-0.49995555556"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["phiy"] = "22.8697"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["phiz"] = "1.43195555556"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["sampx"] = "0.0927003798463"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["sampy"] = "-0.278243071775"
  HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"]["zoom"] = "0"


  HELICAL_PARS["nb_pos"] = 2
  HELICAL_PARS["phiy_pos"] = 21.4552555555414
  HELICAL_PARS["udiff"] = 0

# Configure the list of IcePAP axes that will have to track the
# incoming encoder signals. The list is given as a string of
# blank seperated mnemonics. 
# Ex: ice_helical_config("phiy phiz sampx sampy")
# Returns non null on error.
def ice_helical_config(str) '{
  global HELICAL_PARS[]
  local  ret
  local  mnes[]
  local  mne, num, dev, adr
  local  cmds[], tt

  # Get the list of concerned axes
  ret = -1
  split(str, mnes)
  for(i in mnes) {

    # Only IcePAP axis can be used
    mne = mnes[i]
    num = motor_num(mne)
    if(motor_par(num, "device_id") != "icepap") {
      printf("motor not an IcePAP one: \"%s\"\n", mne)

    # Record axis addressing information
    dev = motor_par(num, "address")
    adr = motor_par(num, "module")*10 + motor_par(num, "channel")

    # Prepare the stop commands, one per system
    if(!(dev in cmds)) { cmds[dev] = "STOP" }
    cmds[dev] = sprintf("%s %d", cmds[dev], adr)

  # Record the validated list of mnemonics
  HELICAL_PARS["ice_mnes"] = str

  # Record the stop commands and the systems list
  tt = ""
  for(dev in cmds) {
    tt = sprintf("%s %s", dev, tt)
    HELICAL_PARS[dev] = cmds[dev]
  HELICAL_PARS["ice_systems"] = icepap_trim(tt)

  # Normal end

# Configure concerned IcePAP axes for Phi rotation motion of 
# the given degrees. The helical parameters of the axes are 
# taken from MxCUBE HELICAL_OSCIL_POS[] global resource.
def ice_helical_arm(phi_delta) '{
  global HELICAL_PARS[]
  local  ret
  local  i, n
  local  pmux_done[], mnes[]
  local  mne, num, dev, adr
  local  dstp, key, key_turn
  local  ans, tt, anstp, anturn, motpoles

  # Ensure that HELICAL_OSCIL_POS[] can be used
  ret = -1
  if(HELICAL_OSCIL==0) { 
    printf("missing helical parameters\n")

  # Ensure that the axes list has been defined
  if(!(whatis("HELICAL_PARS[\"ice_mnes\"]") & 0x84200000)) {
    printf("missing axes list, HINT: call \"ice_helical_config()\"\n")

  # Record the number of encoder steps that will be received
  if((num = motor_num("phi")) == -1) {
    printf("missing \"phi\" motor\n")
  HELICAL_PARS["phi_dstp"] = fabs(phi_delta)*motor_par(num, "step_size")

  # Configure each axis that has to track the incoming encoder signals
  n = split(HELICAL_PARS["ice_mnes"], mnes)
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

    # IcePAP axis already checked
    mne = mnes[i]
    num = motor_num(mne)

    # Calculate the increment of this axis in steps 
    dmm  = HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["2"][mne] - HELICAL_OSCIL_POS["1"][mne]
    if (dmm == 0) {
      printf("helical scan does not move motor: \"%s\"\n", mne) 
    dstp = dmm * motor_par(num, "step_size")
    key  = sprintf("%s_dstp", mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[key] = dstp

    # Get IcePAP system
    dev = motor_par(num, "address")

    # Configure the multiplexer.
    # A cable with the incoming encoder signals must be plugged 
    # on MASTER SYNCHRO DB9 connector.
    # The signals will be sent to all DRIVERs of the system.
    if(!pmux_done[dev]) {

      # All signals sent to backplanes and to external outputs
      cmd = sprintf("PMUX E0")
      ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#", cmd)
      if(index(ans,"ERROR")) {
        printf("unable to configure multiplexer\n")

      # Configuration has to be done once per system
      pmux_done[dev] = 1

    # Get axis address
    adr = motor_par(num, "module")*10 + motor_par(num, "channel")

    # Get axis motor electrical resolution
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, adr, "?cfg anstep")
    sscanf(ans, "%s %g", tt, anstp)
    key = sprintf("%s_anstep", mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[key] = anstp
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, adr, "?cfg anturn")
    sscanf(ans, "%s %g", tt, anturn)
    key = sprintf("%s_anturn", mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[key] = anturn

    # Calculate the increment of this axis in turns 
    key_turn  = sprintf("%s_dturn", mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[key_turn] = (dstp * anturn) / anstp 

    # Calculate tracking ratio
    key_cstp  = sprintf("%s_syncres_steps", mne)
    key_cturn = sprintf("%s_syncres_turn",  mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[key_cturn]= 1
    HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp] = HELICAL_PARS["phi_dstp"] / HELICAL_PARS[key_turn]

    # Check that resolution is not under the motor capabilities
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, adr, "?cfg motpoles")
    sscanf(ans, "%s %g", tt, motpoles)
    if(fabs(HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp]) < (motpoles*16)) {
      printf("too poor resolution of motor \"%s\"\n", mne)

      # Do not forget to get out of tracking already configured axes


    # Check that resolution has enough significant digits
    for(; fabs(HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp])<100000;) {
      HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp]  *= 10
      HELICAL_PARS[key_cturn] *= 10
    HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp] = icepap_round(HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp])

    # Calculation of motor speed
    tmp_key = sprintf("%s_velocity", mne)
    HELICAL_PARS[tmp_key]  = OSCIL_CALCVELOCITY * HELICAL_PARS[sprintf("%s_anstep", mne)]
    HELICAL_PARS[tmp_key] /= HELICAL_PARS[sprintf("%s_anturn", mne)]
    HELICAL_PARS[tmp_key] *= HELICAL_PARS[sprintf("%s_syncres_turn", mne)]
    HELICAL_PARS[tmp_key] /= HELICAL_PARS[sprintf("%s_syncres_steps", mne)]
    icepap_cmd(num, "slew_rate",    fabs(HELICAL_PARS[tmp_key] * 1.1))
    icepap_cmd(num, "acceleration", 100)

    # Configure tracking ratio
    cmd = sprintf("SYNCRES %d %d", \
      HELICAL_PARS[key_cstp], \
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#"adr, cmd)
    if(index(ans,"ERROR")) {
      printf("unable to set external sync resolution\n")

    # Clear sync counter
    cmd = sprintf("ENC SYNC 0")
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#"adr, cmd)
    if(index(ans,"ERROR")) {
      printf("unable to clear sync counter\n")

    # Activate tracking, from here motor can no more move and 
    # only a STOP can put it back to operation mode.
    #cmd = sprintf("TRACK SYNC FULL")
    cmd = sprintf("TRACK SYNC")
    ans = _icepap_query(dev, "#"adr, cmd)
    if(index(ans,"ERROR")) {
      printf("unable to start tracking mode \n")

  # Normal end

# Put back the concerned IcePAP axes into operation mode 
# independent of incoming encoder signals. Should be called at 
# the end of the helical scan in any case.
def ice_helical_stop() '{
  global HELICAL_PARS[]
  local  i, dev, devs[]
  local  n, mnes[]
  local  mne, num

  # Ensure that the axes list has been defined
  if(!(whatis("HELICAL_PARS[\"ice_systems\"]") & 0x84200000)) {
    printf("missing IcePAPs list, HINT: call \"ice_helical_config()\"\n")

  # Only a STOP can get axis out of tracking
  split(HELICAL_PARS["ice_systems"], devs)
  for(i in devs) {
    dev = devs[i]
    _icepap_wr(sprintf("%s:5000", dev), "", HELICAL_PARS[dev])

  # Position discrepancies between spec and the
  # motor hardware will be silently resolved in favor of the hardware

  # Restore configuration of each axis that has tracked the 
  # incoming encoder signals
  n = split(HELICAL_PARS["ice_mnes"], mnes)
  for(i=0;i<n;i++) {

    mne = mnes[i]
    num = motor_num(mne)
    dev = motor_par(num, "address")

    icepap_cmd(num, "slew_rate",    motor_par(num, "config_slew_rate"))
    icepap_cmd(num, "acceleration", motor_par(num, "config_acceleration"))

#%AUTHOR% MP BLISS (Original 07/2014).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.4 $ / $Date: 2015/05/11 14:36:35 $