
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%TITLE% MVH_brakes.mac
# control of the brakes of the mirrors.

#%UU% <brakeu_mne> <brakeu_pol> <braked_mne> <braked_pol> ...
#%MDESC% Definition of the sets of brakes.
#One set defines 2 brakes (one 'up' and one 'down') and is associated to a mirror. 
#%BR%A brake action is realized by a motor applying a vertical force on an horizontal
# plate to avoid motion on the element pressed by this plate.
#The commands to apply or release a brake is done by moving the motor to a specific 
#position (). There are 2 brakes, each one pressing on one region of the plate.
#%BR%Typical setup: MVH_setup brakeu braked [brakebu brakebd ...]
#%BR%- brakeu_mne: mnemonic for 'brake up' motor
#%BR%- brakeu_pol: brake polarity for 'brake up' motor:  0 if [applied on lim-, released on lim+] or 1 if 
#[applied on lim+, released on lim-]
#%BR%- braked_mne: mnemonic for 'brake down' motor
#%BR%- braked_pol: brake polarity for 'brake up' motor:  0 if [applied on lim-, released on lim+] or 1 if 
#[applied on lim+, released on lim-]
#%BR%The macros will give the possibility to move the brakes of a set at the same time.
def MVH_brakes_setup'{
   global MVH 
   local nbmirr nbarg _nn ii jj pars
   nbarg = $#
   if ( (int(nbarg/4) * 4) != nbarg) {
      p "usage: MVH_brakes_setup <brakeu_mne> <brakeu_pol> <braked_mne> <braked_pol> ..."
   MVH["nbb"] = nbarg/4
   _nn = split("$*", pars)
   jj =0
   for (ii=0; ii<MVH["nbb"]; ii++) {
      MVH["brakeu"][ii]= pars[jj];jj++
      MVH["brakeupol"][ii] = pars[jj];jj++
      if (MVH["brakeupol"][ii] == 0) {
         MVH["brakeuon"][ii] = "lim-"
         MVH["brakeuoff"][ii] = "lim+"         
      else {
         MVH["brakeuon"][ii] = "lim+"
         MVH["brakeuoff"][ii] = "lim-"               
      MVH["braked"][ii]= pars[jj];jj++
      MVH["brakedpol"][ii] = pars[jj];jj++
      if (MVH["brakedpol"][ii] == 0) {
         MVH["brakedon"][ii] = "lim-"
         MVH["brakedoff"][ii] = "lim+"         
      else {
         MVH["brakedon"][ii] = "lim+"
         MVH["brakedoff"][ii] = "lim-"               

#%MDESC% set brakes ON (wait until end of motion)
def MVH_brakeon(mn)'{


   #check they are not already moving.    
   if ( (_MVH_statu(mn) & 0x02) || (_MVH_statd(mn) & 0x02 ) ){
       p "MVH: brakes already moving !!! Abort"
   #move the motors at the same time  
   # polling is not done on both at the same time (usefull ?)
   # first poll brake down. when stopped, poll brake up
   # motors are not moving, but following is needed
   # by spec to return to prompt at the end of this macro.

   # write the status   

#%MDESC% set brakes OFF (wait until end of motion)
def MVH_brakeoff(mn)'{

   #check they are not already moving.    
   if ( (_MVH_statu(mn) & 0x02) || (_MVH_statd(mn) & 0x02 ) ){
       p "MVH: brake up already moving !!! Abort"
   #move the motors at the same time  

   # polling is not done on both at the same time (usefull ?)
   # first poll brake down. when stopped, poll brake up
   # motors are not moving, but following is needed
   # by spec to return to prompt at the end of this macro.

   # write the status   

#%MDESC%Gives the status of the brakes 
def MVH_status(mn)'{
   local vald valu mystr 

   valu = _MVH_statu(mn)
   mystr =  sprintf("MVH: brake up: %s",MVH["brakeu"][mn])
   if ( valu&0x02) {mystr = mystr "       moving"} else {mystr = mystr "    not moving"}
   if ( valu&0x04) {
      if (MVH["brakeupol"][mn] == 0){ 
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeon"
      else {
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeoff"      
   if ( valu&0x08) {
      if (MVH["brakeupol"][mn] == 0){ 
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeoff"
      else {
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeon"      
   p mystr

   vald = _MVH_statd(mn)
   mystr =  sprintf("MVH: brake down: %s",MVH["braked"][mn])
   if ( vald&0x02) {mystr = mystr "   moving"} else {mystr = mystr "  not moving"}
   if ( vald&0x04) {
      if (MVH["brakedpol"][mn] == 0){ 
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeon"
      else {
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeoff"      
   if ( vald&0x08) { 
      if (MVH["brakedpol"][mn] == 0){ 
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeoff"
      else {
         mystr = mystr  "   brakeon"      
   #if ( vald&0x04) {mystr = mystr  "   brakeon"}
   #if ( vald&0x08) { mystr = mystr "   brakeoff"}
   p mystr

#%MDESC%reads icepap status of the brake up motor.
def _MVH_statu(mn)'{
   local val

   val = icepap_cmd(motor_num(MVH["brakeu"][mn]),"get_status")

#%MDESC%reads icepap status of the brake down motor.
def _MVH_statd(mn)'{
   local val
   val = icepap_cmd(motor_num(MVH["braked"][mn]),"get_status")

#%MDESC% wait for the end of motion of brake up motor. It returns:
#%BR% - -1 if problem
#%BR% - 1 no limit 
#%BR% - 2 if lim+
#%BR% - 3 if lim-
#%BR% - 4 if lim+ and lim-
def _MVH_pollu(mn)'{
    local polld valu
    polld = 0
    while (polld == 0) {
        valu = _MVH_statu(mn)
        #p "read1: " valu
        if ( !(valu & 0x02)  ) {
            # not moving
             __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_pollu():  not  moving"              
            polld = 1
            if  (valu & 0x08){
               # lim+
               __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_pollu():  lim+"              
           if ( valu & 0x04) {
               # lim-
               __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_pollu():  lim-"              
        else {
           # moving
            __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_pollu():   moving"              
           if  (valu & 0x08)   {
              # a limit is hit and motor still moving. try again.
              #p "read2:  " valu
              p " MVH:  warning : brake up moving with limit+ active"
           if (valu & 0x04)   {
              # a limit is hit and motor still moving. try again.
              #p "read2:  " valu
              p " MVH:  warning : brake up moving with limit- active"
       if (polld== 0) {sleep(2);}

#%MDESC% wait for the end of motion of brake down motor. It returns:
#%BR% - -1 if problem
#%BR% - 1 no limit 
#%BR% - 2 if lim+
#%BR% - 3 if lim-
#%BR% - 4 if lim+ and lim-
def _MVH_polld(mn)'{
    local polld valu
    polld = 0
    while (polld == 0) {
        valu = _MVH_statd()
        #p "read1: " valu
        if ( !(valu & 0x02)  ) {
            # not moving
             __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_polld():  not  moving"              
            polld = 1
            if  (valu & 0x08){
               # lim+
               __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_polld():  lim+"              
           if ( valu & 0x04) {
               # lim-
               __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_polld():  lim-"              
        else {
            # moving
            __MVH_debug  ">>> _MVH_polld():   moving"              
            if (valu & 0x08)   {
               # a limit is hit and motor still moving.
                  #p "read2:  " valu
                  p " MVH:  warning :  brake down moving with limit+ active"
            if (valu & 0x04)  {
               # a limit is hit and motor still moving.
                  #p "read2:  " valu
                  p " MVH:  warning :  brake down  moving with limit- active"
      if (polld == 0) {sleep(2);}

#%MDESC% set brake up ON
def MVH_brakeuon(mn)'{

   __MVH_debug  ">>> MVH_brakeuon:"
   #check  not already moving.    
   if ( (_MVH_statu(mn) & 0x02) ){
       p "MVH: brake up already moving !!! Abort"

#%MDESC% set brake down ON
def MVH_brakedon(mn)'{

   __MVH_debug  ">>> MVH_brakedon:"
   if ( (_MVH_statd(mn) & 0x02) ){
       p "MVH: brake down already moving !!! Abort"


#%MDESC% set brake up OFF
def MVH_brakeuoff(mn)'{

   __MVH_debug  ">>> MVH_brakeuoff:"
   if ( (_MVH_statu() & 0x02) ){
       p "MVH: brake up already moving !!! Abort"

#%MDESC% set brake down OFF
def MVH_brakedoff(mn)'{

   __MVH_debug  ">>> MVH_brakedoff:"
   if ( (_MVH_statd() & 0x02) ){
       p "MVH: brake down already moving !!! Abort"

#%MDESC% check that the motors for MVH are defined. exit if not.
def _MVH_checkmot(mn)'{
   if (motor_num(MVH["brakeu"][mn]) == -1) {
      p "motor " MVH["brakeu"][mn] " is not defined for mirror MVH"
   if (motor_num(MVH["braked"][mn]) == -1) {
      p "motor " MVH["braked"][mn] " is not defined for mirror MV1"

if (!(whatis("__MVH_debug")  & 2)) rdef __MVH_debug \'#$*\'
#%MDESC% toggle debug mode for the present macros.
def MVH_debug '{
  if ((whatis("__MVH_debug")>>16) <= 3) { # just a # sign -> off
    rdef __MVH_debug "eprint"
    print "MVH debug is ON"
  } else {
    rdef __MVH_debug \'#\$*\'
    print "MVH debug is OFF"

#%MDESC% stops brake up
def MVH_stopu(mn)'{
   local val
   val = icepap_cmd(motor_num(MVH["brakeu"][mn]),"abort_one")

#%MDESC% stops brake down
def MVH_stopd(mn)'{
   local val
   val = icepap_cmd(motor_num(MVH["braked"][mn]),"abort_one")

#  mcd march 2011