
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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# ICE_ANCILLARY.MAC - Control ancillaries on IcePAP axes.
# Macros needed for IcePAP controlled motors using ancillaries (for instance
# brakes or air pads). The ancillary control (release/engage command)
# and current ancillary status is achieved with an external WAGO box.
# The WAGO box is also used to disable IcePAP motor motion (through its
# HOLD signal input). See Electronic Unit for details.
#%DT%Configuring macro motors %DD%
# Each IcePAP motor has first to be configured, see "help local ice" for
# details. The motor can be a real one or a linked one. Then the following
# extra parameters have to be configured.
#%DT%Extra motor_par() parameters %DD%
# Several ancillary specific parameters have to be given. Using motor_par()
# or in the config through the "Custom Parameters for Motor" page of each
# motor.
# %DL%
#   %DT%motor_par(mot, "anc_cmd_ch")%DD%
#       The WAGO logical channel used to release/engage the ancillary.
#   %DT%motor_par(mot, "anc_cmd_engage")%DD%
#       The WAGO channel write value to engage the ancillary.
#       The release value will be the complement.
#   %DT%motor_par(mot, "anc_sta_ch")%DD%
#       The WAGO logical channel used to read the ancillary current status.
#   %DT%motor_par(mot, "anc_sta_engaged")%DD%
#       The WAGO channel read value when the ancillary is engaged.
#       The released value will be the complement.
# %XDL%

# Mandatory standard IcePAP macros
need ice

#%IU%(num, type, p1, p2, p3)
# Called by IcePAP macro motor macros on motor reconfig.
def _icepap_ancillary_config(num,type,p1,p2,p3) '{

    # p1==controller index p2==number of motors supported
    if(type=="ctrl") {
        if(p1 == 0) {

    # p1==unit p2==module p3==channel
    if(type=="mot") {
        global WAGOKEYS[]
        local  mne
        local  cmd_ch cmd_ch_missing
        local  sta_ch sta_ch_missing
        local  cmd_engage 
        local  sta_engaged

        mne    = motor_mne(num)
        cmd_ch = motor_par(mne, "anc_cmd_ch")
        sta_ch = motor_par(mne, "anc_sta_ch")

        # NOTE MP 05Dec2016: motor_par() returns 1 if param not defined.
        # TODO: better way to detect not set parameter.
        cmd_ch_missing = (cmd_ch == -1)
        sta_ch_missing = (sta_ch == -1)

        # not ancillary on this IcePAP motor
        if(cmd_ch_missing && sta_ch_missing) {
            # normal end

        # minimum checks 
        if(cmd_ch_missing) {
            printf("Missing parameter \"%s\" for motor \"%s\"\n", \
                "anc_cmd_ch", mne)
            return ".error."

        # minimum checks 
        if(sta_ch_missing) {
            printf("Missing parameter \"%s\" for motor \"%s\"\n", \
                "anc_sta_ch", mne)
            return ".error."

        # minimum checks 
        if(!(cmd_ch in WAGOKEYS)) {
            printf("Wrong ancillary WAGO channel \"%s\" for motor \"%s\"\n", \
                cmd_ch, mne)
            return ".error."

        # minimum checks 
        if(!(sta_ch in WAGOKEYS)) {
            printf("Wrong ancillary WAGO channel \"%s\" for motor \"%s\"\n", \
                sta_ch, mne)
            return ".error."

        # optionnal active levels
        anc_cmd_engage  = motor_par(mne, "anc_cmd_engage")
        anc_sta_engaged = motor_par(mne, "anc_sta_engaged")
        # default value is 0 to engage, like this a broken cable
        # will engage the ancillary (useful for brakes)
        if(anc_cmd_engage  == -1) { anc_cmd_engage  = 0 }
        if(anc_sta_engaged == -1) { anc_sta_engaged = 0 }

        printf("ICEPAP: Configuring ancillary for motor \"%s\"\n", mne)
        p "\tanc_cmd_ch     :", motor_par(mne, "anc_cmd_ch")
        p "\tanc_sta_ch     :", motor_par(mne, "anc_sta_ch")
        p "\tanc_cmd_engage :", anc_cmd_engage
        p "\tanc_sta_engaged:", anc_sta_engaged

        _icepap_ancillary_add(num, \
            cmd_ch, 1-anc_cmd_engage,  anc_cmd_engage, \
            sta_ch, 1-anc_sta_engaged, anc_sta_engaged)

    # normal end

def _icepap_ancillary_setup '{
    global ICE_ANC[]
    global ICE_ANC_TIMEOUT
    list_init ICE_ANC


def _icepap_ancillary_add(mne, comm_ch, comm_release, comm_engage, st_ch, st_released, st_engaged) '{
    local mot
    if (motor_num(mne) == -1) {
        printf("motor \"%s\" not difened, exit !!!\n", mot)
    mot = motor_mne(mne)
    list_add(ICE_ANC, mot)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_ch",       comm_ch)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_release",  comm_release)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_engage",   comm_engage)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_ch",         st_ch)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_released",   st_released)
    list_setpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_engaged",    st_engaged)
    cdef("user_icepap_prestart_one", \
        "_icepap_ancillary_release(\$1)\n", \
        "ICE_ANC", \
    cdef("user_icepap_postmove_one", \
        "_icepap_ancillary_engage(\$1)\n", \
        "ICE_ANC", \
    cdef("cleanup_always", "_icepap_ancillary_engage_all()\n", "ICE_ANC")
    cdef("user_scan_tail", "_icepap_ancillary_engage_all()\n", "ICE_ANC")

def _icepap_ancillary_release(mne, linkedmv) '{
    local comm_ch comm_release st_ch st_released st_current
    local mot st_time
    mot = motor_mne(mne)
    icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": releasing ancillary...", mot)
    if (list_check(ICE_ANC, mot) != 0) {
        # poll ancillary to be released
        # -----------------------------
        st_ch       = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_ch")
        st_released = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_released")
        st_current  = wago_readch(st_ch)

        if (st_current == st_released) {
            icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
                mot, st_current==st_released ? "RELEASED" : "ENGAGED ")
        # release ancillary
        # -----------------
        comm_ch      = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_ch")
        comm_release = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_release")
        wago_writech(comm_ch, comm_release)
        icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
            mot, st_current==st_released ? "RELEASED" : "ENGAGED ")
        for (st_time=time();st_current != st_released;) {
            if ((time()-st_time) > ICE_ANC_TIMEOUT) {
                printf("TIMEOUT on \"%s\" brakes releasing\n", mot)
            st_current  = wago_readch(st_ch)
            icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
                mot, st_current==st_released ? "RELEASED" : "ENGAGED ")
        # reset motor closed loop
        # ----------------------
        if(!linkedmv) {
            if (ICEPAP[mot]["linked"] == "YES") {
            } else {
                motor_par(mot, "reset_closed_loop")

def _icepap_ancillary_engage_all() '{
    local mot_anc mot

    for (mot_anc=1 ; mot_anc<=list_n(ICE_ANC) ; mot_anc++) {
        mot = ICE_ANC[mot_anc]

        _icepap_ancillary_engage(motor_num(mot), 1)

def _icepap_ancillary_engage(mne, forced, linkedmv) '{
    local comm_ch comm_engage mot
    mot = motor_mne(mne)

    icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": engaging ancillary...", mot)
    if ((forced == 0) && (_stype & scanType_ScanActive)) {
    if (list_check(ICE_ANC, mot) != 0) {
        # poll ancillary to be engaged
        # ----------------------------
        st_ch      = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_ch")
        st_engaged = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "st_engaged")
        st_current  = wago_readch(st_ch)

        if (st_current == st_engaged) {
            icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
                mot, st_current==st_engaged ? "ENGAGED " : "RELEASED")
        # engage ancillary
        # ----------------
        comm_ch      = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_ch")
        comm_engage  = list_getpar(ICE_ANC, mot, "comm_engage")
        wago_writech(comm_ch, comm_engage)
        icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
            mot, st_current==st_engaged ? "ENGAGED " : "RELEASED")
        for (;st_current != st_engaged;) {
            st_current  = wago_readch(st_ch)
            icepap__debug sprintf("\"%s\": brakes are %s\n", \
                mot, st_current==st_engaged ? "ENGAGED " : "RELEASED")


        # open the motor closed loop
        # ----------------------
        if (st_current != st_engaged) {
            # do not open the closed loop if the brakes can not be engaged
            printf("\"%s\": brakes not engaged, closed loop let on\n", mot)
        if(!linkedmv) {
            if (ICEPAP[mot]["linked"] == "YES") {
                # TODO: change the argin from real axes to virtual axis
            } else {
                motor_par(mot, "closed_loop", 0)

#%AUTHOR% GB+MP BLISS (Original 12/16).
# %BR%$Revision: 1.1 $ / $Date: 2018/09/03 12:22:57 $