
Beamline Instrument Software Support
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#%DESCRIPTION% set of macros for the management of ETEL motors.
#%BR% ETEL motors are seen by spec as MAXE controllers via a dedicated 
#device server.
#%BR% The setting of the various parameters is supposed to have been done
# already by CoMet (the ETEL GUI). spec will give access to the
# commands defined for MAXE controllers (such as velocity, acceleration settings,
# home search ...)
#%BR% - note about dial positions: the spec set_dial macro allows to
#set the motor dial position (hardware internal counter). For ETEL motors, it is not
# possible to set a value to the hardware. So, the device server introduces 
# an artificial 'offset' in order to satisfy the spec user and the motor
# controller. For some reason, it may be
#necessary to change this offset (for example to set it to 0 if the user
# wants the dial position to reflect the same position as the controller one).
#This can be done with de "DevStore" command of the device server
#%BR% 06/10/10: DevStore now reads array of double
#%BR% 06/10/10: etel_home: moves to 0 at the end.

#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% home search. The procedure for the home is the one which has
#been programmed using CoMet
#%BR%At the end of the procedure, a home is found
# and the reference is at the position 0 of the hardware internal counter.
#%BR% spec dial position is set to etel hardware internal counter.
#%BR% When home procedure is finished, the motor is not necessarily stopped
# at position 0 (but position 0 is exactly the reference position).
#%BR%At the end, the original motor velocity is restored (because internally,
#the hardware would have kept the homeslewrate velocity as the normal velocity
# until the next reconfig). 

global ETEL_resp ETEL_DEBUG

def etel_dev(mne) '{
   local mydev 
   if((mydev = motor_par(mne,"device_id")) == "etelmac") {
       mydev = motor_par(mne,"address")

def etel_home'{
   local ret mne myvel mydev mychan myacc myfsr accel
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_home <mne> "
   mne = motor_mne($1)

   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")
   myvel = motor_par(mne,"velocity")
   myacc = motor_par(mne,"acceleration")
   myfsr = motor_par(mne,"firststeprate")
   p "mnemonic: " mne
   p "device: " mydev
   p "channel: " mychan
   p "velocity: " myvel
   p "acceleration: " myacc
   p "firststeprate: " myfsr

   p "going to home"
   p "home found"
   p "restoring the motor velocity"
   # no need to tell spec as it thinks that the 
   # velocity did not change
   accel = (myvel-myfsr)/myacc*1000
   p "restoring the motor acceleration: " accel
   p "setting offset to 0"
   local darr
   darr[0] = mychan
   darr[1] = 0
   #now, etel counter and server position are the same.
   p "syncing positions"
   p "moving to 0"
   _mv_etel_function(mne, 0)
   p "waiting for end of motion"
   p "syncing positions"

#%MDESC% makes an absolute motion instead of relative
def mv_etel'
   if ($# != 2) {
      eprint "Usage:  mv_etel motor position"
   _mv_etel  $* 
   p "starting to wait end of motion"
   p "syncing positions"

#%IU% <motor> <position>
#%MDESC% absolute motion
def _mv_etel'
   if ($# != 2) {
           eprint "Usage:  mv_etel motor position"
    _check0 "$1"
    _mv_etel_function(motor_mne($1), $2)

#%IU% (<mne>, <position>)
#%MDESC% absolute motion
def _mv_etel_function(mne, pos) '{
    local mydev
    waitmove; get_angles;
    mydev = etel_dev(mne)
    mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")
    ESRF_ERR =0 
                pos * motor_par(mne,"step_size"))
    if (ESRF_ERR != 0) {
        p ESRF_ERR_MSG
        return -1
    return 0

#%IU% (motor_num)
#%MDESC% polling on motion
def _poll_etel(num)'{
   local mydev
   local _ete ret

   mydev = etel_dev(num)
   while ( _ete[0] != 2){ 
        ESRF_ERR = 0  
        ret = esrf_io(mydev,\
   if (ESRF_ERR != 0) {p ESRF_ERR_MSG}        

#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% stops explicitely motor <mne>   
def etel_stop'{
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_stop <mne>  "

#%IU% (mne)
#%MDESC% stops explicitely motor <mne>
def etel_stop_function(mne) '{
   local mydev mychan
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")

#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% prints the status of the motor which can be:
#%BR% - DEVMOVING : motor is moving
#%BR% - DEVON: motor not moving. ready to move
#%BR% - unknown state: else  
def etel_status'{
   local mne mydev mychan myarr
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_status <mne>  "
   mne = motor_mne($1)
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   if (myarr[0] == 2) {
      p "DEVON"   
   else if (myarr[0] == 9) {
      p "DEVMOVING"    
   else {
     p "unknown state"    

#%UU% <mne> <Knum>
#%MDESC% read K parameter <Knum> for motor <mne>
#%BR%returns value in global ETEL_resp
def etel_readK'{
   if ($# != 2) {
      p "usage: etel_readK <mne> <Knum> "
   _check0 "$1"

#%IU% (<mne>, <Knum>)
#%MDESC% read K parameter <Knum> for motor <mne>
#%BR%returns value in global ETEL_resp
def etel_readK_function(mne, myK) '{
   local mydev mychan myarr myout
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK on motor: ", mne
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")
   myarr[0] = mychan
   myarr[1] = 2
   myarr[2] = myK
   myout = esrf_io(mydev,"DevReadParam",myarr)
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK Kpar,Kval : ", myK, myout
   ETEL_resp = myout   

#%UU% <mne> <Knum> <Kval>
#%MDESC% write <Kval> on parameter <Knum> for motor <mne>
#%MDESC% is in increment unit.
def etel_writeK'{
   local mne mydev mychan myarr myK myval
   if ($# != 3) {
      p "usage: etel_writeK <mne> <Knum> <Kval>"
   _check0 "$1"

#%IU% (<mne>, <Knum>, <Kval>)
#%MDESC% write <Kval> on parameter <Knum> for motor <mne>
#%MDESC% is in increment unit.
def etel_writeK_function(mne,myK,myval) '{
   local mydev mychan myarr
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_writeK on motor: ", mne
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")
   myarr[0] = mychan
   myarr[1] = 2
   myarr[2] = myK
   myarr[3] = myval
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_writeK Kpar,Kval : ", myK, myval


#%UU% <mne> <dir>
#%MDESC% free run on motor <mne> with direction given by the sign of <dir>
def etel_setfreerun' {
   local ret mne mydev mychan myarr mydir myK myold mymode
   if (($# != 1) && ($# != 2) ){
      p "usage: etel_setfreerun <mne> <dir[+/-1>"
   _check0 "$1"
   etel_setfreerun_function(motor_mne($1), $2)

#%IU% (<mne>, <dir>)
#%MDESC% free run on motor <mne> with direction given by the sign of <dir>
def etel_setfreerun_function(mne, mydir)' {
   local ret mydev mychan myarr myK myold mymode
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_setfreerun on motor: ", mne, mydir
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")

   # read present mode value   
   myK = 202
   etel_readK_function(mne, myK)
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK Kpar,Kval : ", myK, ETEL_resp
   myold = ETEL_resp
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK old Kval : ", myold

   #select freerun mode  
   etel_writeK_function(mne, myK, 24)
   #positive/negative motion
   myK = 209
   etel_writeK_function(mne, myK, (mydir > 0) ? 0 : 1)


#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% standard motion mode on motor <mne> 
def etel_setstd' {
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_setstd <mne> "
   _check0 "$1"

#%IU% (mne)
#%MDESC% standard motion mode on motor <mne>
def etel_setstd_function(mne) '{
   local ret mydev mychan myarr myK myold mymode

   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")

   # read present mode value   
   myK = 202
   etel_readK_function(mne, myK)
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK Kpar,Kval : ", myK, ETEL_resp
   myold = ETEL_resp
   __ETEL_debug ">>>etel_readK old Kval : ", myold

   #select std mode  (S_curve)
   etel_writeK_function(mne, myK, 1)

#%UU% <mne> <dir>
#%MDESC% free run on motor <mne> with direction given by the sign of <dir>
def etel_free_run' {
   local ret mne mydev mychan mydir
   if ($# != 2) {
      p "usage: etel_free_run <mne> <dir[+/-1]> "

#%IU% (<mne>, <mydir>)
#%MDESC% free run on motor <mne> with direction given by the sign of <dir>
def etel_free_run_function(mne, mydir) '{
   waitmove; get_angles
   A[motor_num(mne)] = 1
   p "now doing a free run: you can stop it using etel_stop"    

#%MDESC% toggle the debug mode
if (!(whatis("__ETEL_debug")  & 2)) rdef __ETEL_debug \'#$*\'
def ETEL_debug '{
  if ((whatis("__ETEL_debug")>>16) <= 3) { # macro length is 3 bytes: comment
     rdef __ETEL_debug "eprint"
     print "ETEL macro debug mode is ON"
     ETEL_DEBUG = 1
  else {
     rdef __ETEL_debug \'#\$*\'
     print "ETEL macro debug mode is OFF"
     ETEL_DEBUG = 0

#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% power on motor <mne>   
def etel_poweron'{
   local mne mydev mychan
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_poweron <mne>  "
   mne = motor_mne($1)
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")


#%UU% <mne>
#%MDESC% power off motor <mne>   
def etel_poweroff'{
   local mne mydev mychan
   if ($# != 1) {
      p "usage: etel_poweroff <mne>  "
   mne = motor_mne($1)
   mydev = etel_dev(mne)
   mychan = motor_par(mne,"channel")


#%AUTHOR% MCD august 2010
# %BR%$Revision: 1.8 $ / $Date: 2017/01/10 13:56:13 $