
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% emm.mac
#   Energy (KeV) Calculated Macro Motor.
#   The name of the macro motor MUST be "energy"
#   For each Macro Motor energy, 2 macros, "energy_to_angle(energy_val)" and
#   "angle_to_energy(angle_val)" should be written according to the
#   monochromator in use
#   Follower motors (using followmot.mac) are managed when energy is moved,
#   using real or calculated motors

#  energy <----------------> mono
#     |                       \
#     ----> followmot(s) <-----

#need followmot
need hg


#%IU% (<mne> <type> <unit> <module> <chan>)
#   Configuration macro of the Calculation Macro Motor energy
def emm_config(mne, type, unit, module, chan) '{
    local _dependant_followers _dependant_motors_list
    if (type == "ctrl") {
        print "Using EMM : Energy Macro Motor."
    else if (type == "mot") {

        local _dependant_motors_list

        _dependant_followers   = followmot_getdependant()
        _dependant_motors_list = sprintf("mono energy %s", _dependant_followers)

        return (_dependant_motors_list)


#%UU% (<mot_num> <mode>)
#   Calculation macro of the Calculation Macro Motor energy
def emm_calc(mot_num, mode) '{
    local _ene_num _mono_num _mono_pos
    local ene_newval

    _mono_num  = motor_num("mono")
    _ene_num   = motor_num("energy")

    if (mot_num == "..") {


    if (mode == 0) {          # Sets (Virtual/Macro)-Motor energy.

        if (mot_num == _ene_num) {
            emm_dbg(sprintf("Calculates energy from mono angle %g", A[mono]))
            A[mot_num] = angle_to_energy(A[mono])

            ene_newval = A[mot_num]
    } else if (mode == 1) {    # Sets real motors positions.

        ene_newval = A[_ene_num]

        # Mono movement.
        if (mot_num == _mono_num) {
            _mono_pos = energy_to_angle(A[_ene_num])
            emm_dbg(sprintf("new mono position = %s", _mono_pos))
            A[_mono_num] = _mono_pos

    # Follower(s) movement(s).

#%AUTHOR% C. Guilloud / G. Berruyer