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#%TITLE% Huber_attenuators.mac
#$Revision: 1.1 $
#%NAME% Macros for Huber Attenuator
#Macros for Huber Attenuator
#%CATEGORY% Attenuator
#based on WAGO SPS, Huber Diffraction
#This macro assumes that an Interface I "FIELD" with "Modbus over TCP IP"
#with device ID 0 is defined ie device x.x.x.x:502 Modbus over TCP_IP
#byte 32000 contains the 8 Bits of the IO ports of the SPS controller
#Attention: TCP timeout has to be set to 0 = no timeout on WAGO controller
#connection problems: connection refused:
#reason: generic modbus controller must be present and working

#assign variables
noFilters = 8 # 8 for 8-fold 6 for 6 fold
global array hfilter[noFilters]

# ********************* attenuator help ********************************
#%MDESC% help
def attenuator_help '{
    printf("** help for Huber attenuator box **\n")
    printf("attenuator set 1-8 1/0 to switch off,on or request status \n")
    #printf("example: attenuator set 1 1 move attenuator no 1 in \n")
    printf("attenuator off move all attenuators out \n")
    printf("attenuator get get status \n")
    printf("attenuator_help get help text \n")

rdef huber_help attenuator_help # second name for the help macro
# ********************* attenuator help end ***************************

# Attenuator macro
#for any reason commands always have to be sent twice ** solved by TCP timeout = 0
def attenuator '{
    if ($# == 0) {
        eprint "Usage: attenuator off or attenuator set 1-6 1/0 to set filter 1-6 to 1/0 or attenuator get"
    #********************************* off *****************************
    if ("$1" == "off") {
        eval("attenuator get")
    #********************************* set *****************************
    if ("$1" == "set") {
        hsum = 0
        hfilter[$2-1] = $3
        for (i=0; i < noFilters; i++) {
            #printf ("Filter %s = %s \n", i+1, hfilter[i])
            if (hfilter[i] == 1) hsum = hsum + pow(2,i)
        eval("attenuator get")
    #********************************* get *****************************
    if ("$1" == "get") {
        hsum = fbus_get(0,3,32000,1)
        for (i = noFilters-1; i > -1; i--) {
        if ((hsum - pow(2,i)) >= 0) {
            hfilter[i] = 1
            hsum = hsum -pow(2,i)
        } else {
            hfilter[i] = 0
    printf("Attenuator set No. %d: \n", fbus_get(0,3,32001,1))
    for (m=0; m < noFilters; m++ ) {
        att_thick = fbus_get(0,3,32002+m,1)
        att_text = att_get_text (32100 + m*100)
        if (hfilter[m] == 1)
            printf ("%s:%s \(%s mum\) = %s \n", m+1, att_text, att_thick, hfilter[m])

#%MDESC% extract letters from 16 Bit answer
def att_get_text(att_mod_adress) '{
    att_text = ""
    for (k = 0; k < 80; k++) {
        char1 = 0
        char2 = 0
        two_byte = fbus_get(0,3,att_mod_adress+k,1)
        #p $1+ka
        for (i = 15; i >= 8; i--) {
            #p two_byte
            if ((two_byte - pow(2,i)) >= 0) {
                char1 = char1 + pow(2,i-8)
                two_byte= two_byte -pow(2,i)
        #p "byte2"
        for (i=7; i >= 0; i--) {
            #p two_byte
            if ((two_byte - pow(2,i)) >= 0) {
                char2 = char2 + pow(2,i)
                two_byte= two_byte -pow(2,i)
        if (char2!=0)
            att_text = sprintf("%s%c",att_text,char2)
        if (char1!=0 && char2!=0)
            att_text = sprintf("%s%c",att_text,char1)
        #printf("%d %d ",char2,char1)
        if (char1 == 0)
        if (char2 == 0)
    #p att_text
    return (att_text)

#%AUTHOR% SG 2022
#$Revision: 1.1 $