
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE%  can_icb.mac 
#   Access to Canbera ICB bus
#%CATEGORY% Detection, MCA
#  These macros provide access to modules on the Canberra
#  ICB bus. They are typically used by modules like the 9635 and the 9660.
#  The first argument in the macros is the device. This understands the
#  ESRF domain device name like "idxx/mca/yyyicb".
# Modifications history: %BR%
# Creation unknown date %BR%
# Feb 2002 HW seperate macros from the can9635 macros and put them here. %BR%
# $Revision: 1.2 $

#%UU% (device, addr, reg)
#%MDESC% Read register <reg> from ICB device address <addr> on MCA 
# device <device>
def icb_read (device, addr, reg) '{
	ICB[0] = 1 ; 
	ICB[1] = reg + 0x10 * addr
	return ICBOUT[0]

#%UU% (device, addr, reg)
#%MDESC% Put value <value> into register <reg> on ICB device on 
# address <addr> on MCA device <device>
def icb_write (device, addr, reg, value) '{
local ICB
	ICB[1]=reg + 0x10 * addr
	return esrf_io(device, "DevMcaSendICB",ICB)

#%UU% (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, outarr)
#%MDESC% Read registers <from_reg> to <to_reg> on ICB device  
# address <addr> on MCA device <device>. Put the results in the array outarr.
# The outarr will have to be indexed with the register. For example, reading
# from 4 to 7, the value of register 7 will be in outarr[7]. 
def icb_mread (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, outarr) '{
  local i ICB ICBread no_reg
  ADR=0x10 * addr
  ICB[0] = no_reg = to_reg - from_reg + 1
  for (i = 0 ; i < no_reg ; i ++) 
    ICB[i + 1] = from_reg + i + ADR 
  esrf_io(device, "DevMcaReadICB", ICB, ICBread)

  for (i = 0 ; i < no_reg ; i ++) {
    pos = from_reg + i

#%UU% (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, inarr)
#%MDESC% Write registers <from_reg> to <to_reg> to ICB device  
# address <addr> on MCA device <device>. Write what is in array inarr.
# Inarr will have to be indexed with the register. For example, reading
# from 4 to 7, the value of register 7 will be in inarr[7].
def icb_mwrite (device, addr, from_reg, to_reg, inarr) '{
  local ICB ADR I

  ADR = 0x10 * addr
  ICB[0] = no_reg = to_reg - from_reg + 1
  for (i = 0 ; i < no_reg ; i ++)  {
    ICB[2*i + 1] = from_reg + i + ADR 
    ICB[2*i + 2] = inarr[from_reg + i] 
  esrf_io(device, "DevMcaSendICB", ICB)

