
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#  Macros for defining encoders as pseudocounters.
#%CATEGORY% Positioning
#  This macroset allow to define encoders conected to CC133 boards as
#  pseudocounters. Each time the counters are read, the pseudocounters are
#  loaded with the current values of the associated encoders. The values of
#  the encoders may also be multiplied by scale factors.%BR%
#  The definition of a pseudocounter is done by the macro %B%cc133setup%B% that
#  has to be executed once per encoder. There is no limit in the number of
#  encoders that can be defined by this way.%BR%%BR%
#  The encoders must be accessible through their own device server (not MAXE).
#  %DL%
#  %DT%cc133setup enc0 id47/cc133a/1 2.5
#  %DD%Associates the pseudocounter `enc0' to the encoder `id47/cc133a/1' and
#  sets the scale factor to 2.5.
#  %DT%setc133 enc0 5
#  %DD%Changes the encoder position to 5.
#  %DT%cc133show
#  %DD%Displays the current configuration.
#  %XDL%
#  $Revision: 3.1 $ / $Date: 2008/02/27 12:51:41 $
#  $Log: cc133.mac,v $
#  Revision 3.1  2008/02/27 12:51:41  rey
#  documentation changes

#%UU% <pseudo_counter> <device_name> [<scale_factor>]
#  Associates the encoder <device_name> to <pseudo_counter>. If scale factor
#  is not explicitly specified, unity is assumed.
def cc133setup '{

   if ($# != 2 && $# != 3 || $# == 3 && $3 == 0) {
      if (SETUP) print "Error in line: $0 $*"
      print "Usage:  $0 pseudocounter device [scale_factor]" 
   } else {
      global CC133
      local key
      list_test CC133

      key = "$1"
      list_add(CC133, key)
      list_setpar(CC133, key, "device", "$2")
      list_setpar(CC133, key, "scalefact", ($# == 3)?$3:1)
      cdef("user_getcounts","cc133_getcounts $*\n",key,0x02)
      setup_tail("cc133", key)

#%IU% <pseudo_counter>
#  Removes the definition of a encoder as pseudocounter.
def cc133unsetup '{
   local key

   key = "$1"
   cdef("user_getcounts", "", key ,"delete")
   list_remove(CC133, key)
   if (!CC133[0]) unglobal CC133

#%IU% <pseudo_counter> <device_name> [<scale_factor>]
#  Reads the current encoder position and stores it in the corresponding
#  global variable.
def cc133_getcounts '
   S[$1] = esrf_io("$2","DevReadCount") * (($# == 3)?$3:1)

#%UU% [<pseudo_counter> [<new_value>]]
#  Sets the position of the encoder associated to <pseudo_counter> to
#  <new_value>. If no parameters are specified, the macros prompt for them. 
def setcc133 '{
   local enc newvalue

   if ($# > 2) {
      print "Usage:  $0 [encoder_name [value]]"

   if ($# == 0)
      enc = getval("Input encoder name", "")
      enc = "$1"

   if (list_check(CC133, enc) <= 0) {
      printf("`%s\' is not a currently defined encoder.\n", enc)
   devicename = list_getpar(CC133, enc, "device")
   scalefact = list_getpar(CC133, enc, "scalefact")
   value = esrf_io(devicename,"DevReadCount") * scalefact
   if (ESRF_ERR) {
      printf("Can\'t read device `%s\' associated to `%s\'.\n", devicename, enc)

   if ($# < 2)
      value = getval("Input new value", value)
      value = "$2"

   esrf_io(devicename, "DevWriteCount", value / scalefact)

#  Lists the pseudocounters currently defined along with the associated device
#  names and scale factors.%BR%
#  If a counter name is associated to an encoder by %B%cc133setup%B% but the
#  counter is not included in the configuration of %B%spec%B%, the 
#  corresponding line is marked as disabled.
def cc133show '{
   local n i enc

   if (n = list_n(CC133) <= 0) {
      print "No encoders configured currently as pseudocounters."
   } else {
      for (i = 1; i <= n; i++){
         enc = list_item(CC133,i)
         printf("%8s: %20s x %10g %s\n", enc, list_getpar(CC133,i,"device"), \
            list_getpar(CC133,i,"scalefact"), cnt_num(enc)>=0?"":"(disabled)")

#%AUTHOR% P.Fajardo,  (Original 8/96).