The multilayer system is used in conjunction with the cylindrical side part of the toroidal mirror and focuses the beam in the horizontal direction. The multilayer consists of 120 periods of Ru/B4C with a period of 3.0 nm in the centre and a 6.1% non-linear gradient over a length of 240 mm. The multilayer is mounted on a bender system, allowing a precise change of the bending radius and the application of asymmetric bending couples. The focal lengths are p = 100 m and q = 2 m. The horizontal focal size is 25 µm (full-width-half-maximum).

Eh1 mlchamber vignette

Picture 1 : View of the entrance of EH1 with the Imirr monitor-Slit unit (left) and the multilayer vacuum chamber.


multilayer vacuum chamber

Picture 2 : Inside view of the multilayer vacuum chamber. Multilayer mirror mounted on the dynamical bender.