
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% hg.mac

need spec_utils

global HG_PAR[]

# arg danger multi load !!!
list_test "HG_PAR"

##############################          ##############################
##############################  CONFIG  ##############################
##############################          ##############################

#%UU% (<module>, <info_style>, <debug_style>, <error_style>)
def hg_config_style(module, info_style, debug_style, error_style) '{

    list_add(HG_PAR, module)

    # info style test.
    if (is_number_in_range(info_style, 0, 5)){
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "info", info_style)
        printf("Error in info style selection for module \"%s\" (0..5)", module)
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "info", 0)

    # debug style test.
    if (is_number_in_range(debug_style, 0, 5)){
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "debug", debug_style)
        printf("Error in debug style selection for module \"%s\" (0..5)", module)
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "debug", 0)

    # error style test.
    if (is_number_in_range(error_style, 0, 5)){
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "error", error_style)
        printf("Error in error style selection for module \"%s\" (0..5)", module)
        list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "error", 0)

#%UU% (<module>, <info_indent>, <debug_indent>, <error_indent>)
def hg_config_indent(module, info_indent, debug_indent, error_indent) '{
    list_add(HG_PAR, module)

    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "info_indent",  info_indent)
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "debug_indent", debug_indent)
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "error_indent", error_indent)

#%UU% (<module>, <info_header>, <debug_header>, <error_header>)
def hg_config_headers(module, info_header, debug_header, error_header) '{
    list_add(HG_PAR, module)

    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "info_header",  info_header)
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "debug_header", debug_header)
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "error_header", error_header)


###############################        ###############################
###############################  HELP  ###############################
###############################        ###############################

#def ttttt() '{
#    hg_generate("HG_EXAMPLE_DEFAULT")

def hg_example '{
    print "   ---------------- HG.MAC -----------------------------------"
    print "   hg.mac is an info/debug/error messages functions generator."
    print "   # Example of configuration:"
    print "   # Just Replace \"toto\" by your module name"
    print "      # Messages styles configuration."
    print "      [hg_config_style(\"toto\", 2, 3, 4)]"
    print "      [hg_config_indent(\"toto\",  0, 0, 1)]"
    print "      [hg_config_headers(\"toto\", \"TOTO\", \"TOTO\", \"TOTO\")]"
    print "      # all config are optionals."
    print "      # (2,5,2) are the default styles numbers"
    print "      # hg_generate() is the only mandatory call"
    print "      hg_generate(\"toto\")"
    print "   "
    print "   "

    print "   "
    print "   example with \"hg_generate(\"HG_EXAMPLE_DEFAULT\") \" "
    print "   "
    print "   "


#######################                        #######################
#######################  FUNCTIONS GENERATION  #######################
#######################                        #######################

#%UU% (<module>)
def hg_generate(module) '{
    # printf("[HG] : Generation of functions : %s_msg() %s_dbg() %s_err() %s_debug\n", module, module, module, module )

    if(list_getpar(HG_PAR, module, "info_header")==-1){
        #printf ("no HG header defined, using default ones : module name : %s\n", module)
        hg_config_headers(module, module, module, module)

    # STYLES
    if (list_getpar(HG_PAR, module, "info")==-1){
        # no style defined ? then use default one:
        hg_config_style(module, 2, 5, 2)



def hg_generate_debug(module) '{
    local _cmd

    _cmd = sprintf( "rdef %s_debug \\\'{                            \n \
    local _d_on_off                                                 \n \
    if( \$# ){                                                      \n \
        if ($1){                                                    \n \
            _d_on_off = 1                                           \n \
        }                                                           \n \
        else{                                                       \n \
            _d_on_off = 0                                           \n \
        }                                                           \n \
    }                                                               \n \
    else{                                                           \n \
        if(list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug_on\")) {             \n \
            _d_on_off = 0                                           \n \
    }                                                               \n \
    else{                                                           \n \
             _d_on_off = 1                                          \n \
       }                                                            \n \
    }                                                               \n \
                                                                    \n \
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug_on\", _d_on_off)            \n \
    printf(\"%s DEBUG is now \")                                    \n \
    cprint_on_off(_d_on_off)                                        \n \
    print                                                           \n \
}\\\'                       \
    ", module, module, module, module, module )

    eval( _cmd)

    # set debug off by default.
    list_setpar(HG_PAR, module, "debug_on", 0)


def hg_generate_msg(module) '{
  local _cmd

    _cmd = sprintf( "rdef %s_msg(info_msg) \\\'{                      \n \
    local _msg _style _fg _bg _bold _indent_fmt _indent _header

    _indent_fmt = sprintf(\"%%%%%%ds\", list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"info_indent\"))
    _indent = sprintf(_indent_fmt, \"\")

    _header = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"info_header\")

    _msg = sprintf(\"%%s[%%s][%%s] : %%s\\n\", _indent, _header, \"INFO\", info_msg)

    _style = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"info\")

    _fg   = HG_INFO_STYLE[_style][\"fg\"]
    _bg   = HG_INFO_STYLE[_style][\"bg\"]
    _bold = HG_INFO_STYLE[_style][\"bold\"]

    cprint(_msg, _fg ,_bg, _bold)

}\\\'                                                                  \
    ", module, module, module, module)

    eval( _cmd)

def hg_generate_dbg(module) '{
  local _cmd

    _cmd = sprintf( "rdef %s_dbg(dbg_msg) \\\'{                      \n \

    local _msg _style _fg _bg _bold _indent_fmt _indent _header

    if(list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug_on\")){
        _indent_fmt = sprintf(\"%%%%%%ds\", list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug_indent\"))
        _indent = sprintf(_indent_fmt, \"\")

        _header = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug_header\")

        _msg = sprintf(\"%%s[%%s][%%s] : %%s\\n\", _indent,_header, \"DEBUG\", dbg_msg)

        _style = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"debug\")

        _fg   = HG_DEBUG_STYLE[_style][\"fg\"]
        _bg   = HG_DEBUG_STYLE[_style][\"bg\"]
        _bold = HG_DEBUG_STYLE[_style][\"bold\"]

        cprint(_msg, _fg ,_bg, _bold)

}\\\'                                                                  \
    ", module, module, module, module, module)

    eval( _cmd)

def hg_generate_err(module) '{
    local _cmd

    _cmd = sprintf( "rdef %s_err(err_msg) \\\'{                      \n \

    local _msg _style _fg _bg _bold _indent_fmt _indent _header

    _indent_fmt = sprintf(\"%%%%%%ds\", list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"error_indent\"))
    _indent = sprintf(_indent_fmt, \"\")

    _header = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"error_header\")

    _msg = sprintf(\"%%s[%%s][%%s][%%s] : %%s\n\", _indent, _header, \"ERROR\", date_stamping_second(), err_msg)

    _style = list_getpar(HG_PAR, \"%s\", \"error\")

    _fg   = HG_ERROR_STYLE[_style][\"fg\"]
    _bg   = HG_ERROR_STYLE[_style][\"bg\"]
    _bold = HG_ERROR_STYLE[_style][\"bold\"]

    ceprint(_msg, _fg ,_bg, _bold)

}\\\'                                                                  \
    ", module, module, module, module)

    eval( _cmd)

#########################                     ########################
#########################  STYLES DEFINITION  ########################
#########################                     ########################

def hg_show_styles '{

    for (ii = 0 ; ii < 6 ; ii++){
        cprint(sprintf("[EXAMPLE][%d][INFO] : exemple de msg dinfo\n", ii), \
               HG_INFO_STYLE[ii]["fg"],                                 \
               HG_INFO_STYLE[ii]["bg"],                                 \

    print ""

    for (ii = 0 ; ii < 6 ; ii++){
        cprint(sprintf("[EXAMPLE][%d][DEBUG] : exemple de msg de debug\n", ii), \
               HG_DEBUG_STYLE[ii]["fg"],                                \
               HG_DEBUG_STYLE[ii]["bg"],                                \

    print ""

    for (ii = 0 ; ii < 6 ; ii++){
        cprint(sprintf("[EXAMPLE][%d][ERROR] : exemple de msg derreur\n", ii), \
               HG_ERROR_STYLE[ii]["fg"],                                \
               HG_ERROR_STYLE[ii]["bg"],                                \


global HG_INFO_STYLE[]

HG_INFO_STYLE[0]["fg"]   = 2
HG_INFO_STYLE[0]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[0]["bold"] = 0

HG_INFO_STYLE[1]["fg"]   = 3
HG_INFO_STYLE[1]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[1]["bold"] = 1

HG_INFO_STYLE[2]["fg"]   = 4
HG_INFO_STYLE[2]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[2]["bold"] = 1

HG_INFO_STYLE[3]["fg"]   = 5
HG_INFO_STYLE[3]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[3]["bold"] = 1

HG_INFO_STYLE[4]["fg"]   = 6
HG_INFO_STYLE[4]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[4]["bold"] = 1

HG_INFO_STYLE[5]["fg"]   = 7
HG_INFO_STYLE[5]["bg"]   = 8
HG_INFO_STYLE[5]["bold"] = 1

HG_INFO_STYLE["nb_styles"] = 6



HG_DEBUG_STYLE[0]["fg"]   = 0
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[0]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[0]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE[1]["fg"]   = 2
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[1]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[1]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE[2]["fg"]   = 3
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[2]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[2]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE[3]["fg"]   = 4
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[3]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[3]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE[4]["fg"]   = 6
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[4]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[4]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE[5]["fg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[5]["bg"]   = 7
HG_DEBUG_STYLE[5]["bold"] = 0

HG_DEBUG_STYLE["nb_styles"] = 6



HG_ERROR_STYLE[0]["fg"]   = 0
HG_ERROR_STYLE[0]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[0]["bold"] = 0

HG_ERROR_STYLE[1]["fg"]   = 2
HG_ERROR_STYLE[1]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[1]["bold"] = 0

HG_ERROR_STYLE[2]["fg"]   = 3
HG_ERROR_STYLE[2]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[2]["bold"] = 1

HG_ERROR_STYLE[3]["fg"]   = 4
HG_ERROR_STYLE[3]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[3]["bold"] = 1

HG_ERROR_STYLE[4]["fg"]   = 6
HG_ERROR_STYLE[4]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[4]["bold"] = 1

HG_ERROR_STYLE[5]["fg"]   = 7
HG_ERROR_STYLE[5]["bg"]   = 1
HG_ERROR_STYLE[5]["bold"] = 1

HG_ERROR_STYLE["nb_styles"] = 6